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I ran from the cops in my car in the middle of downtown, and got away for 5 days.



I was hiding out at my moms house (while she was out of town) and they came at like 3 am to serve the warrant, which they had bumped up to attempted vehicular homicide and felony evasion. I was asleep on the ground floor and they walked up to the window and started shining flashlights in my face. I woke up and went to the door not thinking and they cuffed me on the spot. I was just wearing boxers and the pigs were like "do you want to grab some pants" but there was my dro and a bong in the other room, so I knew they would charge me for drugs too, and probably ransack my moms house if they saw it, so I was just like "Fuck it, you got me, just take me to jail like this, but can I piss in the bushes real quick? You just woke me up and I really have to go?"


Now cops here love this shit, they loooove holding people for so long that they piss themselves, its just an asshole thing that they are known to do here...


So of course the cop was like "No, you can piss downtown, you have to wait"

My moms house is only like 15t minutes from downtown, but I know the game, you go downtown, they make you sit there for another hour in the cage, then print you, mugshots, put in mass holding (with no bathroom) then call people one by one. They want you to piss yourself downtown because its fucking humiliating and your probably gonna get your ass kicked by other inmates... It would probably be 2 hours before I could go, also I was there for running from the cops and they HATE that shit, especially since I got away, so I knew I was in for special treatment.



So I have really narrow hands and double jointed thumbs - I can slip out of handcuffs easily and have been able to do it since I was a kid. For talent show once in the 6th grade I did an escape trick with cuffs and rope all houdini style. So as were driving down the main strip i slip my hand out, pull my dick out the side of my boxers (no pants), sllip back in, and just start pissing all over the back of his seat. I really had to go bad, one of those halfway drunk wake up pisses - my bladder was full and I emptied it all over the back of his seat. As Im abou a third done with my massive piss the shit starts leaking under the seat and all on his shoes. He shouts "ARE YOU FUCKING PISSIN IN MY SQUAD CAR?!?"


I was like "Man, I told you I had to go but you didnt listen!"


So he pulls over, jerks me out (Im pretty much done by then) and throws me into a vacant lot where they were about to build a new resteraunt. He tells me to finish, but I informed him that I got everything done in his car already and didnt have to go any more. So hes fucking really mad, like so mad he couldnt talk, and he was like "Oh Im gonna teach you a leston" So im like fuck, this dude is about to take the cuffs off and hunt me down. He calls for backup ON HIS CELL PHONE (not a good sign at all) and I hear him talking like "Im gonna fucking kill this kid"


The backup was right behind us and pulled up. He had a quick argument with the guy that went something like "Im gonna fuck this kid up" - and the other cop was like "look where we are! Theres people everywhere. Just take him downtown." Thank god I was on the main strip of downtown or I would have really been fucked up, possibly killed - this guy was really fucking mad, and Im not gonna front, I was scared.


But the backup was the voice of reason, and he threw me back into the cop car. Theres this big puddle of piss all on the floor and Im just wearing slippers (forgot to mention I didnt bring my shoes either) and hes like "Put your foot in that piss NOW!"

Im like "Haha, fuck that, Im not putting my foot in that"




me - "I guess you better break my foot then, because I aint doin it... then you can explain that one.."


So his face turns bright red and he slams the door real quick, but I moved my foot. He toopk me downtown and I got processed in the felony group wearing no pants and no shoes. They didnt give me any pants for about 4 or 5 hours and get this - I got 2 counts of vandalism for ruining 2 of the floormats...

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The police the next town over from me absolutely hate me...they think I was spitting in their food, and I'm the suspect in about 5096789056569087 open investigations, all of which can be traced back to my ex girl's psychotic fuckin mother


But anyways, worse I've ever done was fucking the girlfriend of the nephew of one of the above forementioned cops, then telling him that I was gunna rape his grandmother with his baton. Later on I ended up learning the dude grew up with my dad and was a sparring partner at a gym he worked out in (my dad used to be a pro kickboxer). Turns out the muthafucka was a super pansy that used to get knocked around the ring by girls.

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I also had some crroked ass cop come to my house and try and set me up to get me to snitch out my boys, but he came across county lines with no authority...



Long story short he tried to get me on some super entrapment shit and stole some of my student loan money (about 4 gs), so I started taping my conversations with him and got him to admit to stealing my money and setting me up and all this illegal shit, enough to ruin his ass... then I took the tape to my lawyers. My lawyer just told me to tell the cop to call him, for a day he left all these threatening messages, but then realized I wasnt lying about the powerhouse lawyer I had and went into my voice mail and deleted the messages and went into my bank statements and erased the withdrawls ont he specific dates. I got enough dirt on the guy to destroy his career, but fuck that, I dont want a pissed off fired cop hunting me for the rest of my life...

