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B **************** S **************** M's superdutytoughthread


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When she met me I was in a full body cast lol so really females are worried the whol time they are gonna hurt me , I walk with a cane and a pretty extreme limp/gangsta lean... so tbh I'm not that dude girls are hollering at to get their back broke out. Actually I got my main girlwho is kinda my girl friend by fucking the shit out of her bc I was so pilled out I just went forever, she was extremely impressed and fell in love. Actually, I think I'm getting more ass riight now than I ever have before, and I'm a fucking cripple. I'm completely non threatening (most girls really could beat me up at this point), I'm disabled and do physical therapy every day, and my body is still in hypermetabolism from the accident, so I dropped my near-30 beer gut (along with a 6th of my weight) in 2 weeks and my legs are solid muscle from having to comphensate for not being able to bend or twist for 5 months. That, and I think females just think its fun, like my attitude since almost dying towards females has really changed ~ I don't waste any time or oppertunity t talk and make my intentions known frm the start, so they just want to fuck me partially bc I'm awesome, but partially bc they want to know what its gonna be like. Chicks always eventually ask me if I can and how I do it, so I know they are qondering. Plus females really pride themselves on how they ride dick , and since they have to do all the work, its like a clinic for them. Don't get me wrong, having a shattered spine is fucking wack as hell, but all the pitty dick rides and sympathy dome make it easier to cope...

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errr i already been over it before. the story really isnt intiresting at all, not even a badass car wreck. i dont really want to talk about it on here for legal reasons tho. Just know I shattered my shit pretty bad, swamp saw me when i was like 4 days out the hospital, he bore witness to my crippledom and pushed me around in a wheelchair n shit

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