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so JAH you'll be really pissed about this


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Your cousin said he was black so he could get into college. Why didn't he just go to a community college then transfer? sounds like a bad Kid and Play movie...White guy accidently signs up for classes at Howard University. Please white males get the short end of the stick. You sound like that kid from American History X trying to spout anti minority shit while still trying not to be overtly racist.

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Originally posted by splint2

fuck all this racial bullshit. i love blacks, white, orentials, indians, anyone....if, they are good people


your skin color doesnt make who you are, your actions and personality does


aww dood right on!!....same right here..if i dont like u its not cause of ur color..its casue of what u put on to make me hate u...bottom line...thanks for trowing that out there splint..:D

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OK, I'm not black but I've done a lot more thinking about this subject than most whites. And I don't have any "white guilt" or whatever, just some insight gleaned from putting myself in other people's shoes.

You talk about how blacks should stop living in the past. That's easy for a white person to say, because they didn't suffer anything. It's easy to forget when there's nothing to forgive. You get a bitch-slap for your impatience to be forgiven. I don't care if you were not personally involved in the couple hundred years of abuse whites dumped on blacks. As the old saying goes, "The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons." I see Bobo11 is also looking for absolution, albeit more tactfully. My advice is, wait a hundred years, then ask again. Like I said, I don't have any white guilt. I just have an understanding of the magnitude of the crimes committed by whites against blacks, and a respect for blacks' resentment. And not nearly enough time has gone by to erase the problems left over from the warped history of racism in this country, even if the laws on paper say blacks are entitled to equality.

One thing I think white people could benefit from is a kind of geography lesson. I've thought about this one subject many times, and I'd like to hear from jah or anybody else whether I'm on the right track here.

Most white people have this fear of being in the "wrong" part of certain cities after dark - overwhelmingly black, ghetto neighborhoods where they might be victimized for their skin color. A lot of them would deny it has anything to do with being outnumbered by a different race, but they're full of shit. They'd be anxious to find the right street leading back to friendly territory, and most would be relieved to see a cop roll by.

So let's flip the script: if most whites feel that way in black areas, how do you think blacks feel in mostly white areas? And it isn't the same game with a simple color reversal, there's a whole lot of differences.

Again, I'm not black so I don't know from experience, but I'm trying to picture it: what's it like to be black and from what most call the ghetto, but you call home? The whole world seems like a hostile place. There's not a whole lot to look forward to in your own neighborhood, and there's noplace friendly to go to, if the rest of the city and all of suburbia are mostly white. There has to be a fundamental unease in being one of a handful of blacks in a mall in white suburbia. You're surrounded by skinheads, rednecks, rich kids, racist cops, who knows? It's not like you're worried about getting shot or anything, but it still has to have an alien feel to it. At the very least you have to feel reminded of where the power and the money are. Why won't these stores set up shop in your neighborhood?

The cops must be the worst. They aren't your friends in your own neighborhood, much less the white suburbs. As a writer who's been rolled on and hassled a few times by cops, and is generally antsy about crossing paths with them, I still imagine how much more shit I would have gotten if I were black in the towns where these incidents took place. Then there's the whole issue of black cops. A lot of whites don't even realize the mixed feelings blacks have for black cops: that they are traitors and Uncle Toms rather than friends who have the power to let them off easy. I imagine there are some black cops who are as hard on black criminals as any white cop, giving them the "you're making us look bad" lecture.

I could go on and on, but I'm probably past the average attention span here. I'm trying to give practical, everyday examples of how it feels not to have caught up in a racist society, which would be a lot more effective coming from a black person, if anybody wants to take over this argument.

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Originally posted by BeaztieGirl

a distinction should be made between black people and niggers.

look nigger up in the dictionary and tell me they shouldn't.






nig·ger (ngr)

n. Offensive Slang


Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: “You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger” (James Baldwin).

Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people.

Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people: “Gun owners are the new niggers... of society” (John Aquilino).




[Alteration of dialectal neger, black person, from French nègre, from Spanish negro. See Negro.]









Pronunciation Key


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.









nigger Nig"ger, n. A negro; -- in vulgar derision or depreciation.



Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.









nigger n : ethnic slur; offensive name for Black person [syn: spade, coon, jigaboo, nigra]



Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University





nope, seems to me as far as society at large is concerned, nigger is synonamous with 'black person.' what your basically asking us to do is accept that when you say apple, you mean beaver. sorry, the world doesnt work like that.

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im witchu on this one



if people are dicks, then you can "hate"

if people are who they are, then you hate, who the fuck are you? Ignorant.


racism is for the weakminded....not to mention closeminded individuals.


but we all knew that right, i mean that is why this thread was started: becasue we all now that in this day and age people are never racist. As for that cousin that was mentioned. Do you really think that a college would say fuck you to him? fuck no. He is probably a dumbass. not every institution has to "give it up" for every tom that applies. i dont like everyone i meet, talk to blah blah, but i look at them through their color god gave them. i live in a multicultural world, unfortunatly others' actions in the past affected our world today in sucha huge way I think that it is up every one of us to give people the SAME chance. thats how i would want to be treated, so thats how i treat others.




