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been riding off and on since I was a kid. I just like bmx, riding around, trying shit out, really casual. But mostly I am really getting into fixing them and building up bikes. I am really thinking of opening up my own shop and doing pretty much what I do in here. Giving advice to new riders and getting them exposed to an awesome hobby. Even thinking of getting into welding my own frames...but we will see. My brother in law is the same, he is 34 and rides...but mostly he trolls bmx forums and gives advice, he also builds up some awesome oldschool 80s bikes

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


watch this guy get good on this bike, then switch to a LTF when he gets money and bunnywhip over fucking buildings cause he got so strong


i come from the school of heavy ass frames, and alex triple wall 48s. so kids that ride bikes that way 15 pounds weirds me out.

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I would leave it, its such a hassle to get them off


...LOLz...i know weve all had our bikes stolen once when we were younger... but, also, at the time "retaliation" deemed perfect.... and im sure weve all at least once liberated a bike... and needed to remove stickers, to alter the bikes look.... ive always found windex, and some steel wool to be great for removing stickers/decals... and its the best, if you can get the decals peeled all in one piece... forks are bad, cuz people lay their bikes down, often times, on curbs, and rails.... so, there will be "chips" or dings in those stickers, which make it difficult to remove them decals... thats where the windex comes in....

and after the whole sticker is removed, and if theres any sticky residue leftover,jus spray some window cleaner on it, then utilize that nice lil chunk o' steel wool....

also, steel wool works great for polishin and shinin up them chrome pieces....along with window cleaner as well....

so, along with them stock window cleaner tips, jus rack the whole can....


----edit: factory stickers/decals come off alot easier than an aftermarket/self applied sticker... which make it a little bit tougher for anyone else to alter the appearance of the bike...

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use a hair dryer/heat gun over the sticker for 10-15 seconds and peel it up

the heat of the dryer allows the stickiness to separate from the surface with little no residue



i need to get a bike again soon. ever since my shit was stolen i haven't had the drive to get one again

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use a hair dryer/heat gun over the sticker for 10-15 seconds and peel it up

the heat of the dryer allows the stickiness to separate from the surface with little no residue



i need to get a bike again soon. ever since my shit was stolen i haven't had the drive to get one again


...sometimes you just dont happen to have a hair dryer, bein shaved head and all... plus the ol' ball n chain gets mad bout gettin paint on her hair dryer, LOLz...

hey watson, if you drive, you could get a bike....or 2... or 3...

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I got a Pantera frame from some kid with tons of vinyal stickers on em. I did the whole WD-40 soaking and peeled it off. Worked pretty well, I did have a little sticky residue but the windex thing took care of that.


And gyros are crappy to take off, well not really..but I generally hate anything to do with brakes. dialing brakes to work how I like em sucks ass

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I got a Pantera frame from some kid with tons of vinyal stickers on em. I did the whole WD-40 soaking and peeled it off. Worked pretty well, I did have a little sticky residue but the windex thing took care of that.


And gyros are crappy to take off, well not really..but I generally hate anything to do with brakes. dialing brakes to work how I like em sucks ass




...gyros are easy, as long as you arent dealing with a frame that has the bottom gyro "bosses"... easily taken care of with a dremmel......

WD40(water displacement) is okay for relubin the stickiness, but will ruin the paint gloss on your frame....



eDit:--- hows that Pantera frame from FLYbikes treatin ya??? i hear good and bad bout them....

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My Pantera is awesome! Its a 21' top tube and has really low/short geometry. If you like slammed and low seats and short drop outs its awesome. Its easy on the pick up and light as hell and has all kinds of intergrated goods, also my first time with Spanish BB's and I like em alot. Also has CS brake mounts which are squirrelly with my small gearing but it works (chain kind of rubs on the tension spring mount but no big thing)


So far its going strong no dents, I heard cause of the offset tube size that they dent easy but so far nothing. I like it a lot, really rides smooth.


Like I said earlier I hate anything to do with brakes so that is why I hate gyros.

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use a hair dryer/heat gun over the sticker for 10-15 seconds and peel it up

the heat of the dryer allows the stickiness to separate from the surface with little no residue



i need to get a bike again soon. ever since my shit was stolen i haven't had the drive to get one again


Goof-Off....i soaked a rag in some of this and wiped my decals down. they peeled off, left a little residue, so i wiped the frame down with the soaked rag and it took the rest off. i had all my decals off in less than 10min

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