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IRL Rambo gots the pigs shook on Mt. Rainier hahaha!


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as far as jurisdiction and authority goes park rangers CAN have more than local police, in CA for example their jurisdiction covers the entire state and they are able to enforce both federal and state laws.


however there are rangers that have absolutely no authority whatsoever, and work alongside the rangers with LE authority. fish & wildlife officers, game wardens, FDA/DoA inspectors all have massive authority and jurisdiction, some don't even need warrants, period.


but i don't consider them cops, because their roles are not the same at all.

are border patrol, ice, dhs, atf, fbi, fps, etc all cops?

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Barnes was found dead near Narada Falls -- his body lying partially submerged in an icy, snowy mountain creek with snow banks standing several feet high on either side.


"He was wearing T-shirt, a pair of jeans and one tennis shoe. That was it," Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said.


Barnes did not have any external wounds and appears to have died due to the elements, he said.



death by elements. i'm disappointed this didn't last longer, but glad he didn't shoot himself

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Leave it to the 12oz peanut gallery to be confused over the definition of what a cop is.


"Is a detective a cop?"

"What about a Sheriffs Deputy?"

"Are MP's cops?"

"State troopers?"

"No, I think you have to ride in a Crown Vic to be a cop and those dudes on motorcycles are just law enforcement but not actual cops"


You people can't be real. You're all figments of the internet.

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Except no one said any of that.


You're the dude who was arguing that park police don't count as cops.

That's just as stupid as if you said any of those other examples of "law enforcement" aren't really cops.



"But, but, what about housing police?"

"Are school police cops or are they just pigs?"

"SWAT are the police, but they're not cops"

"No dude, they're only a cop if they have a black band covering their badge number."

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