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Two NYC NYPD police officers fake 911 call to rape women.


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17 years that guy was a police officer. kind of makes you wonder what else he got up to in that time if he's only being caught for this.


heroin in the locker? fucking seriously? total madness.


these are the people paid to protect you

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once the other inmates learn where they came from I doubt that will be the worst thing that happens to em


You would like to believe it, but in reality ALL ex cops go into PC with the child molesters and mob snitches, where they get all kinds of special privilage

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It's kind of funny that with 19 years of police experience between them, these two got wrapped up so badly.


Really? You didn't think there might be a second security camera? It didn't occur to you that when you met up with the victim and admitted your guilt, she might have a tape recorder on her? You think your locker at the police station is the best place to keep your heroin stash? Really?


Sounds like the kind of mistakes that teenage shoplifters would make their first time dealing with the justice system.




But they're the police. King Kong aint got shit on them.

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I'm surprised no one is pissed about the original cab driver calling in and snitching.

Even if you're on the "good citizen" thing why the fuck would you call the police if an adult is drunk.

Fucking snitches.

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It is interesting that a position which gives so much power is so easily attained, makes sense though, considering the American psyche and political agendas.


There should be a rigorous civil service exam implemented so as to weed out an influx of idiots in blue coupled with severe penalties for misconduct.


It makes sense, if you plan on having such authority you better have a proper headcheck.




Real talk. I've been saying this for years.

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I don't know man, I'd rather get stabbed with a shank than stabbed with a dick.


I'm with Mercer on this one.


I'm sayin, but you ever heard of what happened to dahmer before he was finally merked ? or how he died? impaled with a broom to the asshole it was, I think

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I'm surprised no one is pissed about the original cab driver calling in and snitching.

Even if you're on the "good citizen" thing why the fuck would you call the police if an adult is drunk.

Fucking snitches.


my guess is he was worried that something bad was gonna happen to the lady since she was so drunk she couldnt even walk so he called the cops...the irony

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my guess is he was worried that something bad was gonna happen to the lady since she was so drunk she couldnt even walk so he called the cops...the irony


Yeah, good ol cabby being a good boy and looking out for the poor drunk girl! :rolleyes: \



dudes prolly butthurt HE didnt get his licks in. Fuck some cabbies

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She whistled for a cab and when it came near...



No but seriously, you don't puke in a fucking cab. I don't care how drunk you are, that's a surefire way to get dumped off in the middle of nowhere or get the cops called on you.

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He called because she threw up in his cab and was too shitfaced to pay him, get out, and walk into her apartment.


Incidentally, anytime a female friend is drunk and needs a car, I call a car service instead of hailing them a taxi so I know (to a degree) who is getting them home, keeping them safe from the cops, etc.

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Oh, that's understandable then, better than raping her.

I used to drive a cab, you usually lease it and time is money, fuck waiting for cops, I'd just punch mase and go in pockets unless they ran, then I'd be fucked.

Never had someone puke in my cab, I wouldn't know how to deal with it especially if it was a female.

You have to keep it moving though or loose money.

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