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so i told some bitch a lie to grind her guts out.

twinky the kid

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eh i told her i would bf her ass up.

i just wanted to fuck and i didnt drive to her house to not fuck.

fuck that.


oh shit, thats fucking baller son, that's just the most gangster shit you could possibly do...why does this whiny cunt continue to make threads about some shit that he thinks makes him a player but in actuality is some shit nearly every dude has pulled at some time?


because he's a kid in a tight pants wearing faggot's body.

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what is this the fuckin womens rights movement spearheaded by foster lager.


fuck that shit, tell the bitch yer gonna Bf her ass. pound. ditch. repeat.


case closed. Twinkle, my latest line to a previous bag was "hey man i gotta bit of a problem, my ex girlfriend of like three years just got beat up by her last boyfrind and had nowhere to go since they were living together. she called me, and i kinda felt bad. cause i wasnt all that nice to her and she always helped me out. i kinda had to give her a safe place to chill. crash for a bit. were not having sex, but its kinda awkward right now"


WORD FOR WORD. then, they dont hate you cause your being noble. there not really offended because you said you were an asshole to the chick and also your not having sex.


theres a big difference between dudes that rely on lies as there game, thats pretty corny. i literally have friends that look straight into a bitches eyes and tell them the most rediculous shit to fuck. not me. not my style. imma shitty liar, theres no need to lie.


BUT, telling a bitch your gonna Bf her aint a lie. its about sealing the deal right then and there and invading the pussy.


and if anything, the payback for the misleading is the feeling you get instantly after you nut of "shit how do i get the fuck outta here NOW"


thats punishment enough.

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what is this the fuckin womens rights movement spearheaded by foster lager.




i can just get laid without having to lie to girls by telling them i'll date them, even if thats what they really want they'll still do it anyway even if they know they won't get it.


know why?



coz i;m slick like that

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hmmm take me back to that time where I led this chick on that I worked with, got her over to my house, we went at it, I got mine, pulled out, then told her I had a girlfriend.....thing was....I did have a girl friend opps. But to get the one nighter off my back I told her the next day that my girl told me she loved me for the first time and I couldnt go through with it.


Come to think of it...I should of just ditched my girl and kept smashing the other chick from work cause she was a hell of a lot more fun.

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