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Anarchy in the UK - London Riots


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Has anybody thought of shooting a rioter?

Not saying it's a good idea. I just keep hearing news stories of people looting private businesses and shit. Im surprised i havent heard about a store owner reaching for a gun.


its not amuhrika people dont just "have guns"

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Has anybody thought of shooting a rioter?




This riot is over cops shooting people.

A lot of the people rioting are just random dickheads joining in the fun, but there is still a point behind the riot.

And even the random dickheads burning shit down are helping if you look at it in the point of view that politicians are probably going to crack down on cops just randomly shooting people if the people make it too expensive for them to get away with it.


Only an idiot would endorse burning down mom and pop shops, but some of you people are seriously small minded as fuck when it comes to looking at the big picture.


I wish this shit went down in America every time a cop decided to buck for no reason.

And tenfold when they get let off the hook after a paid vacation.

There'd be a lot less cops bucking for no reason, and the politicians and police chiefs would make damn sure that the ones who do actually go to prison for the shit.

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I'm not fucking robin hood, but I know you don't piss in your own pool. If you want to steal from someone, steal from someone that can afford it, or deserves it being taken from them.


All these mobs could easily be taking cop shops instead of corner store, family run businesses.




^I agree. And apparently they did exactly that in Liverpool or whatever other English city.

But like I said in that other post, look at the bigger picture.

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(racking from Walmart)


Pulled over a taxi old mate was in to arrest him.


In the process two shots are fired - from POLICE


He DID have a gun with him at the time but did NOT fire at the police.



From what I understand

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None of the rioters could give a fuck about someone being shot. It's merely an excuse to go fucking shit up and go on the rob because they're bored and think the world owes them a living.



@NBB there's a piece from The Guardian posted a few pages back about it.

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Oh nice one assholes


Earlier this morning, a Sony/PIAS distribution warehouse in the Enfield neighborhood of London was burned to the ground during the third straight night of riots in the city. Many independent labels big and small housed large amounts of CDs and LPs in the warehouse, which served as the primary distribution center for PIAS, the largest distributor of independent labels in the UK and Ireland, as The New York Times reports. These labels suffered significant losses, and in the aftermath of the fire they are starting to come out with information on the damage done. (We have listed out all of the labels that PIAS distributes at the end of this story.)

Continued here:


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people from UK?


The IPCC (Independant police complaint commission) announced yesterday that all the shots fired were frrom police isue guns, there was an illegal gun in the taxi cab that was loaded however it wasn't discharged, so obviously the line will be that he had a gun they had to shoot. You are never gonna truely get to the bottom of this, but if he was carrying an illegal gun and waved it in front of the cvop then he deserved to get shot, if he wasn't waving it around and threatening him then they could subdued him.


I think they mentioned it was a planned stop and arrest by London's gang unit.


But these riots are fuck all to do with the shooting incident, it is just dicks kicking off trying to loot shit. You can tell they don't give a shit about the shooting becausee with the IPCC announcement yesterday you would have thought shit would really have kicked off but it didn't as much, ok there were 16000 police on the streets of london but if people were really protesting about the police shooting you would have thought they would have been out in huge numbers after that announcement.

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