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Asked a Religious Friend a Few Questions

northside writer

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Look, personally, I think the very essence of religion or being religious is kind of ridiculous. Being a rational person myself, it is very hard for me to believe that there is forces beyond the physical, and when religious people use the argument of "well if religion is fake then why do so many people follow it?" it is because they are born into that way of thinking. A trillion people could believe in something, but its not going to make it true. Religion is many things, but it is mainly scaring people into doing certain things, living a certain way, etc. Really though, there is no such thing as god, and nothing happens when you die, you just die.


But, as Dark_Knight stated, if you read the bible, and just take it as a fictitious book, which it is for the most part, there are many core human values you can learn from it, on a purely humanistic level, not because you have to to "get into heaven" and whatnot. Jesus' story is a borrowed tale that has been told before, but the character of Jesus seemed dope... but he was not real.





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Please tell me you're being sarcastic.


The bible, especially the old testament, is not meant to be taken literally. You are supposed to learn from the message given within the stories. Same goes with jesus. "Don't learn by what i do, but by what i speak."



I do think its kind of ridiculous when old folks take everything out of the bible as fact.

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yeah thats where i got some of the shit to shut her up.. mentioned the egyptian god horus and shit..


when your girl comes at you with this shit do you ever counter response with actual references...or just "mentioned". for example: the king james book of genesis plagiarized this: http://www-etcsl.orient.ox.ac.uk/section1/tr112.htm its the sumerian creation story of humans, which all cultures used throughout history. that's why in genesis "god" is saying the terms "us" and "our"....."let us make man in our image". notice how in the sumer story there is more than one person involved


im just sayin that one of the perks to learning occult ancient history like this, is you will be able to calmly pawn religious nut jobs with actual references who try to rub their views in your face ya know?

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NOthing wrong with having faith. there is something wrong with:

thinking your better then others because of your faith.

pushing your faith on others

Living your life by the literal meaning of the bible

being tricked in to giving 10% of your income to your church

thinking God and God alone will solve your problems

and of course raping young boys.

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NOthing wrong with having faith. there is something wrong with:

thinking your better then others because of your faith.

pushing your faith on others

Living your life by the literal meaning of the bible

being tricked in to giving 10% of your income to your church

thinking God and God alone will solve your problems

and of course raping young boys.


Atheists think they are superior to everyone who believes in religion

Don't atheists try to push their ideas onto people also

Whats wrong with people living good lives?

You're right on this one

Most christians dont believe this, christians get generalized more than any other group of people

and thats catholics.


Edit* Not trying to be super religious but its ridiculous both sides argue about this, everyone has their own beliefs so why does it bother people who have different ideas.

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I'm not religious, I really don't believe that's how the world works. Major religions of today are no different than the indigenous peoples of Latin America worshipping the sun god and conducting human sacrifice. It's just in a different guise that's more easily chewed and swallowed. Adapted to the times.


Faith is a powerful thing though, so if you have it by all means embrace it. Good for you.



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Atheists think they are superior to everyone who believes in religion

Don't atheists try to push their ideas onto people also

Whats wrong with people living good lives?

You're right on this one

Most christians dont believe this, christians get generalized more than any other group of people

and thats catholics.


Edit* Not trying to be super religious but its ridiculous both sides argue about this, everyone has their own beliefs so why does it bother people who have different ideas.




Some athiests do treat their athieism like it's a religion.


Those dudes are almost as gay as Christians.

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