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Just in case you were feeling upbeat about humanitiy today. (Graphic)

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Guest shai_hulud

I want to poach some poachers!


The whole argument that "there's a demand for it" makes me consider going to Chinatown and asking for rhino horn. Then, when someone produces some, I go apeshit and destroy the shop.


Sounds fucked up, until you consider the nature of yin and yang. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, right?

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rhino horns are ground up

in china and used as an aphrodisiac.

ok, it is really really fucked up.

and not to say the poachers are

in the right.


people are fucking poor.

it is easy to frown upon this behavior while

we type on our laptops.

but what about the people who are

dirt poor and poach to support their

fams? people who don't have opportunities?

I know its not like this in every case but...

there is a larger picture here.

poverty. people will do what they can to get by.

they might even not like doing it.


as for those who are just being greedy,

that i do not comprehend. it is just fucked


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Guest shai_hulud

I don't buy the "we're dirt poor" argument when it's an endangered species on a wildlife reserve.


Sorry if I don't seem compassionate, but supporting a wife and sixteen kids doesn't preclude torturing any animal to death.


Maybe if the Indian government started doing something to help the peasants instead of just trying to catch up to the West in the conspicuous consumption department (the $2500 car comes to mind), maybe no one would have to kill rhinos to survive.


Besides, most poachers aren't poor people. They're rich, greedy douchebags who use high powered rifles, SUVs and chainsaws to get the job done.

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Guest shai_hulud

Oh yeah. Most Indians are Hindu, which means if they can't kill a cow to eat it, they probably aren't going to maim a rhino for its horn.

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^^^yup exactly what i was going to say...its usually not even by super poor people. and if they are they need to stop fucking reproducing. especially when they can't afford to feed themselves. so many animals are endangered and taken out everyday for NON food resources.

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Seriously, this is going to come across badly but really - FUCK CHINA. As the article explains, the Chinese seem to always be listed as the cause due to the demand of bizarre shit like endangered tiger balls or something. There could be like 20 of an animal left in the world and some Chinese douche bag will pay top dollar to show that animals penis into his wife to make their child strong or something...


Fuck the Japanese for killing whales too.

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whenever people get emotional over shit like this i can't see why they don't see the human side of it, do you think the poachers were white guys in safari suits? they were probably trying to support a hungry family. i know i'd shoot a rhino for family, (i'd try to kill it outright though)


But yeah, fucken aye rotting liver, those chinese can get fucked with their demand for rhino horn fairy dust and all that traditional shit that doesn't work.


And btw, everyone needs to get off the japs' backs with the anti whaling shit. native australians are allowed to kill 1000 dugongs a year, which is NOT sustainable as opposed to the harvest of minky whales and whatever (chris flannery called them the rabbits of the sea) and no one in this country even knows about it. By the way dugongs live in extremally sensitive sea grass bay/esturine habitats, and are far more endangered than any of the whales the japs take./


ps, norweigans harvest WAY more whales than the japs

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The Japanese don't need whales, they just want them. Native Australians have likely hunted "dugongs for hundreds or thousands of years right? The United states has similar laws in Alaska. That is different from killing animals outside of treaties so that rich Japanese people can pay large sums for a delicacy.


As for the Indian "woe is me" argument - India has more than a billion people. The article says 20 were killed last year. I'm pretty sure the other 99,999,980 people in the country might be struggling, but they aren't all living on Rhino money.

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You got it twisted bra. japan has basically always had to import all of its red meat. All of Jap agriculture is rice and other crops, there is no livestock farming. They have always eaten whales to suplement their diet of fish and plant matter.


Whale meat is not a delicacy in japan. it is a cheap staple. My brother's nip gf says it was daily item at school cafeterias.



Yeah, aborigials have hunted dugongs for tens of thousands of years, however not always from runabouts and not always in such high numbers, The crux off the matter is that the dugong hunt is not sustainable in the present form, and japanese whaling is.


People just love whales because they're big and peaceful, fuck that.

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So the Japanese hunt whales because without them they'd starve?



TOKYO - Japan has enticed children with whale burger school lunches, sung the praises of the red meat in colorful pamphlets, and declared whale hunting “a national heritage.”

But Tokyo has a dilemma: by rapidly expanding its whale hunt, Japan now kills more of the giant mammals than its consumers care to eat.

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whenever people get emotional over shit like this i can't see why they don't see the human side of it, do you think the poachers were white guys in safari suits? they were probably trying to support a hungry family. i know i'd shoot a rhino for family, (i'd try to kill it outright though)


real talk

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Guest shai_hulud

If people were killing the rhino to eat it, then they would have found a big pile of rhino bones and some rather well fed villagers.


I definitely don't mind when people hunt for subsistence, but when I see an animal that was left to die a slow and horrible death like that, then the first thing I think is some greedy asshole did it for no good reason.

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If people were killing the rhino to eat it, then they would have found a big pile of rhino bones and some rather well fed villagers.


I definitely don't mind when people hunt for subsistence, but when I see an animal that was left to die a slow and horrible death like that, then the first thing I think is some greedy asshole did it for no good reason.


It was for good reason...







the problem is that people who are doing this are more than likely not going to be in the position that the maintenance of species population levels is not of their highest concern.


you have two very very different set of values taking hold.



of course the argument could be made that the person or persons selling such items on the "black market," are not going to disseminate the money made from the horn to the masses.

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So the Japanese hunt whales because without them they'd starve?



TOKYO - Japan has enticed children with whale burger school lunches, sung the praises of the red meat in colorful pamphlets, and declared whale hunting “a national heritage.”

But Tokyo has a dilemma: by rapidly expanding its whale hunt, Japan now kills more of the giant mammals than its consumers care to eat.




“Is it OK to eat whale meat? Of course it is,” reads a pamphlet titled “Delicious Whales”




that article said very little, aside from how there is a whale meat glut at the moment. (which doesn't mean all that much).


Yes japan is an affluent country, and people wouldn't starve if whales were not hunted, but why is the sustainable whale hunt seen as so bad?


harvesting game (wild animals) is far less cruel than farming animals after all.





I wasn't suggesting that they stop protecting threatened rhino herds from poachers


i was just asking people to see the bad situation in some of its entirety

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