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johnny knoxville has an accident..


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Johnny Knoxville had a little accident with his cock and balls while performing a stunt recently.

The Jackass explains all on his official blog:

"Just got back from Oklahoma where I was shooting Mat Hoffman’s tribute to Evel Knievel. Had a ball, too, even though I almost lost my own balls in the process. Don’t want to give too much away because the tribute airs Feb 23rd on MTV, but let’s just say before letting Travis Pastrana teach me how to do a backflip on a motorcycle I should have had him teach me to ride one first. Heh-heh…bad for me, good for our viewing audience at home. Have to go now. Have to empty the piss bag on my leg that I have to wear for the next two weeks until my torn urethra heals. Ouch, and see you on the 23rd. By the way, lots of great stuff in the Evel Knievel tribute besides my trip to the hospital—lots!"


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i heard steve-o followed the dead before jackass. 2muchacidz


Oh, that explains everything.


When I was skating and making "Sponsor me" videos, we used to goof around and do stupid shit on camera to fill the time. This was around 1995, so I think we were inspired by the movie "Kids".


Some of my favorites were-


-Jumping my friend's Bronco. There was a small bridge that was like a big fun box, so we would have her tow us so we could try to clear the top. Since it was about a twenty foot jump, no one really did it (I came close a few times). Finally we decided to just jump the truck. We got a couple good 3-4' high jumps, but decided to stop when we saw sparks coming out from under the Bronco.


-Dousing myself with lighter fluid, setting myself on fire and jumping into a pool.


-Breaking huge blocks of styrofoam over each others heads. I ended up almost breaking my nose on camera. Bloody good time.


-Streaking a party, running out the front door and dancing in the street, then getting locked out and having my clothes hidden in the freezer.


-Rides in a laundromat dryer in my underwear, and receiving burns on my ass for it.


-Getting hammered on Jack Daniel's with a couple friends and destroying my friend's brother's room while listening to Slayer (he got kicked out of the house for that).


I did all of this when I was 21, though. I am MUCH more genteel nowadays.

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see what on a monthly basis?


i really dont watch it.. ask my husband i even refused to watch the movie i think shit is retarded.. i just posted it cause i saw it on a blog


Lady period blood joke.....







And you know that husband of yours isn't healthy for our relationship. But I think we can overlook this lil incedent.

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