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all this election bullshit


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yeah I dont care my damn self. everyone keeps asking me who I'm voting for and shit. and I'm like "BITCH! I'm not a citizen, I cant vote!" and they all like "damn" and I'm like "word!" and they like "burn on me!"

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people get all butt hurt when i tell em i dont vote. save the arguments you faggots. i make my money for me and none of these dudes do shit for me or my people. we aint on welfare, we dont make war, we dont like anyone. leave us be. you guys can have all that shit.

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people get all butt hurt when i tell em i dont vote. save the arguments you faggots. i make my money for me and none of these dudes do shit for me or my people. we aint on welfare, we dont make war, we dont like anyone. leave us be. you guys can have all that shit.


nobody is butthurt.


thing is, you live here. the "rules" affect you just as much as anyone else.

you aren't anyone important enough or rich enough to escape it. neither am i.


you can try to ignore it, you can try and push it away for as long as you want,

but it doesn't change anything.


what i see is three very shitty candidates that mainstream media is touting as the next best thing since GLOW.




which sucked, btw.



no need to put yourself on a pedestal. you're just like the rest of us. a citizen.



















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paris hilton wasnt even registered to vote or didnt vote during that election. i forget which


also i dont vote. i dont care at all.

its jsut another person whos gonna ruin our life and go to bohemian grove and worship a 40 foot owl.

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All you faggot hipsters who are "too cool" to vote are the reason why our country is so fucked to begin with. The reason why shit got out of hand to the point where people like Bush could just steal the election.

This time we have somebody who's actually worth voting for not just because he's not a Republican, but because the dude is actually the real deal. An uncorrupt politician who actually wants to bring change and fix shit.

But you fucking faggots are on some faggot shit.

Yall gonna sit back and let the redneck fucktards vote in another crooked ass Republican again. I'm sure yall will give a shit about what's happening in this country when your ass gets drafted to die in Iraq.

Yall need to pay more attention to what the fuck is going on if you think Obama is just another crooked politician.


Voting is the EASIEST fucking thing to do. You just register and get your card, then go to the local elementary school on election day and pull a lever. It's not fucking hard. And it doesn't take more than 20 minutes at most of standing in line. Usually alot less.

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You whats really fucked is someone with a felony can't vote.


Word. That shit should be unconstitutional.


How easy would it be just to turn every petty ass crime into a felony, and then the majority of people wouldn't even have the right to vote. Kinda seems like that's where the country's headed.

Yall talking bout "voting's gay" oughta be slapped in the mouth for taking shit for granted.

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Word. That shit should be unconstitutional.


How easy would it be just to turn every petty ass crime into a felony, and then the majority of people wouldn't even have the right to vote. Kinda seems like that's where the country's headed.

Yall talking bout "voting's gay" oughta be slapped in the mouth for taking shit for granted.


They are turning petty crimes into felonies. I have a friend who got felony possession and misses his ability to vote, so I give him mine because I've lost faith in votes changing our country. Violence seems a viable option, especially with education being such a low priority in this country now.

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Violence seems a viable option, especially with education being such a low priority in this country now.


Maybe that's why the school systems these days are teaching our kids to be a bunch of pansy faggots.

Like what that other thread was talking about.

I'd seriously be surprised to see a violent revolution take place in this country these days.

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But what does it hurt to try? Seriously?

Like, if so manny people come out the wood work to vote for somebody and it's common knowledge that the person that everyone voted for didn't win... eventually one of these times the shit aint gonna fly. But if nobody actually voted, then there's no amo to use in the court battles.

The statistics need to at least exist for them to be brought to light.

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nader is running again...or at least trying to. i'm all for having choices.

let's vote for a dictatorship, who's with me besides myself?



Pd 51 took care of that, i think. so, us voting about it didn't really matter in that case....have fun, comrade.

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Just like rich people use money to basically quite the voice of the masses, the poor and middle class need to step up their game and fucking take this shit. Real money that can make real change. Voting can help, but when that fails? The citizens need to make themselves more viable as whole. I wish I was more educated about politics.


Fight fire with fire.

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Just like rich people use money to basically quite the voice of the masses, the poor and middle class need to step up their game and fucking take this shit. Real money that can make real change. Voting can help, but when that fails? The citizens need to make themselves more viable as whole. I wish I was more educated about politics.


Fight fire with fire.


something i agree with. angel of death has a saying "first you vote from the soap box, then you vote from the ballot box, and if those don't work you vote from the rooftops" something like that.


anyway, i think we do need to protest as a whole. it's the only way to let some of these big corporations know we mean business and aren't going to take the crap they keep trying to serve out.



examples: chinese food with cardboard in it, chinese made toothpaste with antifreeze in it, exploding laptops, fingers in our food, canned hamburger, gasoline when we have a huge stockpile and the refineries are pumping out more than we use, ssri's, target having a huge forensics and intelligence training center, bank of fucking america, etc. etc.

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XXL interview with rapper DMX that covers many topics, including the presidential election. A felon, DMX can’t vote, so he’s not paying too much attention to the process.


Are you following the presidential race?

Not at all.


You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton.

His name is Barack?!


Barack Obama, yeah.




What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?


Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.

Barack Obama?



What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that nigga’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.


You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.

I ain’t really paying much attention.


I mean, it’s pretty big if a Black…

Wow, Barack! The nigga’s name is Barack. Barack? Nigga named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” [laughs] “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Barack.


So you’re not following the race. You can’t vote right?


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And it needs to be a protest that isn't allowed by directed by government permission. Companies that make money from moving industry overs seas need to be held accountable and need to pay back the money they helped to give a way. They are the reason we are losing ground economically in the world market. Liberals need to be raising fucking cut throat politicians instead of theorizing coffee house poets. Believe you're right and fight for that.

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