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i saw juno and no country for old men, both for the second time, with my mom and sis over xmas.

i liked them both. those and lars and the real girl were towards the top of my list.

mom also dragged me to american gangster. she went and bought a brownie, sat down, and realized she forgot to get the brownie. i told her she is going to be the old lady you hear about at the supermarket with her underwear on the outside of her pants.

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And ILB, you need to stop slacking. There's been some fire in the theaters lately... No Country for Old Men, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Juno...



just checked the trailer for before the devil...looks sweet


Sydney Lumet rocks, have you seen Prince of the city?

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I went to a cinema today with ambitions of seeing this movie. It's obviously not out in AUS yet and I somehow got roped into seeing I Am Legend. A movie I knew nothing about. I now know that it sucked seven hundred dicks at once. Waste of my time. The popcorn was good though.

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lars and the real girl were towards the top of my list.


i didn't get a chance to check that out. ryan gosling seems to be picking good projects, so i wanted to check that out. plus my girlfriend gets wet like a break in the hoover dam, anytime that dude comes on the screen. so i know she'll be up for seeing it.


so it was good, eh?

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Here's my major problem with movies like JUNO and other similar films:


They are not-indie films made to appear like they are indie films. It started with Garden State, and I would say the Darjeeling Limited did it too. These films are pulling out all the stops to make themselves appear "indie," "arty," etc.


A few examples:

-They all use a sans-serif typeface, often all lower-case for the opening credits, posters, etc.

-The hand-drawn "charming" lettering of the title in Juno is another perfect example of what i'm talking about. The little straight letters with a 3d is so watered-down and over-tired it makes me sick.

-And then there's the music!! There's a Belle & Sebastian song in Juno? No Fucking Way?? I mean, big ups to the band, long-time favorite of mine, but give me a break. After Garden State, i could have placed a blind bet that Belle & Sebastian, or fuckin Feist would have a song in Juno... It was a guarantee.


Juno, and similar movies, are major productions which are "disguising" themselves as Indie film to build their sales. That is one fucked marketing campaign. They use this "look" to lure naive indie fans, while giving more mainstream fans a "unique" movie experience which is totally fake and superficial. It's not like i'm arguing for more blockbuster bullshit, at all.


Down with Garden State, down with Juno.


BIG UPS Bottle Rocket!!

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What an annoying whiney ass post.


Really? I thought it was pretty well thought out, and made sense. I mean, this is a thread to discuss the movie, right?


But whatever! Let's just keep paying Hollywood $10.50/seat to just show us whatever crap they can come up with! It's all just ads and marketing anyways, so don't even bother thinking critically about it! That would just be "whiney" and "annoying.":lol: :rolleyes:

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I should have known that I couldn't disagree with anyone in here without people taking it personally.

It's okay if you like the film. i'm not judging anyone's taste. Actually, I am sure it is a good movie..it's meant to be enjoyed and I'm sure they did that well. It's just the way the film makers went about marketing and packaging the film that makes me dislike it.


*I actually had hoped that someone who disagreed with me might try to talk about what I said, not how it was said (or whatever) but of course not.

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holyoke can't quit --the revs thread would die.


HOLYOKE-- in response to your post, i can understand how you might feel a little bent about the wolf in sheep's clothing. unfortunately, this has been going on for years. independent film is still strong in american film culture, but the phrase has been raped and watered down over the past twenty years. the whole independent film culture isn't what it was in the 70's and 80's, with great directors like john cassevettes, robert altman, jim jarmusch, etc. in the past ten years, demographics have changed, and audiences seem to want something different. so of course the major studios are going to go with the new hip youthful filmmakers. it's nothing new, it happened in the 70's with Paramount, and in the 80's with Mirimax (which wasn't a major studio at the time, i don't think). i think it's just the times, and should NOT be looked at as an almost conspiracy based motive.


when it comes down to it, it all depends on individual opinion. try not to allow the jaded politics to interfere with what you're watching, and just look at it as a movie --simple as that, another film.


as for garden state --i didn't really care for that film either. it had nothing do with the indie/major arguement at hand. it had more to do with it just being flat out fucking corny. juno on the other hand i enjoyed. i thought it was funny, had good character development, and wasn't too artsy that it looked like it was trying too hard. oh, and the soundtrack? yeah, maybe it is cliche, and a total marketing ploy, but at the same time, it didn't truely ruin the film either.


that's my two cents on what you said. maybe i'm wrong, i'm not throwing any stones here, so it shouldn't matter.

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