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maybe to a non-musician, but what they are doing is playing scales really really fast.

so what?


edit: thats not to say I don't think they have skill. obviously they are two talented guys, at what they do. but they have NOTHING on so many other guitar players out there in terms of technical prowess combined with creativity and song writing.

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finntroll isn't even slightly power metal


its "demons and wizards" not "wizards and demons"... ugh...

which was a project between:

blind guardian and iced earth


power metal has been around since the early 80s, its not a new genre: next 'too many metal genres' comment gets negrapropped.




You kids seriously need to STOP throwing old METAL bands into your subgenres.

There was no such thing as "power metal" in the 80's.

There was metal, speed metal, death metal, and glamrock bands pretending to be metal (the shit that VH1 likes to call "hair metal" these days)

For somebody who claims to be a metalhead, you're a fucking idiot.

And I'm not even a metalhead, I'm just somebody who was around back then and knows that you don't know what you're talking about.

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PLEASE do not lump Iron Maiden in with these other bands, they can only hope to be half as good as Iron Maiden, or at least older Iron Maiden. As for Dragonforce, to each their own but I think they suck. Sounds like a bunch of guys spent way too long smoking pot while playing Dungeons & Dragons and listening to metal, it's like nerd metal or something.








You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

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Also, please STOP making up wikipedias to support your delusions of what the fuck was what before you kids were even born.

Just because you've all fooled yourselves into thinking that you know what you're talking about, doesn't make it so.


Go ahead and make up all the fucking subgenres you want for your generation of nerdmetal, but leave the fucking oldschool bands out of it.

Trying to throw old metal bands into your new subgenres is beyond corny.


Fucking christ....

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Iron Maiden is metal.

I've never even heard the term "power metal" untill you made this thread.


Please stop subgenerising the fuck out of shit.


what are you doing in a metal thread?

you wouldn't be trying to drop knowledge on something you don't know jack shit about, would you?

oh, wait....

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what are you doing in a metal thread?

you wouldn't be trying to drop knowledge on something you don't know jack shit about, would you?

oh, wait....




I grew up listening to alot of different music.

And I was probably into certain metal bands and hanging out with metalheads before you were born.

You wouldn't be trying to drop knowledge on something you don't know jack shit abooot, would you?

Oh, wait....

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I'm not as young as you probably think I am, and when it comes to the topic in this here thread I, and a bunch of the posters in here, know 100000% more about the subject matter than you do. And its not like you have a reputation for being soft spoken or humble, you're constantly foot in mouthing.

Just cos you don't want to call some of the bands you liked growing up power metal, or have never heard the term doesn't negate it.

although iron maiden does fall more into NWOBHM than power metal, they do share some characteristics.

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I'm not as young as you probably think I am, and when it comes to the topic in this here thread I, and a bunch of the posters in here, know 100000% more about the subject matter than you do. And its not like you have a reputation for being soft spoken or humble, you're constantly foot in mouthing.

Just cos you don't want to call some of the bands you liked growing up power metal, or have never heard the term doesn't negate it.

although iron maiden does fall more into NWOBHM than power metal, they do share some characteristics.



You're a metrosexual canuck. The only thing you know jack shit about is waxing your eyebrows and sucking cock.

The "other posters" you're refereing to are 20 year old kids who weren't even alive during the time of the bands that they're trying to lump in with their nerdmetal genres.

The both of you's combined know -1000% about wiping your asses.

You're constantly cock-in-mouthing. Go do that shit somewhere else.


Some of the bands these little kids are lumping into their subgenres existed before these subgenres even existed. Therefore they are exempt from these nerds nerdy ass subgenres. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?

Maybe if you take the fucking dick out your mouth, you can concentrate on your comprehension skills.


And WTF is a nwobhm???? You know what... I don't even wanna know. Just go back to being a Canuck.

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I've been around for a while and know a thing or two about a thing or two.

One thing that I do know is that the only genre that Iron Maiden should fall under should be "Music That Totally Fucking Shreds"

Nothing else matters.


I'm particularly fond of goblin metal, although more and more I find myself listening to wizard metal in the mornings and pizza metal in the evenings.

Weekends are typically nap metal or picnic metal times for me.

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The power metal bands of today and back to the mid 90's draw influence from bands that are often cited as early power metal; bands like Helloween, Gamma Ray, Jag Panzer. But if you listen to those bands, they just sounds like heavy metal with super-fun-happy-solos.


It's generic bullshit, really. Every song is about Lord of the Rings and has the same drumbeat.



What happenned to the thrash metal thread anyway?

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You're a metrosexual canuck.


Last thing I'm looking for is to get into a flame war with you, but, how's this warranted? all you know about me is I don't wear size 42 pants and that I live in Canada.

Go back to being a janitor who's barely making minimum wage. You already put yourself on blast on here a million times for being a world class chump.

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Last thing I'm looking for is to get into a flame war with you, but, how's this warranted? all you know about me is I don't wear size 42 pants and that I live in Canada.

Go back to being a janitor who's barely making minimum wage. You already put yourself on blast on here a million times for being a world class chump.




Ooooohhhh noooooooeeeeezzzzzz!!!!!


The metrosexual Canuck called me a chump!!! :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:







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