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Birds: our future overlords


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so today im waiting for the train, and as it pulls up i notice a bird flew into it, leaving a huge blood splatter across its side

which got me thinking

if birds wanted to, they could become top dog around here

think about it

they can prety much dive bomb us and we cant do anything about it

they can bombard us with poop from above, and they are too smal, quick and nimble to get caught

if they banded together, we're fucked!

the little ones could pester humans into submission

the bigger ones could hurt us if we got out of line

if they WANTED to, they could easily kill us!!!


birds are ones to watch in the near future

mark my words



on a related matter.....what would happen if we fed birds some exlax or something similar?

would they become flying poop machines???



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It's difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive earth men or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the birds will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new winged overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted forum lurker, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground birdseed caves.

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It's difficult to tell from this point whether they will consume the captive earth men or merely enslave them. One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them; the birds will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new winged overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted forum lurker, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground birdseed caves.


Sooooo what you're trying to say is... writing in long-winded sentences makes you sound smart an witty.

Annnnnd what I'm saying is.... I can't get my eyes to stop bleeding. You're not writing a physics book from 1874. You're trying to depict Orwell's fucking Animal farm... or Stargate, but with humans losing to birds. Which doesn't nearly have the same amount of funny as if millions of retarded kamikaze birds flew into shit, smashing through car doors, impailing kittens and babies, knocking down telecommunication satellites and crashing Wallstreet.


This isn't DnD, nigga. Learn to fucking write.

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Sooooo what you're trying to say is... writing in long-winded sentences makes you sound smart an witty.

Annnnnd what I'm saying is.... I can't get my eyes to stop bleeding. You're not writing a physics book from 1874. You're trying to depict Orwell's fucking Animal farm... or Stargate, but with humans losing to birds. Which doesn't nearly have the same amount of funny as if millions of retarded kamikaze birds flew into shit, smashing through car doors, impailing kittens and babies, knocking down telecommunication satellites and crashing Wallstreet.


This isn't DnD, nigga. Learn to fucking write.

Wow! A cynical internet forum literature critic! You must have an interesting life!


It's a Simpson's quote..., ya dickhead.

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Who the fuck are these new kids, and am I dickhead for not knowing every gay simpsons episode, or for not replying to a simpsons quote with another simpsons quote? And what alternate asshat universe did I just step into?


This shits about birds nigga. Fuck your simpsons.

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No, you're a dickhead for not seeing the blatant reference to the thread title. Secondly, I'm also a touch older than you, that would make you the kid.


Mate, I don't know why you've got all that sand stuffed up your vagina but why don't you go wash it out and just relax a little. I know you feel like a hero behind your little keyboard but it's only you that's getting all upset and throwing E-tanties. It's a forum dude, don't take yourself so seriously.

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Back on point........ Fuck that son, Birds a'int got shit I couldn't take from them. Even an eagle. Look up Carrier Pidgeons for example, or Doo Doo birds. I'd fuck up some birds on some save the planet shit for real.


Octopus overlords, that's different. They actually have brains intelligent enough to solve problems, and learn in a similar way to humans.

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