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Lies Adults Told


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Now we have a bunch of products (meaning us) of the early 80's and late 70's mis-informed and delusional as to what the hell is going on.


Remember brontosaurus?

Yeah, he didn't exist. Or so people are trying to say this now.

Couldn't they have saved the trouble beforehand. Like when I hadn't already seen Baby?



Here read about it.

In anycase;



RIP Brontosaurus




Pluto, formal designation 134340 Pluto, is the second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-largest body observed directly orbiting the Sun. Originally classified as a planet, Pluto is now considered the largest member of a distinct population called the Kuiper belt.[9]


Yeah that's right, there are 8 planets now in our solar system. Poor Pluto just did not cut the mustard.



You are the weakes link.







This is NOT Monkeys' Blood.

This stung and it hurt especially when the applicator touched the freaking scrape it was trying to disinfect.

Actually I believe i was told it was Monkeys Blood to make me laugh when I was injured, so I'll give that lie a little pass...


Not all Cats are Girls and Not All Boys are... hahaha wait...

Just kidding.


Other smaller things that my Mexi-Mom told me were the hominy in menudo was pig teeth and the tripe was honey comb. The pig teeth I knew was a joke but come on now Mexi Mom, tripe? Ay Dios Mio!


Okay, end rant.

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there is no boogyeman.


i was continuously told this after being locked in a small room for 8hours a day till i was 6.

i still think there is one lurking . its a lie to me.


also food being a train or plane.


spinach making me look like pop eye.


if you keep your face scrunched up when the clock strikes 12 it will permanently stay that way .


my mum also used this lil puppet thing to scare the shit out of me when i was bad.until the one day i scaled a cupboard and snapped its neck and threw it out of the window.

i had nightmares because of it.


that you can be anything you want when you grow up.


your dad died in the army before you were born...no he didnt mum i remember him.


there is a god. no


that there are hob goblins in the sewers with pitchforks that snatch and eat kids. this was told to me by my older cousin when we were stealing strawberries .


i cant think right now but i have plenty

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my off the boat daygo (sp?) grandma was full of them...


don't touch toads or you'll get warts.

if you make a face and an angel passes by it'll stay that way.

shoes on the table are bad luck.

rubbing the hump on an old woman's back is good luck. (a man's however is not, too bad for quasimodo.)

a witch lives in the basement. (which terrified me and gave me nightmares.)


others that i heard but was never actually told by adults...


masturbating makes you go blind.

babies come from storks.

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When you pull your eyes to make them slanted they will get stuck that way.

I use to do that on purpose to see if it works. In hopes of becoming Asian.


Chili grows hair on your chest and makes you strong.


Beans make you smart not fart.


Lemon water keeps away the devil.


I dont remember any factual stuff they lied to me about that pertains

to the time period I grew up in...cept that Bill clinton was the

best president this country ever had.

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I remember a grown-ass adult told lies, saying that alcohol is a stimulant, Scandinavia isn't a part of Europe, and that Indians are Arab.




Alcohol is a stimulant. You drink it, you get stimulated, you wild out.

Just because some noodles labeled it as a "depressant", doesn't mean shit.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it aint no fucking hummingbird.


And Indians and Arabs are the same race.

Just like Germans and English are the same race.

And Chinese and Vietnamese are the same race.

You'd have to ba a fucking idiot to think that they're somehow seperate races just because they speak a different language or worship different Gods, even though they look exactly the same and are from the same part of the world.

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I remember a grow man told me he would stop a stranger getting beheaded on a bus and that shit would not happen in Philly. Later that week he did not intervene when a man was assaulted with a hammer in Philly



my parents used to tell me that everytime i swore, my jaw would permanently unallign a little, & that the more i swore, the worse it got


my jaw is not crooked & i curse a blue streak :confused:

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DAO: This chick just had a bday, let her have this thread w/o politics. Props for the pluto comment later on, though. I still consider it a planet.


Most of what people are saying they were told I recall being told. One I haven't seen mentioned is that going out in the cold without a proper jacket would make you sick.

Not true, it will just make you cold.

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Most of what people are saying they were told I recall being told. One I haven't seen mentioned is that going out in the cold without a proper jacket would make you sick.

Not true, it will just make you cold.




But people do tend to get sick more often in the winter.

I even came home sick once from being locked up in the 40 degrees holding cells.


Whether or not cold and flue jerms thrive more in cold temperatures is irrelivant, there's nothing healthy about freezing your ass off.

And I'm willing to bet that your core temperature probably has some type of effect on your immune system.

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"Freezing does not make you sick. It can kill you though. Also, I believe that it can make you tired (through shivering) which can lower your immune response, making you more prone to the germs and bacteria you WILL encounter in the winter. People congregate together inside and the germs are spread rapidly through the close contact. So you will be around more germs."






^Thank you.

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