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Originally posted by seeking innocence


you get the short end of the dick bro.




sorry, i had to.


seriously, its this type of comment that makes people hate you, but yet you keep on making them.

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seriously its people like you that aren't intelligent enough to understand that me making a racist joke, in the same thread where i am speaking out against racism, is done for sarcastic light hearted humor. i was poking fun at the absolutely ridiculousness of the initial argument, but making a joke in the same vain that beaztie claimed was 'ok' and 'not racist'. if you didnt get it, thats too bad. sector got it.


perhaps you should worry less about what im doing.

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Originally posted by cmeup

and with these 10 or so kids of mine, i would hope they might marry other races, and other people with big familes, so i could have the pleasure of experieincing so many cutlures and religions and people, and have them involved in my family. what an honor that would be.




What a beautiful thought. Watch yourself tease or you are going to lose your playa rep. ;)

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Originally posted by BeaztieGirl

Actually I know a great many black people and none of them are sobbing about what happened 100 years ago.




that doesnt mean that they still dont get discriminated against by people here everyday solely based on their skin color. that is one of the effects from 400 or 500 years of oppression in their own country, sorry to say.

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i think her cousin was trying to prove that if he was a minority, he would be accepted.


affirmative action insures that the systematic racism that is onipresent in american society, can not completely control the educational and employment markets. in laymens terms, it means that the government knew it couldnt trust the people in power (largely white people) to be fair in their hiring and enrollment processes. a fact that was proven in every town, village, city and state in america. was it alabama or arkansas that had the principle who stood guard of his school, not allowing any black students to enter, untimatly taking the national guard to escort those kids into the school. that was our grandparents that did that. tell me again that it is 'the past' and it should be forgotten.

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That people still think like this staggers me. I'm not gonna get into a long winded post cause the points have been covered, but I want to add this:



This is a photo of James Meredith crawling to a ditch to try and hide from the white sniper who shot him, as he walked with a small group of people down a Mississippi highway in 1966. He was walking from Memphis to Jackson with less than 6 other people, in an attempt to help encourage other blacks to get out and vote, and to not be affraid of voting.

This in fucking 1966. My father was 16 when this happened. Put that in perspective....you think youd be able to forget about somthing like that by the time you had teenage kids? You think it would be ancient history, and somthing that just needs to be "left in the past"

This is still recent history.

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there was always the black man who was dragged for three miles behind a truck. or is 1998 too far back for you?


mathew sheppard was murdered in 1998, would you also say that since same sex marriage is legal in vermont, that there is no longer homophobia in america?


and its not that i hate all gays, just the faggots, you know the ones im talking about.

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Originally posted by seeking innocence



sorry if i offended you sector, i got you a bunny with some cookies on his head.


its all good seeking...i take most shit said towards me humourously, and even better, i dont know you and you dont know me, so your comment about the size of my dick holds little ground for anger towards you...ive laughed it off like i laugh most things off including this thread...


and i gladdy accept your rabbit as an appology,..in fact, to present a rabbit with cookies that resemble fecal matter on top of its head will make ammends with any chinese person...myself included....

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Originally posted by bobobi11

Jah, I dig what you are saying, but how long is long enough? I feel a lot of empathy for minorities that were treated badly in the past, but do I feel personally guilty? No. What about Jews? I am half German, does that mean that I should feel guilty to every Jewish person I meet? What about the African Chiefs who raided villages and sold the prisoners to the white man in the first place? I guess my question is, what do I need to do as a white person to absolve myself? I have very good friends who are african american, my best friend throughout childhood was a young girl that was dark as night, and the respect and admiration I have for the race and the way they did survive and cope during slavery is immense.


I will agree that beaztie is coming on very strong and making enemies with her lack of delicacy on a very delicate subject, but the core topic here is one of value? I am not trying to say I have the answers, but I hope that by hearing others opinions I may have a better understanding.



your all misinterpreting my info. i didnt say that anyone had to feel guilty for what happened to them. im just letting this ignorant little chicken head know why theres still hard feelings. i didnt do anything personally to them, i dont have any racist feelings, therefor i dont feel guilty. bad, yes. i still have sympathy cuz if u really think about what they had (and have) to go through its pretty fuckin heavy. im not telling everyone its your fault and you should all feel guilty. im just letting beastie know why "Whites" are still blamed...... and my answer is...... cuz they have it shitty in general cuz of past actions by whites. period.

