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womanly advice

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in that case it would be "look at this loser on top of his volvo i secretly hope he crashes his shitty car into a stop sign."





























































































jk.i dont know what a volvo is but it sounds lame.jus sayin..in my mind im thinking something on the lines of those lame ass cars with truck beds in the back you see rednecks drive in the country/

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I don't believe most girls when they say they've been raped. I'm also going to sound like a complete asshole for saying this, and probably be torn apart by the females on here, but I also think that women who've been raped need to get over it. Like yeah it sucks, but seriously? 10 years later you're still freaking out every time a guy touches your arm? I can unserstand if your father raped you, or if you got kidnapped and locked in a room and raped non-stop or some shit, but those are extreme circumstances. Otherwise there has to be a point where you need to let go.


What's really funny about this opinion is that I got it from my ex girlfriend. We used to watch TV shows and whenever a rape victim came on acting a fool she'd always talk mad shit, and it eventually won me over

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I know a few people who've been hit off with the "I'm pregnant, I need money for an abortion" scheme and it was always either a black or Spanish girl. One kid I know had it happen twice.


Even though I knew she would never do it, I always had this tiny little sneaking suspicion that my ex did it to me. Then one day I bought ner a new bag and whe she was switching over she actually found the abortion receipt in her old one, felt good to finally clear any doubt I may have had haha

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My whole thing was that she refused to go check out a place that I had heard would be relatively cheap. She kept insisting she wanted to go to the same place her mother had gone, because "the people were nice", even though it was over $600


Like I said, she wasn't that kind of girl and I didn't REALLY think she did, but just always had it in the back of my mind.


I didn't want the abortion anyways, so it sucked all around

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I don't think you can call a girl who makes up/exagerrates a rape story down to Earth...they're just good at pretending


girl gets drunk and hooks up with some guy, they fuck but half way through she realises everyone will think shes a slut so when its over she tell her friends he was forceful and she didn't really want it.


i hear this shit all the time. one chick tried to pull it on me, no one believed her because people walked in on me passed out and her shaking me.



Over the years I've learned that white bitches love doin' shit like that, lyin' about being raped/being pregnant----shit is weird to me---I still fuck white bitches though....fake name and never let'em know where you live---


no shit. my friends CURRENT girlfriend is a crying bitch. i hate her with a passion (thats a thread for the future) she drove my friend crazy to the point where he tries to break up with her on the reg and she cries, they went away together and she pulled the same shit. heres how my friend told the story


"i'm pregnant"

"are you really or are you just saying that so that we stay together"

"..just so we stay together...but...i THOUGHT i was..."



bitches be crazy for no reason sometimes

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down to earth don't mean they're not insecure


thats true. what would be a good approach to get a girl to admit this or at least discuss it without sending said girl hurtling into a spiral of anger and resent towards me for exposing her story that she made up in the first place

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