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Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard ?


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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


You could always purchase to rent, even take up the OTB on your apartment (assuming there is one?) It's a hard first step, but honestly, after a couple of years it just becomes another part of normal life. I'm looking to go three deep next week.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


honestly bro, if it was me i'd take a house over an apartment. they both have their positives and negatives but im someone who enjoys his privacy and you get very little of that living in an apartment complex where you can hear everyone and everything around you. plus apartment owners don't take care of their shit as well in my experience. but thats the case with most landlords my families dealt with.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard






That being said, I fully agree with the house idea, especially if the cost is the same or manageable. You've been conditioned too much if looking at a fucking golf course is relaxing, get your own spot with a fenced in yard for your dog to run. There's a million self explanatory reasons one could list on why an apartment sucks compared to a house spot, even a small house.



Short version- you're right, now put that bitch in check playa!

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


I lived in a co-op apartment complex for the first 23 years of my life, no privacy, ignorant neighbors politickin bs board meetings, cleaning & maintenance duties, pay to park, no cats or dogs allowed but the rent was always very cheap.


Six years ago I bought a corner lot house in the same neighborhood for $300000 with 3 fenced in yards - big shed, a good sized driveway (no garage), 2 bathrooms, nice wrap around deck & I love it. Very good privacy was the biggest change and I went from $900 a month rent to $1750 mortgage but it was worth every extra cent.


If you look hard you can find a good house but like you said a garage would be nice but more expensive. Eventually I plan to build a garage to replace this temporary tent car port.


Good luck with your house hunting.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


You could always purchase to rent, even take up the OTB on your apartment (assuming there is one?) It's a hard first step, but honestly, after a couple of years it just becomes another part of normal life. I'm looking to go three deep next week.


Agreed, worth the effort. I have my first one fully paid off (I'm not far of 40, though) and am about to hit up another one in the next 12 months. Buy if you can but do your homework and understand everything before you do.


I rent my place out and then rent myself in another city. I fucking hate paying that shit and will kick that habit at the first available opportunity.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


Sounds like you are leaning towards a house, are you married does her opinion really matter? Im sure your dog will thank you and he will likely stick around longer than said female

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


Right now is a great time to buy, lots of bank owned, reo's, and short sales out there. Do your homework and you can get a screaming deal. You might even be able to get a pool/hot tub/big yard/mancave basement type thing out of the deal. As for the girlfriend thing, your dog WILL be around a lot longer than her.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


And fuck hardwood floors.

You'll just be worried about scratching them all the time

And then when you inevitably do scratch them, you'll have to see the scratches every day

Or you'll cover up the scratches with carpet.


I don't understand what the huge perk is with having them.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


And fuck hardwood floors.

You'll just be worried about scratching them all the time

And then when you inevitably do scratch them, you'll have to see the scratches every day

Or you'll cover up the scratches with carpet.


I don't understand what the huge perk is with having them.


They look good, you can put rugs and shit down and remove them at will with ease when you want to change look/colour/layout. Chicks sound good when they walk across them in high heels and it makes it harder for the KGB to sneak up on you at night if your floor boards creak!!



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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


There is truth to what you're saying, retards, but if you spend more money up front for a thicker set and a denser wood, you will be rewarded with less maintenance.


Excuse the shitty photo, but this has served well under high traffic.




Sorry for the derail...

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


It also depends on the quality of the varnish. I had the boards polished in a house I owned/lived in for a couple o years and never even got one scratch. Really wish I had some pics of that place, did most of the renovating myself.


Unless you drop acid or some shit it's pretty hard to stain them like you can carpets and a once over with a dampish cloth does all the cleaning you need as well. Floorboards destroy carpet in most circumstances IMO. Needs to be underlined if you live in a house raised from the ground, though otherwise the cold will rise through in the winter.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


My theory on the matter has always been that unless you're into skateboarding and want a backyard for a ramp, you're better off just renting.

So less of a hassle being as it's on your landlord to handle the upkeep, and so easier to walk away from if you decide you wanna move.


The only reason we bought our house was so that I could build a ramp in the back yard.

The ramp is started, but between working full time and pulling the teeth that it takes to get homies to actually help work on the shit,

I'll be lucky if it's done before the December 2012 apocalypse.


Also, home owners insurance is a hustle. They don't cover shit.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


Also, unless you're filthy rich to where you can pay the whole shit up front, you don't even really own the shit anyways.

You're just paying rent to the bank for 30 years while having to handle the maintenance out of pocket the whole time.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


What about the fact that you aren't losing shit loads of money every month, plus the possibility of capital gain?


The money you lose out of interest to the bank is small compared to the money you lose from paying some one else's interests AND principal.


Also, you can rent that place out and live in a rental yourself. That way the money I spend on the upkeep of the property I own can be claimed on tax. I work from home so my rental costs here can be subsidised by tax offsets as well.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


12pack: We see eye to eye on a lot of things, but this one I honestly think you're way off. The cost difference between renting and paying off a mortgage - especially in some of the state climates over there right now - does not make sense to be paying someone else to live in their house. If you can get together 10%, which nsmbfan probably can, he lives on a fucking golf course, then you're in.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


What about the fact that you aren't losing shit loads of money every month, plus the possibility of capital gain?


