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know your rights clown at the club


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that kid was part of copwatch or some shit... those dudes are no joke.. they follow around the cops getting up in their faces video taping everything that they do... kids go to jail constantly, trying to make sure that the police obey the law...

the original copwatch


and some other copwatch page..


Shit man i got some stories about doing copwatch in different places, but I would rather not post them here...

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That whole thing about getting a break or treated different if your white is a myth.


Maybe it's like that in the suburbs or bumblefuck farmlands, but not where I'm from.


When I'm dressed out of my usual, and with a buncha girls (cuz I only really fuck preppy girls) I definately do get treated alot different. Also, when I'm driving my car 9since it's too ncie for my age really) I get treated different


When I'm in the hood with a buncha my boys, wearing my jeans down my ass and a hoody i'd say i actually get treated worse than the dfarkiees. Like I had some golden opportunity to succeed in lfie with whiteness and I fucked it all up

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I hate cops almost as much as you, but there are a FEW like this


One of my sister's good friend siis a pig and he's just like this...I didt believe her stories til I met him and recognized him. turns out he had actually wrapped me up before and let me go with some shit on me, and was actually a chill dude for real

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true stroy.


had a warent and i got cought up in a mess with some freinds. long storie short i ask the cop if i could go get my chap stick in the car, i didnt drive there and didnt wanna get my buddys in trouble so i took the keys left them in the car and just started running down i-91 made it from ct into mass and called for a ride.


the cop got pissed at my freinds he thought i woulent drive away and leave my freinds, but he had no idea id take off on foot.


it was a friday night and i was NOT trying to get locked up over the weekend on a warent.



I was atcually just told a story tonight about a local writer getting bagged up and detained in the bck of a DT's car uncaffed, and when the pig went to talk to the storeowenr dude opened the door and took off runnin, got away too

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nah, it's definately not a myth. When I was younger, I kept it dumb hoody and honestly the police didn't know if I was puerto rican or what I was. All they knew was I fit the description.

I don't think it's as much a race thing as much as it is how you carry yourself. Ever since I've adopted the whole "work guy" look while I'm out on the grind (a polo type button shirt, jeans or khakis with whatever kicks I'm rockin' and no sag) I get a whole different look and treatment from the police. And I'm sure when black dudes dress business like and carry themselves educated they get treated better unless it's just a racist cop who straight up hates black people or whatever. I'm not convinced that every cop is racist.

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nah, it's definately not a myth. When I was younger, I kept it dumb hoody and honestly the police didn't know if I was puerto rican or what I was. All they knew was I fit the description.

I don't think it's as much a race thing as much as it is how you carry yourself. Ever since I've adopted the whole "work guy" look while I'm out on the grind (a polo type button shirt, jeans or khakis with whatever kicks I'm rockin' and no sag) I get a whole different look and treatment from the police. And I'm sure when black dudes dress business like and carry themselves educated they get treated better unless it's just a racist cop who straight up hates black people or whatever. I'm not convinced that every cop is racist.


So in other words it is a myth. And you agree with me.


Maybe you worded your first sentence wrong.

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By the way, regardless of all the stupid shit I post, this is real...




Because anything you say WILL be used against you, not for you. Dont be afraid to spend the weekend in jail. Shut your mouth, give your name only. talk to your lawyer after you decide who your lawyer is going to be. Talking to cops, even lying . will fuck you up.


And from personal experience, Copwatch does a half-ass job. But it's better than nothing, I suppose.

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That whole thing about getting a break or treated different if your white is a myth.


Maybe it's like that in the suburbs or bumblefuck farmlands, but not where I'm from.


if your white and live in the hood here like I did for 6 years (northside is 90% black and the other 10% aint white) you get flagged even quicker because they assume you are up to no good. I was waiting for my boy to drive to my crib from the burbs so we could hit this abandoned train yard and I was just rollin around past the projects (which were only 7 blocks from my house) and I got pulled over for matching the description of a suspect and looking around suspiciously, some dummy shit, didnt have a license, got my shit ran and blaze blah. He swore straight up and down I was buying rocks because there was no other reason for me to be there, so then I got some dark ass tint the next week and it wasnt a problem ever again.

