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I think what hes meaning to say is that, RUSTOS are less likly to fail ( LEAK ) on you then last years ironlaks. Thats been my experience, and please know. I do like ironlak and i have givien the new cans a try. But I have mostly used the leaker cans so far. If that is the case Noloss? You should make it more clear as to what your saying?



You said it right buddy. I aint much 4 words. Da paint is OK but every can I have used fucked up. I bought a them before ironlak let people know da deal and they are cans that will explode, and yo da shit fades fast if you do a piece in a spot that get a lot of light. Maybe not every color but some for sure. I tested some to see if it was UV protected. Left a few samples in a spot dat gets a lot sunlight. and half da 4 colors faded. Maybe the new shit is truly better. Im not ready to spend money to find out. I will wait to see. What others have for luck over the next year.

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You said it right buddy. I aint much 4 words. Da paint is OK but every can I have used fucked up. I bought a them before ironlak let people know da deal and they are cans that will explode, and yo da shit fades fast if you do a piece in a spot that get a lot of light. Maybe not every color but some for sure. I tested some to see if it was UV protected. Left a few samples in a spot dat gets a lot sunlight. and half da 4 colors faded. Maybe the new shit is truly better. Im not ready to spend money to find out. I will wait to see. What others have for luck over the next year.


You can't base judgements on outdated shit.

That's stupid, not to mention ignorant.

Ironlak has fixed all the stuff you mentioned.


i sprayed a small circle of Reals Sublime on some blacktop which gets 12 hours of direct sunlight everyday and heavy rain couple of times a week. turns out that the paint hasn't faded a bit in little under 3 months.


That's the new formula + the non-leak valves.

NoLoss, if you tested the new ones, you'd change your mind.

The pallets are just a way to get rid of overstock.

Same way how car dealers put all of last years cars on sale before the next years cars come in.

You use the pallets at own risk, they've warned you some might leak and it will.

The old formula does fade though, can't deny that.

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That's what I'm saying.

Why are you basing your judgements on the old Ironlak when Ironlak has a new formula?

You say you'd choose rusto over ironlak when you haven't even touched the new formula yet.

That's like saying I won't ever fuck a white girl again and talk shit about every white girl because the last one I did was horrible.


Get with the times, try the new shit.

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iron lak smells like they jacked spanish montana's leftover paint and then mixed it with melted wax and sweeteners, and like cupcakes or something... i dont know, it just seems like they wanted to make a paint company that would draw in little kids by the smell, even though its dangerous fumez

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You said it right buddy. I aint much 4 words. Da paint is OK but every can I have used fucked up. I bought a them before ironlak let people know da deal and they are cans that will explode, and yo da shit fades fast if you do a piece in a spot that get a lot of light. Maybe not every color but some for sure. I tested some to see if it was UV protected. Left a few samples in a spot dat gets a lot sunlight. and half da 4 colors faded. Maybe the new shit is truly better. Im not ready to spend money to find out. I will wait to see. What others have for luck over the next year.


is English your first language?? i hope not...

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the pigment that fades bad is whatever is in berry pink, krylon burgundy,krylon grape etc. its a certain class of synthetic pigments with different amounts of white or other things mixed in and it always fades. anything that is bright blue-red, purple-red, purple, violet, hot pink etc will fade. every brand does this.

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im just sayng... ironlak smells like montana hardcores mixed with like pinkish red candles and then some kind of sweet smelling chemical thrown in.. it just smells dangerous like if they tried to cover up a horribley bad smell with shitty ass wax smell cake icing

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im just sayng... ironlak smells like montana hardcores mixed with like pinkish red candles and then some kind of sweet smelling chemical thrown in.. it just smells dangerous like if they tried to cover up a horribley bad smell with shitty ass wax smell cake icing


from their site


I heard that Ironlak; is bad for your health compared to other brands/ contains lead/ is illegal in Europe/ contains cheap and thus deadly ingredients?

Short answer: Ironlak is no more toxic and in some cases less toxic than other brands. However, spray paint fumes are not good for you regardless of what brand you use. You should always wear a mask and gloves when painting. Ironlak does NOT contain lead. Ironlak is registered with REACH in Europe and is 100% complient with the new European Chemical Laws. Ironlak uses quality pigments and ingredients which we source from around the globe. We grind our pigments four times.



