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I fail to see the connection between emos and Scientology.


I do know that scientology is no joke. Those fucks have the ability to ruin lives. There is a museum in LA called 'Psycology: an industry of death'. it is run by a 'human righs commission' which is surprise surprised owned by scientology.


it pretends to be a real museum. I heard you go in and they try and work the brainwash on you. im so tempted to check it out.

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I fail to see the connection between emos and Scientology.


I do know that scientology is no joke. Those fucks have the ability to ruin lives. There is a museum in LA called 'Psycology: an industry of death'. it is run by a 'human righs commission' which is surprise surprised owned by scientology.


it pretends to be a real museum. I heard you go in and they try and work the brainwash on you. im so tempted to check it out.




you should go. i saw that place on a documentary.

bring some people with you.

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casek- You mean the Clearwater case? Yeah, and I LOLz0r'd.


The court threw the case out. The CoS is going to lose their tax-free status a hell of a lot sooner if they keep suing people for no reason.


no, the new video Co$ released....showing faces and talking about /a/ making b threats and such. Co$ faked some of the shit. it's too obvious.

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I think its going to be hard to take anything that isn't meant for taking from that place. the whole point of that place is to masquerade as a real museum and suck unwitting people in. At first I had no idea that it had anything to do with those nut cases. I just want to go check it out and see what the deal is. At christmas time there was the weirdest christmas scientology scene thing set up. it was like santas village; scientology version. so bizzare.




Are jada and will scientologists? I have it on good authority that they were at a hollywood swingers party a few days ago. bunch of retards with too much money and no idea how else to spend it.

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