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Talk to Strangers On Interwebs


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I dont know if there is a thread yet


i figured if there was it would be up top...


enjoy. Hahahha.


On Fucking Horses...


ou: but if you got the chance...

Stranger: and if no one would ever know...

Stranger: yes, i'm that desperate

You: whoa, whoa

Stranger: ha

You: you would fuck a horse

You: like straight up

You: a HORSE

Stranger: i realized i'm not much different from the scum i've met

You: like a four legged furry creature with a tail and shit

You: like not even like a pony, just a full sized horse

Stranger: yes

Stranger: uh

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: whats up, young blood

Stranger: asl?

You: 19/f/aus lol u?

Stranger: 20 m florida

You: thats cool, i heard theres lots of crime there

Stranger: naw

Stranger: im soo horny

You: im afraid of going to the US, i saw this special on the tele and i heard there's rapists everywhere.

Stranger: nope

You: i'm glad this site logs IP addresses so predators get caught

Stranger: u wanna cyber

You: well, i'm actually 16 lol

Stranger: soo

Stranger: im actully 15

Stranger: i lie to


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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hello

Stranger: how you doing

You: pretty hunky dory in a meloncholic kinda of peachy way

You: and you?

Stranger: lol im great

You: thats good

You: so uhm.....do you like tossing salads

Stranger: in the literal or euphamistic way

You: the literal

You: i mean i always try to toss it when the salad is dry

Stranger: i put it in a bowl with a lid and shake

You: you lose the flavor that way though

Stranger: ive not had any complaints, and i dont eat it so i dont know

You: too bad

You: hey

Stranger: yes

You: you ever lick somebodies asshole

Stranger: nope

You: ass to mouth

Stranger: nope

You: austrailian pipline

Stranger: uh no

You: alaskan funnel

Stranger: again no

You: bubble and squeak?

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You: i work for dateline nbc and im doing a checkout portion on this website

Stranger: okay

You: so basically im getting paid to go on here and search for pedophiles

You: ...

Stranger: asl?

You: did you not read what i just said?

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You: asl?

Stranger: 34m

You: where

Stranger: u?

Stranger: sweden

You: 13/f/japan

You: sweden is cool

You: do you like d-beat?

Stranger: thx

Stranger: never heard it


You: good shit

Stranger: hehe ok but now i say bye i want to find someone my age

You: later faggot

You have disconnected.


everyone on here is a total disphit or trying to troll

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You: ahh bien, de donde eres?

You: america?

Stranger: malaga y tu

You: estados unidos

Stranger: ok

Stranger: tio o tia

You: tia

You: y tu?

Stranger: tio

Stranger: edead

You: ah bien

You: mi nombre es jake. pero yo es un tia. que triste :(

You: ahh, perro, yo juego un penne. sooo. no es muy mal.

You: ...

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi This is Tony with Omegle tech support

You: hi

Stranger: How are you?

Stranger: I'm here to help

Stranger: Is everything ok on Omegle today?

You: um

Stranger: How are the people?

Stranger: Friendly?

You: theres people?

Stranger: How would you rate your overall experience?

You: aids.

Stranger: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions

Stranger: One more thing before I go

You: you suck.

Stranger: ................................./´¯/) ................................./´¯/)

................................/¯../ ................................/¯../

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.................../..../ .................../..../

............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`•¸ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`•¸

........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')

.........\.................'...../ .........\.................'...../

..........''...\.......... _.•´ ..........''...\.......... _.•´

............\..............( ............\..............(

..............\.............\... ..............\.............\...

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You: hi

Stranger: hi asl?

You: 18 f cali

Stranger: horny?

You: yup

You: asl?

Stranger: 19 m sweden, have you msn? we can send pics?

You: here are pics

You: smouch.net/lol

You: its like facebook

You: but for everyone

You: to see

Stranger: okey i see

Stranger: you fucking whore bitch

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi im 18 male looking for a GIRL with a WEBCAM action!!! I have a WEBCAM!!!










Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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onnecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: fish

You: one fish

Stranger: pork

Stranger: two porks

You: beef

You: two beefs

Stranger: cow

Stranger: three cows

You: hamster

You: four hamsters

Stranger: cock

Stranger: five cocks

You: sluts

You: six sluts

Stranger: slugs

Stranger: seven slugs

You: atmosphere groupies

You: eight atmosphere groupies

Stranger: well... i'm tired

Stranger: 21 m brazil

Stranger: u?

