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MLB 2010... Early thread..


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sounds like the lions for me. Even if Detroit had a superbowl caliber team next year they are dead to me... My whole life Lions have been some bums.... year after year of disappointment. I will never support them. In fact nowadays i watch them and root for the other team. I like to see them lose. I enjoy how demoralized and miserable they look on the sidelines. I like to watch the lions coaches come... get mad as shit and then get sacked and then watch the whole thing happen over again.

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I gotta say that mentally the Dodgers just aren't all there this year. You can see it in their sloppy play with all these mental mistakes and a lack of a killer "finish them" instinct.


With all that talent and all them dudes is mental about shit.

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j.j. brought the heat tonite for the sox, he a few 99mph fastballs. im looking forward to jenks coming back soon.


I was surprised to see him close last night. I though Ozzie (Cora) would of went with Thorton. Jenks had me worried at the beginning of the year but has rebounded very nicely. He should be back on Friday for the Rangers game.


Thats the series that will be the test for the White Sox.






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Tigers should be better than they are. Not sure whats up with that.

They got a day off and then they play 6 straight at home against the

lowest scorers in the AL. Detroit plays real good against teams that

suck and thus it stands to reason they should take atleast 5 of em.

Should boost us up some in the AL central but heres the thing.


It really don't mean shit if you cant win against good teams.


Chicago is outplaying their current level of talent

Minnesota isn't playing to their potential


Detroit... I just don't know anymore. We got offense and defense. Our

pitching is good. Leadership is good.... Shits got to change.

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Trade month!


All eyes on Cliff Lee. A lot of speculation saying he'll go to Minnesota, which I am actually riding the fence on. We'd be giving up a lot of prospects for a rental, since I doubt we will end up paying whatever exorbitant amount Scott Boras will be demanding to ink him to a contract when he's an FA in 2011. I wouldn't mind having him if we were actually doing well as a team, although it looks like our offense is coming back together (it's been nice having Thome in the lineup as a DH the last couple of games). If we keep up with the sub-par play, and we had Lee, it would be like he was on the Mariners all over again.


There's a high likelihood of it not happening, but the chatter here in the Twin Cities and in national media wants him or says he should come here. Even Buster Olney is on the train. Such hysteria, and this is the best first half of the season we've had in years.

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I never really hated the yankees until we gave them swisher, why we let him go ill never know.


And Bueller, I bet yall are enjoying Thome hes a game saver. Another one I was sad to see go.


But if the Sox keep playing ball like theyve been playing, its ganna be 09 deja vu all over again.

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.... MAD?


every movement Ichiro makes on the field is done like hes practiced it. Every

gesture, every shuffle, even his expressions. he stay tryin to score style points. Its kinda funny


central heating up.


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