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I also had some crroked ass cop come to my house and try and set me up to get me to snitch out my boys, but he came across county lines with no authority...



Long story short he tried to get me on some super entrapment shit and stole some of my student loan money (about 4 gs), so I started taping my conversations with him and got him to admit to stealing my money and setting me up and all this illegal shit, enough to ruin his ass... then I took the tape to my lawyers. My lawyer just told me to tell the cop to call him, for a day he left all these threatening messages, but then realized I wasnt lying about the powerhouse lawyer I had and went into my voice mail and deleted the messages and went into my bank statements and erased the withdrawls ont he specific dates. I got enough dirt on the guy to destroy his career, but fuck that, I dont want a pissed off fired cop hunting me for the rest of my life...






You better follow up an that shit!


Get the FBI involved. This is the only time I think you'll ever hear me cosigning on snitching.

Get that fucker locked up in federal prison and get your money back 100 fold!


(Assuming you don't have any serious dirt you're trying to keep low.)

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You better follow up an that shit!


Get the FBI involved. This is the only time I think you'll ever hear me cosigning on snitching.

Get that fucker locked up in federal prison and get your money back 100 fold!


(Assuming you don't have any serious dirt you're trying to keep low.)


fuck that



last thing i want if for some cop to get locked up for a couple years, get out and have an eternal vendetta on my ass


sometimes its smarter to let those sleeping dogs lie - Im pretty sure this guy would hunt me down



and the last scentence you said is somewhat correct, Ill just leave it at that. Its just better that everything is over and done with. I didnt fuck him up, he got my money, shit could be a lot worse.

Im not dead, he has his job fucking up kids.

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ill just put it like this...



cops dont just come to your house and take 4 grand from you randomly



there was a lot more involved - and yeah I got punked by that crooked cop - thats what crooked cops do - they punk you

It could have been a lot worse - I could have been charged with all sorts of shit, but me recording him got me out of it

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It wasn't me, but years ago we were at a party in this girls house. One of my boys looking for shit to steal came across a badge in her parents room. Naturally he stole it. The girl kept calling around asking who stole it for a couple weeks after and said her dad was in trouble at work and she would be grounded until she got it back.

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It wasn't me, but years ago we were at a party in this girls house. One of my boys looking for shit to steal came across a badge in her parents room. Naturally he stole it. The girl kept calling around asking who stole it for a couple weeks after and said her dad was in trouble at work and she would be grounded until she got it back.



I havn't really done anything to police I try to avoid them as much as possible. But at this massive rave about 3 years back. I threw a full capped beer bottle from 3 stories above onto the shoulder/collar bone of a cop, the bottle didnt break but the dude fell straight to the floor. I got outta there before I could assess the damage.

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I wasnt involved in this, but I wish I was - the video is HILARIOUS




Public housing units in Springfield to be razed

City will clear out portion of high-crime area


SPRINGFIELD — The city plans to demolish more than two dozen public housing dwellings in a high-crime area.


Thirteen duplexes on Elmwood Street and another building on Carden Circle will come down, possibly by the end of the year or in early 2009, said Seth Hudson, executive director of the Springfield Housing Authority.





"That area has in the past been a high-crime area. There's a lot of traffic that goes through that area," Hudson said. He added that the agency lacks the funds to make necessary improvements.

Elmwood has long been considered a problem area in the city. In 2007, the street and others nearby were the location of a fireworks melee on July Fourth last year. A handful of police were on hand to keep order in a crowd of more than 100 people, several of whom were using firework mortars to shell police cars, people and houses.

One officer suffered a concussion and powder burns when one of the fireworks exploded in his face.

There are no plans to replace the housing once it is demolished. Even the road itself may be removed, Hudson said.


"Nothing will be left but open green space," City Manager Paul Nutting said. "We've had some problems down in that area. We don't want it to be an area where people can congregate and get into mischief."


The cost of the demolition is estimated to be $190,000, which will be paid by the housing authority, Hudson said.


The housing authority has 409 dwellings, including the 27 marked for demolition. The housing authority has begun moving people out of the Elmwood units, Hudson said.

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im not fond of suitcasing shit.




both times the shit was hidden in a stash pocket in my jacket.


one time it was a fine asian beezy cop who pulled me and my boy over on a roadtrip to socal. we had about 400 't-shirts' on us, hidden in a secret compartment under the cup holder. i was decently nervous but got off with a window tint ticket.

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Celt just reminded me of the time I smashed the rear window out on a cops car for chasing me out of Love Park.

I went around the block and when I came back to see if he bounced, I saw he had some young kids all hemmed up with their skateboards in a pile.

So I smashed his window out with my skateboard and he started chasing me again and the kids he had hemmed up got to grab their boards and get away.

As did I cause tht fat fuck couldn't catch me. :lol:


Fucking golden !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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