You: 48 canada right now i'm masterbating with bacon fat

Stranger: ahh

Stranger: well... bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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what happens when someone from 4chan finds this.


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 49/Male/Oregon

You: lol, not sayin/f/cali

Stranger: :) ok nice to meet you.

Stranger: I'm Paul.

You: my name is charry! hi!

Stranger: Hello Charry, that is a very pretty name :)

You: my computer studies teacher told us to try this, it seems cool so far

Stranger: Ok. :)

You: thanks! you're really nice!

Stranger: Thankyou :)

You: ive had nothing but nasty people just swear at me so far

Stranger: Oh, that's terrible.

You: yeah but im more mature than them so its ok

Stranger: Yes, good idea.

Stranger: I'm not rally 49 lol...

You: lol how old r u?

Stranger: Said it for fun...

Stranger: 18 from England.

Stranger: boy...

You: thats kool, im really just 15 lol

Stranger: lol and you talked to a "49 year old

You: he wasnt saying anything nasty

Stranger: Did your computer studies teacher really say to try this?

Stranger: lol well be more carefull... lots of girls get into big trouble with that kinda thing..

You: its paired with convo skills, im in a special english progrm

Stranger: AH ok.. nice nice

Stranger: I do a course.. where we get ready for a career as a forensic computing guy.. tracking down pedos and that kinda thing lol..

You: lol liek 4 chan

Stranger: lolol..

You: 4 CHAN



You: CHA

Stranger: /b/

You: CH

You: C

Stranger: twilight appreciation society.

You: caturday 4 lyfe LAAWLWLAWLLAWLWA

Stranger: Vote BNP on thursday k?

You: this has been a fufilling couple of minutes. thank you. i'm throughly hard now.

Stranger: lol

You have disconnected.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi there

You: whats up

Stranger: nothing realy, I'm bit tired

You: yea so am i. lol

Stranger: what's the time in your country?

You: finished my website today though, took 2 months to program

You: 4 35

Stranger: here it is 2.35 am

Stranger: you made it with html?

You: yes

Stranger: ok

You: made it on my off day, sunday

You: http://www.mylazysundays.com do you like the layout?

Stranger: ok, I'm on my summer vacation right now...

Your conversational partner has disconnected.






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Stranger: hi

You: art thou a female?

Stranger: is your name jacob?

You: only if my last name is black





convo 2:


Stranger: whats up

Stranger: the game

You: dude

You: i am so mad

Stranger: y

You: becaue

You: because*

You: alright

You: today

You: this motherfucker was going 20mph in a 90mph right

You: and i was about to hit the dude

You: he flipped the FUCK out

You: and swerved to the opposite lane

You: now mind you

You: he got hit

You: like 10 times

You: and flipped like DAO does when he sees a TPWF

You: you smell me?'

Stranger: sad but funny poor bastard shouldnt of been driving so fucking slow

You: i know

Stranger: ive had worse have you ever stole a car and crashed into a short bus at 125mph


You: that sucks

You: who was on it?

Stranger: those retards are going to need more then safety helmets and plexy glass rofl

You: wait wait wait

You: art thou a female?

Stranger: ?

You: are you a fucking woman

Stranger: no

Stranger: male

You: GOD

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You: 'sup negro

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: w'sup my nukka?

Stranger: heyya heyya heyya heyya

You: woohaa?

Stranger: whats your name

You: busta rhymes

You: yours?

Stranger: bond

Stranger: james bond

You: omfg, i know you!

You: you stole my car and blew up my sccret laboratory!

You: *secret

You: dude, you totally owe me

Stranger: but its for security

You: security my ass

You: you drank all my patron

You: and puked on my carpet

Stranger: its for great britain

You: then you blew that shit up

You: great britain? nikro, we was in beverly hills

Stranger: was something up with between mariah and you

You: we had a threesome

You: with a biscuit

Stranger: wow

You: a hot, buttery

You: melty

You: biscuit

Stranger: great fantasy

You: no

You: it's real!

Stranger: tamam kardess

Stranger: yeter la

You: damn you and your british spy gadgets!

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hallo

You: hello


You: sorry you're german accent made me come

You: damn

You: your

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Stranger: do you want to join the revolution to bring back freedom and equality to germany


You: you ARE a neo nazi

Stranger: do you want to?

You: be a neo nazi?

Stranger: this is bringing freedom, i don't need terminology

Stranger: join my forces

You: soo you do or do not hate jews?

You: all i need to know

Stranger: do not.

You: hmm

You: then no

You have disconnected.

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