The money you lose out of interest to the bank is small compared to the money you lose from paying some one else's interests AND principal.


Also, you can rent that place out and live in a rental yourself. That way the money I spend on the upkeep of the property I own can be claimed on tax. I work from home so my rental costs here can be subsidised by tax offsets as well.

12pack: We see eye to eye on a lot of things, but this one I honestly think you're way off. The cost difference between renting and paying off a mortgage - especially in some of the state climates over there right now - does not make sense to be paying someone else to live in their house. If you can get together 10%, which nsmbfan probably can, he lives on a fucking golf course, then you're in.



My mortgage payments are less than they would be if I was renting, but when you factor in maintenance plus the fact that you have to pay all bills it probably works out to be about the same as if I was renting anyways.

And what we had to scrounge up for the down payment, there's no comparison that can be made between that and a first and last months deposit for renting.


Like I said though, unless there's a reason why you need to own your shit (IE backyard ramp or whatever), my advice would be to just rent.

especially if you ain't even married with kids.


As for the dog situation, you can rent a house with a back yard.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


You're just paying rent to the bank for 30 years while having to handle the maintenance out of pocket the whole time.


This isn't correct, you are constantly creating equity therein on the asset that you are paying off, you are not going thirty years in the hole.


Saying that spending the exact same amount of money on renting, is smarter than spending that money paying off a mortgage makes no sense to me what so ever.


Sorry, but I just don't understand that thinking.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


My mortgage payments are less than they would be if I was renting, but when you factor in maintenance plus the fact that you have to pay all bills it probably works out to be about the same as if I was renting anyways.

And what we had to scrounge up for the down payment, there's no comparison that can be made between that and a first and last months deposit for renting.



Yeah I understand that but with the mortgage you get the roof over your head and you own the property. You get the money back when you sell (possibly even make a profit) or get to use your equity in the asset to borrow more money for other stuff.


With renting all you get is a roof over your head, the money is completely dead.


I'm not saying the choices you make are wrong, I'm just saying the reasoning that you've laid out here seems to be missing a really important consideration; asset ownership and capital value.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


This isn't correct, you are constantly creating equity therein on the asset that you are paying off, you are not going thirty years in the hole.




What are you talking about?

I don't know how shit is in whatever country you're from, but in America you're paying off whatever price you settled on over 30 years + interest to the bank who in all reality is the one who actually bought the house.

And it's up to you to pay for whatever goes wrong that needs to be fixed being as home owners insurance rarely covers anything.


And then after you pay the house off 30 years later, you still have to pay the maintenance+all bills+worthless home owners insurance+property taxes.



Saying that spending the exact same amount of money on renting, is smarter than spending that money paying off a mortgage makes no sense to me what so ever.


Sorry, but I just don't understand that thinking.


It kinda makes a lot of sense when you're young (like dude who made this thread), unmarried and without kids, (like the dude who made this thread) and live in modern day America (like dude who made this thread) where just because you have a good paying job now, doesn't mean you will next year or even next month.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


Buy a fucking place... so much more worth it in the long run.


Lady below me lived in an apartment for over 30 years paying rent. The guy who owned it sold it and made 190K on the sale PLUS THE RENT SHE'D paid over those years.

She had over 30 years paid the mortgage off plus a large amount.


..she got a "sorry you're leaving" card from him. he got an assload of money from her.

I'm lucky I only paid him two years rent on the place I was in - I still paid close to 19k all up in rent in that time.


Listen to Walid and the protestor.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


^You know what, he's right.

The fuck do I know?

Listen to three dudes from other countries instead.


I honestly don't know how our location makes a difference to the concept of:


Pay a place off for yourself


Pay a place off for some one else



Those costs such as tax and rates that you talk about, they are factored in to the rent that gets charged for a property. So when you pay rent you're still paying those bills only your paying some one elses bills AND their bank repayments.


It's really simple shit mate: Pay money with something to show for it - Pay money with nothing to show for it. I understand that there are different market dynamics and econ cycles to be aware of, that's part of the renting game too though.

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


My mortgage payments are less than they would be if I was renting, but when you factor in maintenance plus the fact that you have to pay all bills it probably works out to be about the same as if I was renting anyways.



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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


1. I do not consider a golf course from 15 feet up a view.


2. I would say go for the house and have a space that's more your own...maybe shop around a little bit and up your rent by a hundred or two a month (if you can swing it). You'll probably end up with a nicer space that's obviously much larger. Suburbia blows though, see if your area has the happy balance between residential and urban.


3. Let's all argue about buying a fucking house in Australia versus doing it in the States...

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Re: Stay in nice apartments with view OR move into suburbia to have house/garage/back yard


Your interest rates are around half what we would experience in Australia - so I'm not sure why our comments are retarded, if anything, you should already be a home owner.


I will concede that in America right now, it's hard to justify outright, because it's not exactly looking like the good times are about to start rolling again any time soon.


After looking all day, I'm seriously considering buying something over there.

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