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im too lazy to type correctly after a long day of work. These forums let me relax if i had to think about everything i wrote being correct grammatically mathematically or whatever atically this would seem like work to me.


And im not about to work after work nahmean

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I've noticed that upper class Indians who are fluent in English from school have a better standard of pronunciation than any other group.


The thing that gets my goat, because so many Australians say it the wrong American way ..including people a lot more intelligent and better educated than me...is when people end words like stationary, January, and library with the sound "airy"


queen's english:







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Just like the misuse of certain words or the common use of made up words evolve into 'real', accepted words, I wonder how long it will be until this text speak/internet IM speak will become acceptable in writing. Even worse, acceptable as being spoken.



Oh, that's already on the horizon. I've heard people say "OMG" and it annoys me. It's always some annoying broad with a Jersey accent on the train, saying something like "OMG did you see those shoes are Saks? They were like totally worth it."


I hate broad speak sometimes.

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T;6386364']im too lazy to type correctly after a long day of work. These forums let me relax if i had to think about everything i wrote being correct grammatically mathematically or whatever atically this would seem like work to me.


And im not about to work after work nahmean


for real



I write 90 page scripts, I'm not about to spelcheck every rambling on here for some douchebag who thinks picking out 8th grade paper errors makes him "smart"

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The state of education in most American cities is horrendous.




Tell me about it...




someone born before 1969, the earth would be flat.[/font][/size]

The actually werent really sure.


In my astronomy class my professor used to work for the military and NASA, designing satellites and dealing with spacecrafts. He said that everyone knew it but wasnt exactly sure until they were able to orbit the world and take photographs from Moon.

before 1969, when they were actually able to launch things into space and take pictures, someone could have had a valid argument for the earth being flat.[/font][/size] but thats only when you arent talking to anyone who knew anything about astronomy and shit like that, which is a lot of normal every day people.



seriously, if someone came to me and said, explain to me how you know the earth is round without any pictures, i wouldn't be able to come up with a single valid argument.

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I've noticed that upper class Indians who are fluent in English from school have a better standard of pronunciation than any other group.


The thing that gets my goat, because so many Australians say it the wrong American way ..including people a lot more intelligent and better educated than me...is when people end words like stationary, January, and library with the sound "airy"


queen's english:









You're an idiot. You just pronounced the shit in your Austrailian accent.

The "airy" at the end is the correct way to pronounce the shit.

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Wow, someone actually said that everyone thought the world was flat before 1969?


And photos of the earth were snapped before 1969. 1969 wasn't the first time craft/men went in space.







and you were just sticking up for the guy who was sticking up for the guy who was sticking up for him in that thread. :dunce:

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I was sticking up for him on a different point; about ILB's hypothetical scenario about explaining if the earth is round, not about what nsmb said about 1969. Poor argument you just made, and lack of reading comprehension on your part.


No.... Spitfire cosigned what nsmb said, then ILB cosigned what Spitfire said in defense of nsmb.

Poor arguement on YOUR part for jumping in the mix without even knowing what the fuck was going on.

Apparently YOU'RE the one with a lack of reading comprehension skills.

You were taking the side of three morons who were all cosigning eachother that "people born before 1969 had no way of really knowing that the world wasn't flat".

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

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No.... Spitfire cosigned what nsmb said, then ILB cosigned what Spitfire said in defense of nsmb.

Poor arguement on YOUR part for jumping in the mix without even knowing what the fuck was going on.

Apparently YOU'RE the one with a lack of reading comprehension skills.

You were taking the side of three idiots who were all cosigning eachother that "people born before 1969 had no way of really knowing that the world wasn't flat".

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:


Wrong, I never "cosigned" on that statement because I never saw it at first.


I only saw ILB's statement, and explained what he meant when he talked about being able to explain. Then you and I disagreed on what he meant. That has nothing to do with what someone else said about 1969.


You could very well be the biggest idiot in the history of human civilization.

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Wrong, I never "cosigned" on that statement because I never saw it at first.


I only saw ILB's statement, and explained what he meant when he talked about being able to explain. Then you and I disagreed on what he meant. That has nothing to do with what someone else said about 1969.


You could very well be the biggest idiot in the history of human civilization.






I think what ILB is saying is how would you explain the earth is round by the naked eye, without using centuries of scientific data and exploration.







You were sticking up for this dickhead before even reading what the fuck we were talking about you dumb fuck!

He was agreeing with these other idiots that "NOBODY BEFORE 1969 HAD ANY WAY OF KNOWING THAT THE EARTH WAS ROUND".

















































































































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You were sticking up for this dickhead before even reading what the fuck we were talking about you dumb fuck!

He was agreeing with these other idiots that "NOBODY BEFORE 1969 HAD ANY WAY OF KNOWING THAT THE EARTH WAS ROUND".



I don't care who he was "agreeing" with, because I certainly didn't agree with it since I never read it at first. I only agreed with his seperate point that it would be difficult to explain how the earth is round to someone without any evidence (only using the naked eye). You're comparing apples & sledgehammers.

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You're an idiot. You just pronounced the shit in your Austrailian accent.

The "airy" at the end is the correct way to pronounce the shit.



It's not the australian accent it's proper English english pronunciation.


most aussies say it the american way.


good work on being able to spell Australia

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You're an idiot. You just pronounced the shit in your Austrailian accent.

The "airy" at the end is the correct way to pronounce the shit.


I'm not up for arguing with you, because I know that's what you're all about, but he did start his corrections with "Queen's English"... which is the correct way to speak. Maybe not for us in America because we're lazy and have butchered the English language.




And I forgot who asked, but it's pronounced Or-e-gun.

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you can say 'anyway', just dont say 'anyways'. i dont mind people who ramble like 14 year old girls, just when they do it with improper words.



yeah, you told that story when you picked me up from the airport the first time i came up that way. pretty funny shit.

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