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Drunk Driveers


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Not just defending it, bragging about it.


I've driven drunk before, i won't try to act like i haven't, but its not something i think is cool or that i'd brag about.


On the other hand, the legal limit is ridiculous, and .08 definitely does not constitute drunk or at all impaired in the slightest for myself and 99% of people.

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its not bragging...Its just fun to do.



naw you definitely are


+1 on Chups post...i've done it...most everyone i know has done it...but as for thinking its cool or just being blatantly ignorant about the risks both legally and physically..is dumb..anyways knuckleheads post on...

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if there's anything i hate the most, it would be drunk drivers. Its not hard to come to the realization that you are drunk and shouldn't be manning any large piece of machinery. I honestly have no sympathy for drivers who do this. if you get caught doing it i feel you should get the book thrown at you. Drunk driving has ruined so many lives that should have never been ruined.


EDIT: a lot of you motherfuckers have lost a lot of cool points with me. drunk driving is nothing to brag about,

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It's a shitty thing to do, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't drive drunk from time to time. I'll try to stay wherever I'm at, but it's not always possible, especially if you're hitting up the bar. If I know I'm too drunk to drive I'll usually just pass out in the whip. Knowing your limits is key, I've had cops behind me when I'm drunk and been fine. Although I've put a couple drunk driving marks in my cars in the past, one from trying to squeeze through 2 parked trucks in a parking lot, another from sliding mad hard into the curb, which that time I should not have been driving.

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Everyone drives drunk from time to time agreed. I just caught my 2nd oui last week and violated my 6month suspended sentence for painting. Now I have no license for 2 years, mad fines to pay, and to top it off I'm going to the bing for 6months atleast. It wasnt worth it at all and I wish I could go back and learn from the first one.

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Guest JohnLester#31

My boy hit me up the other day, told me he was luck to be alive, and was thankful to had been wearing his seat belt the night before. The driver hit, a highschool?!!


Check the dash. Dude would have went straight through.






He was the passenger. The seat is on some Twisted Metal shit.




After seeing this shit this weekend, I wouldn't let any of my dudes drive drunk. Real Talk.

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drunk driving fucks people up... i got a homie whos dad killed someone (got like 5 or 10 in the pen for vehicular manslaughter) and his sister died in a crash while she was drunk.


I have a dui, did 2 months on it (i had a couple more charges), I totaled my girl friends car and got my parents car impounded while they were out of town... I have no license for like another month. all it does is get you in trouble. I have another fried who got a dui because someone slammed into his car from opposing traffic, totaled his car, and he went to jail because he was drunk. and it was a hit and run. haha bad luck right there

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damn man, you are so cool.


take a photo of yourself doing coke while drunk driving while making a thread.


Trying to be funny, but you're failing. Not only could I do this flawlessly, but since coke sobers you up itd be even easier than it would be if I was just drunk


Anyways, for all you retards who don't get it, I'll explain my stance on this again. If you're too drunk to drive then don't, but don't assume that because I'm drunk I can't. There have been a few times I really did feel too drunk to drive and I voluntarily gave up my keys, but the vast majority of the time I'm wasted and still perfectly fine.


If the cops (who've pulled me over at least 15 times when I was wasted) can't ever tell and let me go, why are you sweatin me? I've even passed a road sobriety test drunk before (which I only got because the car reaked of booze)...my driving is fine, trust

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