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I'm glad Drew Brees is standing up to the NFL owners...


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“Their philosophy was, We’re going to give you a very subpar deal, a slap-in-the-face deal, and hope that you’ll accept it because hopefully we’ve intimidated you enough into thinking that this is a take-it-or-leave-it deal, and you’re just going to succumb to the pressure,” Brees said. “Well, guess what. We’re a lot more informed and educated than in the past, and we’re much better businessmen than you think and we’re going to stand up for what is right and what is fair. Fifty-fifty is fair. It’s been fair for the last 20 years and I think the game has done pretty well over the last 20 years. I think franchise values have gone up at a pretty good rate over the last 20 years. So you can’t sit here and tell me that the system is broken.”






Brees is a good dude. He did a lot for the community in San Diego while he was with The Chargers and most fans wanted him to stay(however we are extremely happy with Philip Rivers) The people here still love Drew Brees tho. We were rooting for The Saints in the super bowl for sure. If a saints fan were to wear a Brees jersey out around here I could almost guarantee he would get bought more drinks than a fan wearing a Bush jersey. (Reggie Bush is born and raised San Diegan and went to a local high school)


I'd like to add, as a union man, I fully support the NFLPA.

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it seems like a lot of greedy horseshit on the part of the owners. it's fucked up that they all make so much money in the first place just for being part of a game. it's even more fucked up that they're greedy about it. i feel kinda like a communist for saying this, but come on, don't you have it good enough already?

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Breezus is the man.


College ball is great, but if you go to an NFL game that isnt a shitty team, you cant tell me youd rather watch anything else.


Fuck these million and billionaires argueing over so much money though, as much as im all for the ''fuck the bourgeoisie'' and all I think the players should be just as happy with their income.


Still the owners are being assholes agreed, but two more games isnt really that much to ask.

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i like football a lot, but to me this is just incredibly rich people, who do what they love for work, arguing with extremely rich people who do what they love for work, over money.



what they need to do is cap salaries and profits and lower the prices of tickets and merchandising. totally unrealistic i know, but it's also totally unrealistic that i'd get to see a football game, because they are so goddamn expensive.

or, don't lower the prices, but make em give more money back to the states/cities that support their franchises, in the form of charity or taxes.


oh well, that shit would never happen in a million years.

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I'd like to add, as a union man, I fully support the NFLPA.


as a union man myself i usually support unions.

but at the same time the NFLPA is so far from my union and it's members cough slash wages i can't even make the distinction.


screw the owners screw the players why should we the fans have to spend hundreds of dollars for nosebleeds, hot dogs, beer and soda?

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Can anyone explain in simple English why football tickets are so fucking expensive? I mean, come on...with all the advertising and tax breaks they could at least give some of the fans a break.


I'm not a big team sports fan but sometimes going out to the ballpark with a bunch of friends is fun, but I've never been to a NFL game.

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Can anyone explain in simple English why football tickets are so fucking expensive? I mean, come on...with all the advertising and tax breaks they could at least give some of the fans a break.


I'm not a big team sports fan but sometimes going out to the ballpark with a bunch of friends is fun, but I've never been to a NFL game.


Simple english:


Each team is owned by a businessman who is a greedy fuck and already makes billions usually and figures why not try to make as much money as possible.


A new stadium is built costing half a billion dollars or just south of it, or buying and existing one is still a nice hunk of change.


Each team has an active roster of atleast 40+ members making anywhere from 1-30+ million dollars a year.


So thats why its expensive as fuck.


but if you can ever get the money together id highly suggest going, its and amazing experience.

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I don't think they should have a cap on anything, an NFL players career is short, they need all the loot they can get while they can get it.

These aggressive negotiations are the beauty of capitalism, they ensure the players get paid what they deserve.

It's still 100% up to the owners to decide what these players are actually worth.

Either it's too much for them to turn a good profit, or it isn't.

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Simple english:


Each team is owned by a businessman who is a greedy fuck and already makes billions usually and figures why not try to make as much money as possible.


A new stadium is built costing half a billion dollars or just south of it, or buying and existing one is still a nice hunk of change.


Each team has an active roster of atleast 40+ members making anywhere from 1-30+ million dollars a year.


So thats why its expensive as fuck.


but if you can ever get the money together id highly suggest going, its and amazing experience.


But based on that logic, baseball is no different (no doubt the greed and friction between the players and owners is still there) except they play more regular season games and I can go get bleacher tickets for no more than $7.


I agree with Mercer in that you can't play pro football for very long, but it's not like the players don't know that. Or do they? If I were getting the shit kicked out of me in the snow for $10 million a year (with an expected half life of say, ten years) I'd make sure to invest or set some of my earnings aside.

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