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Killing people is one thing, just dont kill kids

Even as much as some children make me want to strangle them.


Also Realism dropped a bomb, and I semi agree, but you cant compare Nordic countires to America in anyway. Diffrent population, diffrent demographics, diffrent culture.

But it would be sweet to go to that prison for like a week off a graffitti charge.

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Also Realism dropped a bomb, and I semi agree, but you cant compare Nordic countires to America in anyway. Diffrent population, diffrent demographics, diffrent culture.

But it would be sweet to go to that prison for like a week off a graffitti charge.


largely in that scandinavia actually has a culture. go there, once you do america, uk and aus seem really fucking backwards.


met a dude who had 3 friends that got shot in Utoya, he was super drunk and some asshole asked him about it. dude started crying straight away.


true story, br0.

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Is your first sentence even legible?

and on third/fourth reading I see that you're saying that they actually have a culture.

Yeah ive never been so wont comment, but culture in America other than your ''race'' comes down to

marijuana, beer, guns and getting white trash pussy.


Im sure they do make the rest of the Western world look silly, Im part of the American persuasion that dosent believe America really is the best place on the fucking planet.


Thats crazy about dudeman though, shit must suck. Id probably start weeping too if I was hammered and some cunt with an accent asked me about my buddies who had just got merked.

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hahahaha some asshole =cop.


i assure you, i knew he was Norwegian and would not drop a bomb like that. after all, this was only 2-3 months after the event.


cunt; the sentence was correct by english standards. ''largely in that'' is a way of saying 'mostly because of,' i have been speaking German for a while now, when i get the chance to use english, i go over board. but its still correct.

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I was high when I read it the first time.


Hence in point why I edited it, I forgot to take the top part off.

I dont even know why but I read it as if you were being a smart ass telling me

that Scandanavia has its own culture.


And how do you recognize a Norwegian?

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  • 2 weeks later...
if 21 years was the maximum in america, there probably wouldnt be any muslims in america




thats just down right ignant who the fuck would i get my dutchies from?





oh i forgot about the persians.







go on.











but really though american jails are focused on keeping as many people locked up so rich people can stay rich. rehabilitation isn't even apart of our culture for inmates until they're out of prison and get in a half way house/work program if they even do that.

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It's true.

Anybody can hire a lobbyist if they have the bread.

And private prisons have lots of that shit.

The more non-violent offenders they pack in there over drug possession/addiction the more money and less risk of violence inside of their slave camps that will rustle the jimmies of day to day operations.

Then they can rationalize all of this by telling themselves that these people broke the law and deserve to be in prison even if the law they broke was unjust and the punishment cruel.

So, anybody whining about the punishment not being enough just needs to shut up and notice that the penal system in America is barbaric and certain 3rd world countries even treat inmates better than the US does.

USA is garbage, man.







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