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------>BAD TATTOOS<------


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I actually posted this Steelers tattoo to reddit, then deadspin picked it up, and Yahoo Sports picked it up from Gawker.




it is off of this guys laughably bad work, Brian's Tattoos





"Maybe the unsteady, child-like writing of the word "Steelers," eschewing the bold, stable font that's usually in the logo, represents an offense struggling to find a new, non-smashmouth, non-traditional identity. Maybe the hypocycloids that don't touch represent an offensive line that's been unable to play cohesively together. Maybe the wavering, unsure circle around the logo represents the chaos surrounding an NFL franchise. Maybe all the blank space represents the void left in the souls of Steelers fans when their team fails to win the Super Bowl.

Or maybe this is just an awful, awful tattoo. I don't know. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

If you're interested in seeing more of this tattoo artist's avant garde work, you can do so here on the Facebook page of "Brians tattoos." Some of them are even better than this one."






More of "Brian's Tattoos"




how do you screw up a yin yang?






"Found at Reddit this morning, from the Facebook page of a guy in Central Pennsylvania who fancies himself a tattoo artist. (Brian's other work is just as inspiring.)


I'd say this goes down in sports tattoo history with "centaur Tebow," "Texans Super Bowl champs," and the supremely unfortunate "Ohio State interspecies rape." Still better than "Giants Super Bowl penis."


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Way to spend a quick 50$ to permanently economically marginalize you for life by getting face tattoos.


When I worked in the mall it would always kill me how these guys would get their first ink on their neck, wrist, hand, or other place that could not be covered up for a job interview. That 50$ ends up costing you so much more in the long run. If you want to get ink in those places, that is fine, but why not fill up some space on other parts of your body before you get to that point.

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