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what would make you stop writing


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im stopping when im 18 19 cause im going off to UTI and going to pop off my career as an automotive technician....working on cars makin em faster trickin them out then showing them off is way better then graffiti anyday

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i dont think i would really ever stop writing.

but ive been in times where ive had to take breaks.

in reality if you want to have a balanced healthy life outside of graffiti, youre going to have to sacrifice some oppurtunities to paint. maybe going once a week or every couple weeks isnt a bad thing. if you go out every night and empty 15+ cans each time. you probaly are homeless or in a shitty living condition. crushing a whole city or having 1,000 trains running doesnt mean it will make you happy. these are just the realities of growing up. just my 2 cents.

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You're damm rigth!


I live on a small city & i gain my "all city" badge some time ago, after that a just take a break, it just didn't work for me, just got boring but i did some legal or chill walls from time to time, then is like i'm always switching between legal & illegal stuff. i think thats a good way of balance.

Also i think if i had a kid i will want my kid to write, so fuck stopping for that!

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if someone cut off my hands then i would stop..


reason why i haven't stopped..



have a son

have a good job...



i haven't stopped and don't plan on it. now i may not be as active as i once was but i will always be writing..


I stopped once for like 8 months and i hated it so i started up again

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I dont think a writer can ever stop writing, even if you say you "quit" you'll find yourself in and out of the game throughout the years. You might slow down for a while if you get in a chase or caught but i dont think a true writer will ever quit.

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  • 1 month later...

1. A few nights in central booking, Manhattan


2. A career making good cash


3. Maturity


4. Age


Don't get me wrong, i love graff and after a few beers i'm ready to go do some fill-in's, but the angel on my shoulder tells me not to, the devil on the other says "go rack some cans and hit the highway for some quick throws".

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive stopped and started painting not fully i still sketch daily and have stacks of books then start up again go for a good run and stop again catch tags drop fills do pieces then chill thats been my way for the last couple years but to completly stop nope ive done the love thing my signifigant other has no problems with graffiti what so ever so im cool on that part and the career thing is going good just my fucked up work schedule kind of keeps me away from painting but u gotta do what u do im not gone be a loser fuck that still lives with mom at 30 and gets allowence for paint not me, but will i quit graff fuck no always ill be 60 and scriben the fuck outta restroom mirrors and shit haha.

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Anyone that is truly into it, not coz everyone is talking bout it and it sounds like it'll makeyou cool, then you willnever quit, you may say you quit and stuff but youll be back like when i said i quit i was like still sketching on paper and stuff so yeah.

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im stopping when im 18 19 cause im going off to UTI and going to pop off my career as an automotive technician....working on cars makin em faster trickin them out then showing them off is way better then graffiti anyday


i kinda of did the same think..

but i always catch some tags here and there....



am having relapse tho :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled:






i can dig why people quit for having a GOOD job

but i think neva quit just slow down.

at least ur faster then the average ...







am triping right now.:scrambled:

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