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What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?


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For me it was this little sucker, seriously hideous...




I've had a few other shockers as well







I've also loaded up a large glass of thick milo with what I thought was sugar but turned out to be salt. LEt me tell you that salty chocolate is pretty fucking disgusting. Also went down on a hooker once, don't know what the hell I was thinking there....


What have you eaten that you wished you hadn't.

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I can't see the photos above from work,

but I assume from the replies that it is of a funky/promiscuous looking thai girl selling bugs from a push cart on Khao San Road...

if I'm correct, I've eaten her bugs as well.. and they are definately up there in the weirdest shit I've ever eaten.. but truth be told, maybe not the most disgusting..

Besides spoiled foods,

the nasty shit I've eaten was chicken hearts...

so fucking chewy and gross.. I'd rather eat crickets anyday.

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I can't see the photos above from work,

but I assume from the replies that it is of a funky/promiscuous looking thai girl selling bugs from a push cart on Khao San Road...

if I'm correct, I've eaten her bugs as well.. and they are definately up there in the weirdest shit I've ever eaten.. but truth be told, maybe not the most disgusting..

Besides spoiled foods,

the nasty shit I've eaten was chicken hearts...

so fucking chewy and gross.. I'd rather eat crickets anyday.


It's bugs (centipede, scorpion, cicada and a pigeon head) but it's in China, Wang Fu Jing food street. And you are right, the scorpion and cicada were just oily and salty, but the centipede had a seriously strong and bitter flavour that stuck in my mouth for hours. I also ate sheeps testicle and that was fine except for the mushy bit in the center.../no homo.


I've also eaten pigs ear which was bad, sea slug, donkey and some other stuff I can't remember right now. Army ration packs can be pretty awful too.

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I like blood sausage~

Irish style, Argentinien style and Longonisa style~

Sea slug too~ I love it~

I'll eat anything from the sea..

though those isopods from another thread this week

made me a bit squeemish, but I'd probally have to try them if they were on a menu~




RAW aligator meat, chill~ that's ca-ra-zee


and testicles I probally could'nt (knowingly) stomach~

I will eat any animal, just not any part of it..

hearts and testicles make me hurt in those places when I think of chewing them




I'd imagine centipede to be bitter~ ballsy move!

did you try the pidgeon head~?

I'm not in to mammal heads, but fish heads are great




I've only eaten two "hooker snatches".. (they were girls who I dated whose profession happened to be prostitution)..not too disgusting.. at the time it was great, but in retrospect, I feel lucky to have unblemished lips... They were cleaner than half of the girls in the world, but then again, diseases don't have a taste~ it can be clean and "dirty" at the same time~ ahhh the carelessness of youth!




I've never had ration packs, but I've got in to cooked spam recently

good with lime and sambal on spring rolls ~

But it gives me the swamp gas something awful

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