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thingz black peoplez likez


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Re: things black people like


Moogle may be the only black man I've heard since 1991 to confess a fondness for Christian Death and Alien Sex Fiend.


This may be a local phenomenon, but what's up with brothas on Harleys these days? They all ride pimped out Harleys with touring gear, low cut windshields, and loud ass stereos rocking R&B...loud enough to hear over the pipes, even.

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Re: things black people like


i do believe i may get in touch with my roots in this thread..



oh p.s we also like rodeo's and country




i've gone every year since i was 10.. cept the last 5 years... its in l.a and a few other places annually fyi





we also like..






and to dispel the myth.. we also enjoy


keeps the skin smooth... but the majority of african american tanning booths are underground so as to keep out bothersome onlookers and tourists





we also enjoy










and also i am now a firm believer of leaving butter on the kitchen counter..... thanks seeking

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Re: things black people like


many african males have been known to frequent



because its a well known fact that



large juggallettes flock in droves here... and can suck a mango through a coffee straw



many battles have been won and lost at these gatherings ... also many children have been born as a direct result of blowjobs

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Re: things black people like


black people love chicken its a fact.. why you may ask?


black people lack tryptophan wich is essential in digesting meats.. it is not known if this is a direct result of american domestication since true africans from africa do not have this issue


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Re: things black people like


and to dispel the myth.. we also enjoy


keeps the skin smooth... but the majority of african american tanning booths are underground so as to keep out bothersome onlookers and tourists





I just woke the whole fucking house up.:lol:

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Re: things black people like


-driving slow

-walking slow

-talking shit about random people in public just barely loud enough to be obvious about it

-things that look wet even if they're not (hair, shoes, car paint jobs, suits, lips, and sometimes skin in general)



-communicating with their children via the following methods: saying "shut up," calling them "stupid" or hitting them. arm yanking is also a favorite.

-burgundy, gold and dark green (all at once)

-junk food mini-meals (a bag of hot fries, a liter of big shot pineapple cola, and some skittles. all at once)

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Re: things black people like


Chicago heads do it like this

jumbo popsicles,like these but huge!!! you get them at the coner store


pickles in a bag


hot cheatos


they love all sorts of sugar and water combos


and you cant forget the tricked out tims


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