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Mess with these fuckin pedophile, child molester fucks


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i am CONVINCED that kids bop is made by and for pedophiles across the world.who the fuck else would want to here a 12 year olds rendition of lady gagas poker face or some madonna? sick niggas who also watch little annie and home alone 3 times a day thats who.







fuck niggas need to go back in hiding.when did these fools think it was acceptable to go out and talk about raping children and shit on the internet? i cant wait til they start doing it in the real world so i can have a better target to hit when i throw my brick at these chomo faggots heads.

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They need to change the laws, like most of us on here have done some crime in our lives, down on our luck so we had to rob a house, or thought it would be fun to steal your neighbors car and drive into the side of your school. Smart? not really but whatever...as we grow older most of us decide that shit ain't cool anymore and move on to do adult shit, like paint on trains and complain about chicks on the internet.


These sick pedo fucks have those thoughts in their head forever....if I told all you guys to stop thinking about women cause it was bad, you'd still be fucking chicks on the regular...it's impossible to change those sexual feelings.


My Point here is they need to change the laws. You get convicted of anything pedo related. Boom. You're dead. lethal injection, hanging...I don't care..but you should be considered a mistake and put down.IMO.

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i think we can all agree on the 3 year rule.as long as its consensual and the person is within 3 years of age of said "victim" then it isnt statutory rape.like lets say one is 17 and the other is 20.thats not to creepy...not like 30 year olds trolling for 5th graders and shit.hang them niggas from the nearest lightpost.

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Child porn is revolting. I, like a lot of people, always end up watching a shit ton of true crime stuff on TV, they had this pedo on and actually showed some pictures real quick in a montage of child porn, obviously nothing graphic, but the victims with blacked out faces, just seeing that made my fucking stomach turn.


I don't think I could work a cyber crime job, that shit would drive me crazy and I'd probably beat a pedo's ass.


Shit is even worse in Europe, age of consent is lower and the lack of resources lets a lot of horrible shit fly.

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Am I the only one who would not click a link known to have cp on it?


<---- wants nothing to do with anything having anything to do with cp. Anyways. Visiting some site like that sounds like an awful lot like walking thru a real fucked up neighborhood at night with a pocket full of money. Just asking for trouble. In fact.

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I was just saying. There's honestly probably not a need as there are cybercrime divisions of the FBI, etc., they're probably watching it right now.


what he said too. Last thing you want to do is ping their radar as a Pedo. Shits a big deal. I could see them leaving a site like that open to collect evidence and build cases. Altogether i remain wary of internet privacy I do however like the idea of various police agencies using the internet to track down pedos. They belong in prison, actually they belong swinging from lightpoles like Hopeless said but then they don't get to endure years of fear, extortion, shame, and assault as they would in the penitentiary. I say prison and then on their release date public execution. Make them examples

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I don't think it's a good idea to click the link, but I don't think that visiting the site in and of itself will get you in trouble. People link all sorts of shit on 12oz, for example, where you don't know what you're getting into until you click on it. The cops are more interested in people who trade or post images, create sites like that, or who arrange to meet people w/ the knowledge that the other person is a minor.


The other interesting point of interest here is that supposedly the dude who created that site has some sort of developmental disorder. If caught, I'm not certain what his level of responsibility is, what level of consequences he might face, etc., etc. In the world of sex offenders, there are people like this whose minds will never fully mature. They're weak, anxious people who will never fully function at an adult level. They'll be as happy to play toys with a 5-year-old as have sex w/ them. Then there's the ultra sick antisocial fucks who know exactly what they're doing and get off on that shit- the power differential, grooming their victim, hurting them, killing them, etc., etc. It's a sick world we live in.

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