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Official 2010-2011 NFL FOOTBALL THREAD..............

Poesia [ ] T

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holy shit the only person i hate in the NFL more then the Manning bros is fucking Rex Ryan... people are only picking the jets over the pats cuz they are uscared and rather face the jets who have been sucking assholes as of late,and just winning games in the last few seconds by luck... fuck a jets, fingers crossed as long as the Pats beat them im ok...

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No not really cowboys on mines....I just don't like the pats don't even know why just not a fan..I'm cool of them..rex is hilarious...and manning bros....don't really like eli but manning gotta give it to that fool for looking like a shmuck dudes gotta be up on the top qbs in the nfl....not just recent but alltime..dude is one smart mother fucker.

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Fuck football, how the fuck did the Ravens blow that game?


Oh wait thats right, it was the god damn pittsburgh steelers who the nfl cant afford to see lose. Its complete bullshit, and at this point im almost convinced football is in the same boat as ''professional'' wrestling.


How do you dominate for an entire half, then come out from halftime and absolutely give the game away?


All I know is the refs need to start wearing black and yellow, becuse thats whose cock theyre on.

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maybe next year... just glad the pats will get to play the Stealers instead...


I hope the pats beat the steelers worse than they did in the regular season, better yet like they did the jets the second time.


If the steelers win another god dman superbowl, I swear im done watching football.

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you gonna blame the refs for that comeback? ahem, meltdown? get real





They did have a meltdown, but lets be real homie.

In the 1st quarter alone the Ravens had 49 yards of penalty called on them that was complete bullshit to set up the first steeler touchdown. Then one of their retards hits there on player and we get called for it, same thing with the 27 yard intereference bullshit.


The second half was shitty playing by the Ravens, but come on the fucking Touchdown got called back for a fake holding penalty, that game should of atleast gone into overtime, not to mention the 8 downs it took the steelers to score in the redzon e in the third.


Fuck the Steelers

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tho it was obviously a huge win, and give credit where credit is due. but i could see straight thruogh that saints/hawks seattle win. the seahawks are not good, they are shit. and they were flaining all over the place 'n really, just getting lucky with circus act passes and weird once inna mill plays.


you cannot expect consistant results with how they play or more so there skill level. and there regular season proves that.

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its pretty fucking GAY when bad teams of sport make post season play. i wanna watch the best throw down against each other come crunch time. not the ugly red headed stepchild that stutters in an argument.


how many more dropped passes am i gonna have to sit thruogh watching the worsts defense in the league's offence.

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