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Originally posted by Cracked Ass

OK, I'm not black but I've done a lot more thinking about this subject than most whites. And I don't have any "white guilt" or whatever, just some insight gleaned from putting myself in other people's shoes.

You talk about how blacks should stop living in the past. That's easy for a white person to say, because they didn't suffer anything. It's easy to forget when there's nothing to forgive. You get a bitch-slap for your impatience to be forgiven. I don't care if you were not personally involved in the couple hundred years of abuse whites dumped on blacks. As the old saying goes, "The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons." I see Bobo11 is also looking for absolution, albeit more tactfully. My advice is, wait a hundred years, then ask again. Like I said, I don't have any white guilt. I just have an understanding of the magnitude of the crimes committed by whites against blacks, and a respect for blacks' resentment. And not nearly enough time has gone by to erase the problems left over from the warped history of racism in this country, even if the laws on paper say blacks are entitled to equality.

One thing I think white people could benefit from is a kind of geography lesson. I've thought about this one subject many times, and I'd like to hear from jah or anybody else whether I'm on the right track here.

Most white people have this fear of being in the "wrong" part of certain cities after dark - overwhelmingly black, ghetto neighborhoods where they might be victimized for their skin color. A lot of them would deny it has anything to do with being outnumbered by a different race, but they're full of shit. They'd be anxious to find the right street leading back to friendly territory, and most would be relieved to see a cop roll by.

So let's flip the script: if most whites feel that way in black areas, how do you think blacks feel in mostly white areas? And it isn't the same game with a simple color reversal, there's a whole lot of differences.

Again, I'm not black so I don't know from experience, but I'm trying to picture it: what's it like to be black and from what most call the ghetto, but you call home? The whole world seems like a hostile place. There's not a whole lot to look forward to in your own neighborhood, and there's noplace friendly to go to, if the rest of the city and all of suburbia are mostly white. There has to be a fundamental unease in being one of a handful of blacks in a mall in white suburbia. You're surrounded by skinheads, rednecks, rich kids, racist cops, who knows? It's not like you're worried about getting shot or anything, but it still has to have an alien feel to it. At the very least you have to feel reminded of where the power and the money are. Why won't these stores set up shop in your neighborhood?

The cops must be the worst. They aren't your friends in your own neighborhood, much less the white suburbs. As a writer who's been rolled on and hassled a few times by cops, and is generally antsy about crossing paths with them, I still imagine how much more shit I would have gotten if I were black in the towns where these incidents took place. Then there's the whole issue of black cops. A lot of whites don't even realize the mixed feelings blacks have for black cops: that they are traitors and Uncle Toms rather than friends who have the power to let them off easy. I imagine there are some black cops who are as hard on black criminals as any white cop, giving them the "you're making us look bad" lecture.

I could go on and on, but I'm probably past the average attention span here. I'm trying to give practical, everyday examples of how it feels not to have caught up in a racist society, which would be a lot more effective coming from a black person, if anybody wants to take over this argument.




for sure. i can relate to that fully bein in europe for the last 2 months. bein in a foreign area its hard for me to feel secure just cuz i dont know what its like or what people think about americans(besides that were all suckers and will act like bitches and give em money if they try and scare u). i never thought about what cracked was sayin really but its on point. one of my boys from oakland just started school in humboldt and he talks about how its sketchy bein in hella rich, white neighborhoods. most white people cant relate cuz theyre too scared to extend themselves out of their secure little communities.

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i almost skipped past all this great informative info to post:




but folks keep it up. let those people who don't know, know how fortunate they can be by just opening their eyes a bit.


i know a girl who's parents are chinese and black. outward appearances would indicate only the chinese influence, and unless you met her parents you wouldn't know the difference.


once i was with this girl and a bunch of guys were trying to talk to her. they got on the subject of "pussy" and somehow even steered the conversation to the difference between "ethnic vagina"... LOL, the racist, uneducated, sheltered shit that was flowing from their mouths was so unbearable, but she kept prodding, and the kids kept trying to top one another with how much one groups "things stunk" or "felt like leather inside", etc.. but it was all worth it when she dropped on them that she was half black, and she never had complaints about her stanky leathery genitalia.


the blood flowed red in them thar cheeks for quite sometime. i always seem to enjoy teasing the ignorant, i guess that is one of my favorite flaws... LOL

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O.K. I wasn't going to say anything else but you've infuriated me to the point that I have to.


First, I'd like to point out that I respect all your opinions, and I have told you all that I disagree without telling you that you are wrong. Who the fuck are any of you to tell me that my idea "and idea: the basis of which an opinion is formed" is wrong.


Secondly this all started because of of a previous thread in which Jah and I disagreed.......and what started this thread was me saying that in the now white men are expected to be the strong and there for a higher standard is set for them thus they get the short end of the deal (thanks bo for putting that into the right words)


I'm not trying to push this thought on anyone believe what you will.

