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Parental Leniency: How Far Is Not Enough?


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play fighting, man he is only 5 not like I am gonna be in a boxing ring with him!!!


most parents play fight with little kids. Kids love doing that shit, I don't hit him, we play. Jesus christ it is like some of you don't know what it is like to play around with your son.


a bit of rough n tumble playing is fine, it isn't giving a kid a smack with a belt because you don't have any other way of punishing them.


Aren't you a parent DAO? your telling me you don't play fight with your son (if it is a son you have)

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I can count the number of times my parents have hit me on one hand. They also gave me next to no restrictions, only times they'd really flip was me getting into it with cops.


I graduated high school cum laude, did the college thing. You don't have to hit your kids to teach them "not to fuck up" or make them "turn out right" and I don't plan to be hitting mine.

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Mine took the door off the hinges...



i had this happen to me haha.. i finally got it back after i got extremely sick one winter, and my mom made my dad give it back to me lol



in general, some kids need as ass whooping when they fuck up. i've been there, done that, and grown the fuck up. if i have a child that act like some of the little hellish twats i see, he's catching a backhand for sure.


i caught a yellow pages book to the face before.. that really isn't that fun lol


i see kids who's parents never discipline their child - as in being a good parent and putting their foot down..not necessarily physically hurting them - and they're complete fuck ups. kids need a beating once in a while when the deserve it.. not some "oh johhny, please stop that, you're being rude" type shit. fuck that noise

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I skipped pages two and three, so if anything productive happened there then I am not in the know.


The title of the thread is parental leniency, not to hit or not to hit.


I am a strict parent and I have not nor will I ever hit my child. My kid knows the rules when he is with me and he follows them without question.


I think that some corporal punishment is okay if it is in the correct cultural setting.


I also think that it is not the severity of the action but the feeling behind it that is the crucial difference. If you spank a child with your heart and mind in a proper place of discipline it is one thing. If you have anger when you do it then it is abuse regardless.

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I got ass whoopins when i was a kid, and i deserved it.


I think there's a difference in peoples mind when they associate ass whoopins with straight out beating your kid, I would never beat my kid, but i'll whoop his ass if need be.


I turned out pretty okay, work for myself, help out the community when im not fucking it up, love and respect my mother unconditionally.


My brother never got his ass whooped, he's 17, 1 kid already, not working, being a fuck up.


2 cents

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it all depends on the kid in question honestly. Some kids don't respong to getting spanked, some do. My ex would smack my kids with anything he had handy, including my metal belts. I decided "fuck spanking" when I left my ex, and that shit was horrible. I tried everything, from talking to them, to positive re-enforcement...fuck that. My daughter started having HORRIBLE tantrums, enough to where she could have actually hurt herself had they went on. I had almost got them to stop, met my husband, and after I finally moved in with him, her tantrums came back tenfold. Like, she broke her solid oak bed, and it wasn't no walmart bed, it was actual, solid wood, and she broke one of the posts almost in two, kicking it, barefoot (little girl is scarily strong sometimes). My husband refused to spank her, and it got to the point where she was fine if I was home, but if I was at work, she was throwing a tantrum at some point during the day. Finally, knowing I was working, he called my mom, and asked her what to do. She said "learn to use a belt." After spanking her two times, she stopped. He had to spank her maybe 3 times after that, and now she's a fucking angel for him. Spanking has it's place.


I also know this chick that has never spanked her kid whatsoever, his punishment is a light slap on the hand (which makes the 4 year old giggle). I've seen him bite her, run away from her (ive seen him almost get hit by a car), he's thrown his food around in public, absolutely refuse to do anything she says. I fucking hate that kid.

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hope i don't get nega-propped out of existance for jumping in but here goes.....


i think consistancy is totally the key when parenting kids. we don't hit but we started rules and a stern tone as soon as our girls got old enough to understand. started time-outs and got on the same page as my husband about not talking to her while in time-out and using them consistantly and they work. any disipline is a bitch to implement and the longer you wait the harder YOU are going to have to work. but we have been consistant and haven't had to spank.


i have a friend staying in our basement until she finds a place and her daughter comes over 3 of 7 days a week and that kid is rotten. both her kids are rotten. my friend thinks yelling (she doesn't even yell, she raises her tone) is mean..... when she tries to get serious with her kids she is usually smiling. after her son begrudgingly came upstairs to take a shower and told her "i am not very happy about this, i didn't even get to watch blahblahblah....." she just laughed. i looked at him and told him not to ever talk to his mother like that and she looked shocked that it bothered me. we don't spank, but unfortunately, thanks to my mom, i have an instinctual mouth-slap for scenarios like this built in from conditioning i believe. i am not okay with other people parenting my kids, but she doesn't mind at all. she has actually encouraged me to in the past.


my mom was a shitty parent as they go but she taught us to respect your elders, even if you are bull shitting them, and you find out as a kid that that will get you pretty far.

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