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laaaaame. I had bronchitis about a year ago REALLY bad. I was coughing so hard and so frequently that my ribs started to feel like they were bruised. it took FOREVER to get over, even with meds. now I'm fucking getting it all over again. I gotta go to the doctor tommorow to be sure, but its the same shit all over again. fuck.

anyone else sick or hating life right now?

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every time i see you post i think about how your girlfriend is pretty but a complete retard. and then i think about my ex girlfriend and how she was the same way, and i totally know what your life is like. i am sorry. in several years from now when you are no longer with her you will say "holy shit self, really? i mean REALLY?"


it'll be awesome.

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i was about to make a sickboy thread.


it feels like i got spikey marbles in my throat, my lymphnodes are so swolen my neck is bulging out on the left side.



ive had the chills and shakes for the past 2 days, this shit sucks. ive been taking hot showers and drinking alot of stuff, but my throat still hurts like fuck.



fuck being sick, really though. on a sidenote, today was the first day in over a year that i have not smoked mary jane. im tempted to down a couple shots of rum to take the edge off this shit, but i just popped a shitload of advils and comtrex. fuckin god damn shit nigga.

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Guest 50million

awwww. i have it right now too. mines from idiots putting bleach and ammonia together and giving me instant chemical induced bronchitis.


my meds were so expensive...some stupid inhaler than i just cant stop taking either. i might have to buy that shit again.


are you wheezing?

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this day has been brutal. ive been dry heaving like crazy, having a rollercoaster ride from chills to hot sweats back to chills back to hot sweats. im sweating like a gallon and i still cant get over this nasty ass virus. i fucking hate life right now. ive been outta commission for 3 fuckin days, make it 4 tommorow if this mother fucker doesnt get sweated out tonight.

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chronic bronchitis blows, i lost a job over it (even with a doctors note). doesn't help that i'm lighting up every break i have the chance.


shit, if you've got a doctors note, you should go after your employer for wrongfull dismissal. you might have a shot. shit, if nothing else you might get some cash out of them.


I went to the walk in clinic yesterday to get checked out and get the same meds they gave me last time, but the doctor was convinced that I DONT have bronchiits, and this is probably just a lingering viral infection from the cold I just got over. he gave me some robitussin samples and sent me on my way. I hope he's right, but I suspect I'll just wind up back there in a week when shit gets worse.


I think my mistake was telling him that I think I know what I have. doctors hate that. its like they'll diagnose you with something else just out of spite when you do that. fuck.


hope everyone else is doing better. moe-lester you just gotta sweat it out. it sucks.

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I've got a pretty good cough going on right now. Great timing as I have my first soccer game in like 3 hours.


My dad had really bad bronchitis which led to a blood clot in his artery, thus giving him a mild heart attack. So make sure you keep on top of it, if it gets worse go and kick your doctor in the balls.

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i just had strep throat a couple weeks ago


i was feelin so bad this morning i went to the doctors, i got strep throat hell yea!



fucking weak as hell. the only good thing is that my doctor hooked me up with some vicodin which is taking the edge off nicely.


yinz any advice on getting over this shit? how long did it last?

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shit, if you've got a doctors note, you should go after your employer for wrongfull dismissal. you might have a shot. shit, if nothing else you might get some cash out of them.


I went to the walk in clinic yesterday to get checked out and get the same meds they gave me last time, but the doctor was convinced that I DONT have bronchiits, and this is probably just a lingering viral infection from the cold I just got over. he gave me some robitussin samples and sent me on my way. I hope he's right, but I suspect I'll just wind up back there in a week when shit gets worse.


I think my mistake was telling him that I think I know what I have. doctors hate that. its like they'll diagnose you with something else just out of spite when you do that. fuck.


hope everyone else is doing better. moe-lester you just gotta sweat it out. it sucks.


i checked the labor laws in CT, and they were actually within their rights doing that. i wasn't excessively late, it pretty much was their way of laying me off without preparing any sort of severance at all. my uncle has been on disability for awhile, so he's familiar with the labor board, and pretty much got my claim fast tracked. even after hired on from a temp agency, a company can still claim you as a temporary employee, even though at that point i had been working there a year. go figure. i know in MA i could nail their cock to the wall for that sort of thing though.

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