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My favorite blackout past time. Share any stories of drunk dialing,drunk texting,and the next day effects from it. Lemme start.Visuals just to help in case i fail.



1. Drunk Dialing My Friend's Girlfriend- 4:00 am after plenty of 151 and guiness,I decided to call my friend's girlfriend and leave a voicemail stating "i hate if this sounds fucked up,but I would REALLY like to fuck right now". That was straight blackout status,i.e. NO recollection whatsoever. Next day i have a voicemail of my own "hey,ummmm,if you call my girlfriend again,i'll slit your fucking throat".I,having no recollection of making said call,just assumed if I had that voicemail and didnt remember what he was referring to, I must have had an excellent night. Great Success!



2. Drunk dialing the Crew before a graffiti jam- Before a graffiti jam in Nashville a few years ago,I started drunk dialing and mass texting the crew,insisting that they come to where I was immediately and stabbing me. I tried to really convince them to do this,selling the idea as if I were selling a Shamwow,explaining the benefits of them stabbing me immediately. The next day,everyone knows,and I am subject to a barage of comments. Actually,I still recieve comments about that one....(and no,i'm not claiming seventh letter,its just a photo,numbnuts)



3. Major Problem- This isnt a particular situation,but rather something that provides great discomfort when it happens. Every now and then,I do the drunk dial where the person on the other end usually knows your fucked up,and rather than getting mad at you or just laughing it off and promptly hanging up,they dont have much to do,so they want to ride it out and fuck with you. This is what provides the bulletin board material for everyone the next day. If youre faded and they can really get you going (which is very easy if you had been doing cocaine earlier that night),there is absolutely NO chance that you will be able to do your clever call and be done with it. Nah,they secretly hate you for calling,so they are going to keep you talking until they get at least a few embarrassing comments out of you,which they will promptly tell all of yours and their friends about. Mucho red,embarrassed face the next day.


And just in case i failed,here is something phone related.....




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I blacked out and called my ex fresh on a break up and told her to go fuck her dead mother. No recollection whatsoever. Went back to the spot and all my shit including laptop and Xbox etc. was thrown out the 3rd floor window in the rain. FAIL



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uh oh.....



The Young Buck-As many of you fuckers are gonna rag someone about it,every one of you have done this one at least once before. It's happened to me a couple of times (usually LOTS of different substances flowing thru my veins) in which you reach that point of being so gone,the emotions come pouring out. Whether to tell someone insignificant how much you love them,to tell your ex girlfriend how much you hate her,or sometimes for no reason whatsoever. In these confused and extremely ridiculous states,it always seems like a good idea to call someone,because at that moment,it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to cleanse,and someone else is going to know it. This provides extreme embarassment and awkwardness the next day,embarassed if you were making no sense,awkward for the times you are telling the blatant truth. The Young Buck can alternately be called The Brett Favre,The Dick Vermeil,or The Nancy Kerrigan. Although this is a very rare drunk dial and can sometimes lead to calls the next day to be sure didnt stick your head in the oven,I personally believe The Young Buck is pure drunk dialing gold

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I prank call random places when im drunk


They range from the mundane: Shit talking, calling just to hang up


To the extreme: Having pizza sent to places, death threats followed by descriptions of what theyre doing and wearing to drive the point home(if its a place i can see into from the street)

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You know that girl you text/call at 2am when your fucked up?, but you never hit her up any other time and you have to deal with her texting you the next day all day and such.. yeahhhhhh.


usually its the opposite. after the 2 am texts/calls,i usually never hear from them again.

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i always thought there should be a mode in your phone that would completely dial every digit wrong, or something so you actually dont call anybody you know...

*drinking mode*

that way you dont have too much regret...the next day...

i drunk dial ALOT

and drunk TEXT and drunk OONTZ


i cant keep my phone away' when i reach that certain point..i just want to tell everybody shit thats been said before..or call my ex and wish shed die a slow and painful death.

ill call somebody a few days later..yeh so we should___....you already told me this you dont remember? LOL

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Drunken Meanness-There have been many a time,it usually involves 151 or Jack,but tending to call someone that has done nothing at all to me just to berate them. Ultimate dick move in the drunk dialing realm,and even tho everyone that I've done that to the next day tells me "oh,its ok,you were drunk",I know they completely want to gouge my fucking eyes out for waking them up at 5 am when they have to be at work at 7 am just to tell them how much they really get on my fucking nerves. Usually I am very convinced that these people have wronged me and these calls have led to a few broken phones. After the drunken meanness,I usually hate myself and wish I could pity myself,but when I realize that I used the word "cunt" 87 times while on the phone with an ex girlfriend,I have no one else to blame but myself for her not wanting to hang out anymore. Complete fail.

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I prank call random places when im drunk


They range from the mundane: Shit talking, calling just to hang up


To the extreme: Having pizza sent to places, death threats followed by descriptions of what theyre doing and wearing to drive the point home(if its a place i can see into from the street)



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