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the dark horse

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Alright so I was out all night last night. Working til midnite, drinking and painting til about 6. Ok so at 8 AM (!) i wake up to this alarm going off. You know that alarm noise .... this shit aint stoppin. It sounds like its in my room. After some detective work (getting out of bed and trying to locate this motherfucker) I find out its from the apartment building next door. One floor down from me, and across a courtyard, this shit is sitting in a window blaring. This shit does not stop, so I start throwing shit. There is no one in this apartment! What would any of you guys do?? I took a gallon of water and pitched it like a softball ..... took out the screen AND the alarm. GANGSTER SHIT HOMIE!!!! Im proud of this, but when i woke up sober at noon im kinda worried that they are gonna call the beast. what yall think!


photo for proof of G


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  • Replies 82
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that is pretty gangster. Well done.

How did that stop the alarm though?


This isnt really related at all, but its a cool story bro. One time me and my freinds threw like 3 snowballs and a rolled news paper into this dudes apartment window, and when the news paper went in we hear the satisfying sound of glass shattering. The dude starts yelling im calling the cops out of his window and then comes down to chase us, but we were already out laughing our asses off the whole way. We must have been like 14.

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dude was totally msd. iwould have thrown other shit though. water, wtf?


i dont really know what else i wouldve thrown. i already threw a plastic cupholder and a water purifier/pitcher. i was trying to find something heavy and cheap cuhh.. shit fit the bill and performed the task

marvelous. shit was like luke shootin up the death star homie!!

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They deserved it.



I used to have this problem with harleys setting off car alarms under my window at like 3 in the morning every night, and it being those old alarms that just keep going, and going.

Of course the owner of the car probably lived a block or two away and had no idea their shit was going off.

Made me want to take a bat to the fucking car.

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This is fucking hilarious! I just picture someone getting home from working a graveyard shift at the hospital. It was a busy night, lots of gore and despair. They open the door to their room and there on the floor is a huge puddle, an empty gallon jug, and the screen of their window busted in.


Later that day they sign on to their favorite graffiti forum and see this.



Only in a perfect world, would this happen.



Good show my friend, I approve of your actions.

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what was sitting in the window?


how could you shut an alarm off by throwing a milk jug at a awonidow.


why would someone have there alarm horn and/or shut off sitting on/in a window.


this is either the stupidest talltale iv ever heard or i missed something you wrote.


Their bed is probably near the window

The force of the jug or water probably broke the alarm

Again, the bed was probably near the window



Any more questions?

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