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And before anyone asks why I have the wife's garter on my hand, it is soaked in her scent so I can remember what she smells like even if a hemisphere currently separates us.


And because I fuck with identity politics practioners by telling them I am "Mattria" (Matthew & Maria = Matrimon(e)y) so I can play the game of being a "victim" of the system which seemingly allows such victims to get the biggest "N word" type card in modern society. 


Again it is all part of making a joke of anyone and everyone in this world who takes themselves too seriously whilst inferring they can outSMArt me.


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Back in the hood where I grew up, yet noticing I shun a "hood"

other than the one I was born with as I chase a white rabbit and look over the demolished childhood home of "AFL Mark of the Century" award winner that I dunked on at this very court, Ashley Sampi.


Truth be told, in spite of the 3 year age gap he probably got me once or twice on the original low basketball ring they used to have before they laid the concrete I carved me and the Mrs' name into in the most prophetic thing I ever did.


Note that Isaiah Rider's name was carved under the free throw line, and I started my journey into midlife madness on my "IsAIah Rider" tour of debauchery" where I went past UNLV and caught up with EBPH in MOdesto when I visited the Eastbay.


If you fail to see the comedy of how this 14 or 15 year old kid literally carved his future into solid rock (concrete), complete with the Indian variant of the swastika added by my brother JOB forecasting my future marriage in India, then you are not someone who appreciates life or laughter.


And if any further evidence is required that I can safely call myself the "Prophet MO-Ha-Madd" as I ask "U MAdd?" then this post should prove that I not only prophecised my future, I wrote it in stone with my collaborators.


As such, I dare any punk in Australia to dispute my claim of "Owning this country" based on the evidence provided, knowing I will be the One Man MOB, the MO who laughs (Ha) until they go Mad.







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I also collected the sticker to post on the Philadelphia church sign I posted yesterday. 


Sadly the playground equipment which held youthful expressions of love had been removed for the swings I showed above.


Yet my views on Polyamory are mathematically based, as MaTThs is the science upon which the world is based and is necessitive to designate value. As 1/infinity = infinity, which is the same as having infinite sexual partners, when the goal is to get 1=1 as only then can one experience the perfection that is "Being 1 (and simultaneously 0) with God" as I have done


1 divided by anything other than 1, as in any relationship that isn't 1:1 is doomed as it is compromised.


I am affected by liquor and laughing gas but I can exposit more on the subject if anyone chooses to dispute that you spliting your attention or love into any further subdivisions only serves to denigrate your value, the love you have to give and the love you have for yourself.


Funny how such thoughts come from my mocking of the Australian welfare recipients getting drunk in a park culture, as I don't need any "mob" around me when I am always going to be the one Man named MOB.





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When the Sun shines down on You

It don't Matter what you do

Everything will turn out right

I have Won without a fight

No more barriers in My way

No more ordinary days

It all begins right here

This is my victory...


(Amen-dead)Lyrics care of MAGnus Karlson of the Allen/Lande project (heart emoji)


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To add to the "comedy" as I say to those who choose to debate my knowledge "Come Die" as I go about restoring my place to where I belong, I gave the guy who charges me money to stay in a tiny room, bank notes I withdrew from a bank that bears his initials that were smeared in my excrement prior to handing them to him as if he chooses to finance organised crime as he shoots meth up his arms and legs then I want the money they recieve to be covered in my shit as I see those who would screw with me and abuse the gift of life whilst implying that me being able to percieve them so that they even exist in the first place, is something that I should be paying for as opposed to the other way around.



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Obviously I can "give other people shit" in the highest and most artistic way possible as I subversively tell them what I think of them and what I think of money itself as I literally wipe my arse with it.


Beyond this there is nothing anyone can do to imply they are beyond me as even if they "burn money" to buy material goods, I literally wipe my ass with them and money and smear it with my shit.



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Also I want to give thanks to the Tiktok bus kids I posted before as wholst I mocked them with my post, as a mullet wearing kid of the 80s I am just letting them jnow they will laugh at themselves when they are okd and they realise they sported an LA douchetuber haircut inntheir youth whereas the mullet I wore was  worn by the Heartbreak Kid HBK Shawn Michaels and Bret the Hitman Hart amongst other luminaries like Brian Bosworth of "Stone Cold" fame.


I just gave my ML "King" - I Iive my dream, why don't you - speech on the train so I know it was captured to be distributed amongst the masses on the train just now whereby I shared my two lessons to be happy in life for all ages to abide by.


1. Don't get a criminal record so that you can get a passport to travel so that when you return you are aware "there is nothing better than where you come from" after comparing it to places where you are a foreigner.

2. No matter where you come from, what you "own" or what you have done in your past, the people next to you are in the same predicament so treat them as equals unless they prove to be lesser via their actions and behaviours.


Obviously these align with the Golden Rule, but they need to be stated as an addendum given many people are too preoccupied with the lives of others such that they remain blind to how this is to the detriment of their own.


Thanks to the guy who knew and was appreciative of who I am and what I am trying to do with putting this message out there, (the guy whose Father was a pilot and had travelled to understand the paradise that Australia actually is) as without his help, I wouldn't have made such a statement nor held out hope for his kids that are the future as he can now pass down the firsthand knowledge to his kids about the secret of happiness in life.


I know I have had what is going to be percieved as a negative perspective on the course of humanity with my posts of late, but tonight I got the first (non-12oz) piece of feedback that my message is finally getting out there. And I am grateful for this to the extent that words can never convey.


Hopefully the 10 minutes I spent writing this post can save people years of suffering by helping course correct the path of humanity as parents advise their kids of these lessons to the secret to long term, permanent happiness and gratitude for the gift that is life itself.

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Back on topic.

Waiting on a bus.

24 = Xmas Eve

25 = Christmas Day.

I can't help but joke about it as people can see me as Santa or Satan, depending if they wish  (and portray themselves to me) to be in Heaven or Hell completely independent of me.


Either way, I will be laughing all the same


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For anyone doubting the veracity of the above tale or raoe, just search "Gemma" comibined with sexual assault in fremantle and find out for yourself as rhe Father of her kids told me to donso but I would rather not give my search algorithm and the rapist gangs which prowl around here any further energy of mine.


Funnily enough the guy's name is Daniel and this happens to be the adjacent street to the park.




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Perhaps the most extreme antivandalism measure I have seen atop these cameras.


2 bus rides down and now just a train ride to Mandurah, here is hoping I make it before dark so that I can at least show you all around.


Like some Iron Maiden type steeze though.


Perhaps this is the compromised reality I get for shunning the various "Torture Museums" found in Amsterdam and the rest of Europe given my preference is pleasure over pain.


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The New and Old bridges of Mandurah.


The new one wasn't here when my Dad moved down here back in 1990, when there was only 20000 residents which doubled due to the influx of summer "terrorists" (to quote my Dad) aka tourists that would show up to keep the residents with businesses (like my old man) extremely busy as a result.


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