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Re: Bootleg Knightowls: grease your beards and slit.


i never made a trip to brokeback mountain...where is that again?


Where you and your girl had the best bbq in the world, pause. But I told you where it was. My suggestion is just work as much as possible to keep her from bitching and keep you away from her. Bitches go crazy after childbirth till like the 12-18 month period, then they start to come to reality.





And dow, I thought about it. I did the conversion and this patch releases what I take for 4 hours over a 48 hr period. I wasn't so sick this morning tho so whatev. But yeah fucking with these things is dangerous unless you have. A high ass tolerance.

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Re: Bootleg Knightowls: grease your beards and slit.


ahhhhh.....i see who u are son. still no hot fried chicken.

we were in columbia, and apparently i was being selfish

for wanting to come to cashville. whatever.



that bbq was delicious. sockit-to-me cake ftw.

i love how the starbucks is across from the projects.

like hood niggas drink lattes...nigga pssssshhh


folgers nigga

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Re: Bootleg Knightowls: grease your beards and slit.


gasface, yup. in fact, you can substitute muriatic acid with retard tears when cooking methamphetamine.


did you guys ever see the episode of Lockup that had the guy that had no fingers and was burned all over his body from a meth lab explosion? he wasnt handling the retard tears as careful as he should have.

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Re: Bootleg Knightowls: grease your beards and slit.


i love how the starbucks is across from the projects.

like hood niggas drink lattes...nigga pssssshhh


folgers nigga

"Now I'm sayin, its gonna sound like I'm fucking around. Look for the projects on your left, its bricks, shit looks like projects you know what it is, they will be on your left. Then your gonnna see a starbucks like right on your right. I'm serious, its like right there. The spot is down the street"

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Re: Bootleg Knightowls: grease your beards and slit.


I got fired from a job I already worked at once for answering a stupid ass question like that with a joke.

It was for a roof rack installation place in CO. and you had to fill out an evaluation thing to get a promotion.

The question was, what would be the best recommendation for someone who wants to carry 5 bikes 50 lbs a piece.

I said recommend they get some lighter bikes, corporate called my boy who ran that place and told him to fire me.

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