As far as my cousin is concerned that is just gonna be whole different discussion.


And as for you: I should clear up a few things

1: because I use the word nigger does not make me a racist

2: Jah I concede to the statement that the white man is the cause of much of the black mans oppression then and now.

3:I think what happened to them then 100years ago or 30years ago was wrong. By no means do I agree with such brutality and hate. There is a movie by Steven Spielberg I can't remember the name I'm sure it starts with A anyway its all about slavery and showed horrible things. I don't doubt those things didn't really happen. There is a scene in the movie where they are on a boat and they whip one of the slaves to death in front of all the other slaves and the one image that will stand in my mind is that slaves blood being splattered on the faces and bodies of those slaves that looked on. That was outright a disgusting vulgar act. It's things like that which make me cry...things like that show me black people aren't the only niggers in this world. I also concede to the statement that even though it's past it still hurts...thinking of things that like that hurt me too. They should hurt any compassionate person. It hurts that another human being would do such a thing to another. But yes I do think there comes a time to move on. I live here in the now where I refuse to believe people can only stand by helplessly and have no hand ending their own plight. And obviously pointing fingers of blame has done no good...if folks still want to point fingers point them at the faulty who I'd like to add are dead and they aren't coming back to apologize. I am a good person. In my daily life I treat people with respect whether I like them or not and race is of no consequence. I love people too...and another thing how dare anyone call me a racist I am no racist and I'll tell you why:

3 years ago on my way home from one turn away from my house a really bad accident occured 2 cars collided head on. One of the cars caught fire and here I am sitting in my car not believing what I'd just seen. First off if I hadn't been late getting of work that may have been me.....seeing this car on fire and realizing none of these people had left their vehicles I got out of my car followed by the couple in th car behind me we dragged those people out of their cars...now: did I stop and check to make sure they were white NO! When I discovered this man whom I pulled from the car was black do you think I just dropped him in the street? I pulled him to the side of the road where he bled endlessly the paramedics said he would have had no chance....and let me tell you don't see life until you are staring death in the face...and as I sat there in the rain in a tank top cradling this bloody man in my arms all I could think of is: if I were dying I would I not want to be held, would I not want to look into a pair of gentle eyes as I took my last breaths and know that I wasn't alone. As those thoughts crossed my mind was his color of any importance...none. YOu all are so interested in my age...don't YOU IGNORANTLY ASSUME that I haven't lived and seen well within my 21 years. So...Until a man of any color dies in your arms....Don't even attempt to preach to me the rights and wrongs of my mentality.

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Guest Obsessed

not to be a shithead or anything but please type your thoughts out more clearly, i have read a few of your posts in different threads and they all seem to be worded the same way. In response to this thread, i must say as a white male i dont feel that i am held to a higher standard than anyone else, if you work hard you will get what you need or want no matter your race, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.

ignorance is bliss

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beastie. i dont think ur a bad person. i just think ur rather ignorant (lacking information). maybe the fact that u use the word nigger doesnt make u racist; just ignorant once again to the meaning of the word. and ur story, while touching, does not disprove racism because u still seem to think that whites are superior or "held at a higher standard". i also agree that people should move on but i acknowledge that its not an easy thing to do and i dont blame the people that are oppressed for not wanting to. have u been out of the united states? im in europe right now. ive only been to spain and amsterdam. both predominately caucation countries. guess what races of people i see on the streets hustlin flowers, drugs, newspapers..... guess what races of people most often ask me what kinda drugs i want to buy? in amsterdam, im staying in one of the more ghetto areas of the city. i bet u can guess what race of people i see most often in my neighborhood. and i bet u can guess what race of people i see working at banks and other various upper class businesses. and if u need more proof u can look at the origin of black people. africa. why are they the poor people even in their own country? the countries that have an abundance of gold and diamonds and other resources. why is it that in south africa they speak english as a first language and whites have the upper class jobs their too. do u honestly think that its just a cooncidence that almost anywhere u go in the world, whites (for the most part) have it a hundred times better than all other races?? do u honestly think that all the black people u see are just too lazy or not ambitious enough to work and support themselves? do u think they dont have the ability. do u think they enjoy living how they do?? yes, people need to move on. but how can u move on when ur still gettin the shitty end of the deal? if their situation was made better i think it would be much more likely that they would move on. i know they dont want people to know all this in america and they keep people occupied enough with consumption and fairy tails on tv and in movies so they dont pay attention to the bigger picture. u are a victim of this propaganda and brainwashing. luckily, u found this board. thats a start. now if u want to have an educated oppinion u may look into the matter more urself. make sure ur sources of info arent so bias. ur naiive and (although ur older than me) young. u still have plenty of time to figure this shit out. just make sure to look into things before runnin ur mouth in public places.




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