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yea i know dude, ive read that faq already and seen that same little paragraph posted on here like 3 times... the truth is, any fuckin company can lie, as long as its believable.. the truth truth is that spray paint is bad,, but dont you think adding sweeteners (or whatEVER the fuck it is) to the paint to make it more appealing by scent and taste (nasal passage connects to throat) is a very bad thing?? just imagine like... paint mixed with splenda or fuckin one of those other sweeteners that makes holes in your brain quicker... just saying mannn, ironlak smells like a killer

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mmhmm, all im getting at, is that people ive painted with actually smell the fumes on purpose from ironlaks, while trying to dodge vapours from krylons and rustos, even montanas.. its just shitty to think that they would put somethinbg so SWEET smelling into paint, just to make it attractive.. painful.. anyways, have you guys ever seen those dollar cans they have at lows that just say "SPRAY PAINT"? they dont have a little hump under the valve, the can itself just rounds off, kinda like a hairspray or mousse bottle. that shit smells bomb, like a water park or something...

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This discussion is pointless, we all know paint fumes are harmful.



I've never personally used ironlak but I was around 50ft away from some guys using it and me and 3 other guys had to get up and walk away because the smell was that bad!!! Now should I need a paint mask just to sit 50ft away from someone that paints just to watch them or be around it??? I don't know any other paint brand that smells that bad!!!!

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mmhmm, all im getting at, is that people ive painted with actually smell the fumes on purpose from ironlaks, while trying to dodge vapours from krylons and rustos, even montanas.. its just shitty to think that they would put somethinbg so SWEET smelling into paint, just to make it attractive.. painful.. anyways, have you guys ever seen those dollar cans they have at lows that just say "SPRAY PAINT"? they dont have a little hump under the valve, the can itself just rounds off, kinda like a hairspray or mousse bottle. that shit smells bomb, like a water park or something...


oh yeah dog that paint gave me nerve damage, careful inhaling that shit. i wasnt huffing or anything i was just painting in my basement and then sleeping in the fumes like a retard.

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I've never personally used ironlak but I was around 50ft away from some guys using it and me and 3 other guys had to get up and walk away because the smell was that bad!!! Now should I need a paint mask just to sit 50ft away from someone that paints just to watch them or be around it??? I don't know any other paint brand that smells that bad!!!!


that's true I was on a train and could smell ironlak in the air not too strongly but could definitely smell it and when I got off (the other side to where I got on)I noticed two panels two carriages up


you get used to it though in the end.

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wow there are some pretty outrageous posts on here so we're not entirely sure what justifies being responded to and what doesn't. So we've responded in general to most of the feedback on the past few pages.


Regarding the smell, its been addressed who knows how many times in here, but its a perfume in the paint, we're actually in the process of reducing the perfume content because we later found out a high percentage of people get headaches from perfumes, this is a reaction in their brain and has nothing to do with how toxic the perfume is. Someone mentioned nerve damage, we had to laugh, how far do you want to stretch the truth?


On the subject of smell Ephect said companies lie. I'm sure some do but lets be honest Graffiti is a culture built around word of mouth. If we lie about something our reputation and credibility will be shot down eventually, we're not a company that really thinks short term, if we were then maybe lying would be advantageous but as it stands lying to our customers wouldn't be the smartest move for us to build long-term support


We've a company of writers (unlike most other brands) and every writer employed at Ironlak uses only Ironlak. While I wouldn't encourage others to follow in my footsteps, i NEVER wear a mask or gloves.


The other thing is that as its a perfume in the paint, it doesn't itself smell like paint, so while the smell may be strong, most people won't recognise Ironlak's smell as paint when they smell it.


Someone mentioned fading, we've stated a while back (maybe a month ago) that we've increased all of our pigment grades to 7, with the exception of one (its not available in Grade 7) basically this is the highest level of pigment available, its automotive grade, so while some colours will fade regardless of what brands you use we can assure you that in the colours that are more likely to fade ours will last as long as anything else that is available.



The Ironlak Team

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ironlak guy saves the day... well thanks for actually being a part of forums and stuff, ive seen avt paint on Bs fourms... anyways ive also heard that a percentage of each can is actually wax... is this true? dont get me wrong i dig your guys paint and all.. it should just be way cheaper for the normal consumer... instead of people buying 1200 packs for 1.75 a can, why not just make that shit affordable to the average painter whos gonna get like a dozen cans at a time? it would be awesome for a way cheaper graff inspired can... the cheapest i can get them is 3 bucks, but thats still like 26 bucks for a DECENT spray session... anyways thanks ironlkak... looking forward to MARKERS and stuff and future cans... ever consider putting that fake CRONIC (or KUSH) perfume into the paints ? :) that would be for some sick ass sessions... peace

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ironlak guy ever consider putting that fake CRONIC (or KUSH) perfume into the paints ? :) that would be for some sick ass sessions... peace


LOL thats all we need. The cops roll up on you because then can smel weed all the way down the street. That smell never gets a cop to open his eye. While your at it. Why not just make it smell like Crystal Meth.. Oh wait some of it already dos. lol

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