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I just saw this do that works for me begging for money


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How would you feel if you where a good worker and all, but got canned because your boss just happened to see you catching a tag one night?


Like an idiot, for letting him catch me.


I get some amazing opportunities to get over when I'm at work, and I rarely take them. When I do, I'm super careful about not getting spotted. I like to do my thing, but I'm not about to let it fuck with my career.


Frate, I would let dude know that if it happens again in a place where a client might see him, he better hope he's able to beg for enough to pay his rent that month.

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Like an idiot, for letting him catch me.


I get some amazing opportunities to get over when I'm at work, and I rarely take them. When I do, I'm super careful about not getting spotted. I like to do my thing, but I'm not about to let it fuck with my career.



But you're talking about getting over at work. And getting over on the people you work for.


There's a HUGE difference between stealing from your job, and being a jackass outside of your job.

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Also, you're kinda admitting that you ARE a jackass outside of work by saying that if you got found out then you deserve to lose your job because of getting caught.

Instead of defending your right to be able to do whatever the fuck you want outside of work, you're condoning dude getting fired out of prejudice.

On some "hey he deserves it cause I think he's a jackass" shit.


Do you seriously not see that mentality as being bass-ackwards?

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No, I'm talking about painting spots that I get access to through work. Really good spots, that I usually pass on, because I can't afford to make my company look bad.


OK. But either way you're still talking about directly getting over on the people you work for.


That's not the same as exercising your right to do whatever the fuck you want outside of your job.

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Being nearly 30 and still painting graffiti does make me a bit of a jackass. If I did it somewhere that a client might see me, I'd be way more of a jackass. I do pretty much whatever I want outside of work, but I do limit myself somewhat so that I don't fuck myself over work-wise.


Anyway, my point is that painting graffiti and begging for change are two different things. I know that there are people who hire me, who also see my graffiti. But because I'm smart about it, they don't know that it's me who did it. If they did, they might not hire me/ my company in the future. Whereas begging for change, your goal is to have people see you, and if the people where you do it are potential clients, you are being a retard and having no regard for the fact that you are making your company look bad.

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A client could happen to see you anywhere.

Your boss could happen to see you anywhere.

You're being a hipocrite.


I seriously don't beleive that a persons personal life outside of work should be grounds for them to be fired from their job.

At least not from a blue collared job.


Obviously you don't want pedophiles and serial killers working as school teachers, but that's completely different than a construction worker panhandleing for extra cash. Or writing on walls.

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DAO you got a good point with what you're preaching but this dude that works for frate

is doing his thing in daylight near where clients might see him (at least from what i'm gathering)


if your face is representative of your company and you misrepresent your company in public

thats some reason to maybe not be fired but to be let known that, that kinda shit dont slide

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DAO you got a good point with what you're preaching but this dude that works for frate

is doing his thing in daylight near where clients might see him (at least from what i'm gathering)


if your face is representative of your company and you misrepresent your company in public

thats some reason to maybe not be fired but to be let known that, that kinda shit dont slide


Word, i agree with that.

That's why dude should tell him not to do it anywhere near the job site.


Other than that what's next, they gonna find out one of their employees goes to swinging party's and fire him for misrepresenting their construction company?


Or one of them's a faggot, so he's gotta bounce too?


LMAO! They'ed get fucking sued!


Bottom line is he's asking if he should fire dude out of a personal prejudice.

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When I paint, I try not to let anyone see me. If I fuck up, I know there will be consequences. If a cop sees me, I won't be surprised if he tries to arrest me. If a client sees me, I won't be surprised if he stops hiring me. I won't be happy about it, but I'll know I only have myself to blame.


I recognize that writing graffiti makes me a lowlife in the eyes of the average person, so I keep it on the DL. I don't think that makes me a hypocrite.


I'm also the boss to a few of my friends, and I hold them to the same standards. We fuck around all day when we're not working, but if they act like an ass in front of the wrong people, I let them know that they're slipping.

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When I paint, I try not to let anyone see me. If I fuck up, I know there will be consequences. If a cop sees me, I won't be surprised if he tries to arrest me. If a client sees me, I won't be surprised if he stops hiring me. I won't be happy about it, but I'll know I only have myself to blame.


I recognize that writing graffiti makes me a lowlife in the eyes of the average person, so I keep it on the DL. I don't think that makes me a hypocrite.


I'm also the boss to a few of my friends, and I hold them to the same standards. We fuck around all day when we're not working, but if they act like an ass in front of the wrong people, I let them know that they're slipping.



OK, so you see yourself as being a douchebag. Why? Because you're "vandalizing" public and private property. You feel like if you get caught or found out, then you deserve to lose your livelyhood and go back to living with your parents and hopefully find another good job. If not, then just work some bullshit job while living with your parents.

Maybe you'll land a sweet construction job, if they don't hold the fact that you're a douchebag "graffiti vandal" against you. But either way, you accept the fact that you're a scourge on society who doesn't deserve the job that you have.

OK, cool. I can respect that.


But what exactly is the "scourge on society" of somebody lowering himself to panhandeling?

Obviously it's not respectable. Obvioulsly he's a douchebag for pretending to be homeless when really he has a good paying job.

But isn't that just capitolism?

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Actually, I see you as a douchebag. My point was that it's stupid to let your boss see you doing something that makes you and your company look bad in a place that clients frequent. If you disagree with that, fine. I'm not going to argue about it with you because A) I don't care, and B ) it's obvious that, as usual, you're just playing devil's advocate so that you can get someone on the internet to pay attention to you.


Now you post that fail GIF of dude getting spraypainted in the face, and I'll put you back on ignore. Then everyone will be happy.

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You did give me props. The message said "LOL!", presumably because I said something funny. Does that mean I owe you something?


Now, like I mentioned in my PM to you, it's fucking gay to argue in a thread, so drop it. I'm not "hurt", I just don't think you're going to come up with an example of me contradicting myself, and you just agreed with my whole point in your last post anyway.

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I'm above firing his stupid ass, I'm going to use him to finish off the winter season and not renew his services for the up coming summer.


One of my uber rich clients did see stupid, has called my office and embarrassed the living shit out my fam's company.


If I was so tired I would break down this guys entire shitty life, but fuck it it doesn't matter.

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yo i stepped to that bitch for my toonie back, her son was a look out he stepped to me back........then a gang of people rolled on us and were yelling and talking shit to them.




who am I talk right, i just racked 100 dollars with of the pron and the rap tag mags from tower?

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tell him to give you half of what he collects or he's GONE.

dont fire him - if he really needs the money let him live, but nothung pisses me off more than these wannabee tramp fake ass mall punks, and if thats the case drop the line and a case of bush to some real bums that hes stealing from the corners


they will make him realize what being street really is

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