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That whole thing about getting a break or treated different if your white is a myth.


Maybe it's like that in the suburbs or bumblefuck farmlands, but not where I'm from.



I think it depends on what kind of white guy you are. As Mero pointed out, he was talking about preppy looking white dudes. I get the feeling DAO that you rock baggy jeans and fitteds, walk with a limp with a meanmug on your face. I think both preppy black guys & thuggish black dudes get fucked with by cops, whereas only white thugs get fucked with while white hipsters and preps are left alone.

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"That whole thing about getting a break or treated different if your white is a myth."


Pffft... Ok...


if your white and live in the hood here like I did for 6 years (northside is 90% black and the other 10% aint white) you get flagged even quicker because they assume you are up to no good.


Yea when I was living in a shitty part of town I'd get pulled over because they thought I was buying drugs.


They were straight up about it too, "You know a white guy in this part of town at 2am is suspicious."

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if your white and live in the hood here like I did for 6 years (northside is 90% black and the other 10% aint white) you get flagged even quicker because they assume you are up to no good. I was waiting for my boy to drive to my crib from the burbs so we could hit this abandoned train yard and I was just rollin around past the projects (which were only 7 blocks from my house) and I got pulled over for matching the description of a suspect and looking around suspiciously, some dummy shit, didnt have a license, got my shit ran and blaze blah. He swore straight up and down I was buying rocks because there was no other reason for me to be there




True story.


If your white in a black hood, you get profiled just a quickly as if you're black in a white hood.

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"That whole thing about getting a break or treated different if your white is a myth."


Pffft... Ok...




Yea when I was living in a shitty part of town I'd get pulled over because they thought I was buying drugs.


They were straight up about it too, "You know a white guy in this part of town at 2am is suspicious."




Why do you people keep trying to doubt what I said while turning around and agreeing with what I said in the exact same post? :confused:


Yall got some serious reading comprehension issues.

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True story.


If your white in a black hood, you get profiled just a quickly as if you're black in a white hood.


you get flagged for being out of pocket...

that may or may not have anything to do with race, but it definitely has everything to do with your appearance...



if you look all preppy and rock a argyle sweater in the projects with a skinny tie your gonna get spotted WAY quicker than if you were to wear some dirt nasty shit like a bum. Actually I would put up any ammount of money that if you took a preppy kid and some kid rocking a hoodie and saggy jeans with a fitted on oposite sides of the same housing project, cops would be on the prep waaaay quicker, no contest.

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i use the "remove baseball cap while driving" tactic.




my friends cousins husband is a CHP officer. said his homies busted some dudes for 3 pounds the other day, and that those poudns never ended up in evidence.




i NEED to get in on that shit. i have so many folks i could call and unload stolen wealth on. robbery with a badge fuck you punks!

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y Actually I would put up any ammount of money that if you took a preppy kid and some kid rocking a hoodie and saggy jeans with a fitted on oposite sides of the same housing project, cops would be on the prep waaaay quicker, no contest.


yea cus they would be asking him "ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU LOST? NEED A RIDE BACK TO CANAL ST??"

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Who the fuck doesn't?






Oh wait, I forgot.






yo DAO i agree with you on this 100%. wahts with this new trend among guys that its cool to wear nut huggers?? what the fuck is that? i rock my pants baggy all day, rock my jacket baggy too fuck it. i get flack all the time cus my clothes are too big. what tthe fuck is peoples problems, sorry i dont gel my hair into a faghawk and wear sketcchers and size 27 pants with my ballsack busting out the seams.



cant hide a 38 special in a hipster outfit YOU SMELL ME?

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