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Im not a huge Obama fan, but after seeing his name get smeared with lies in the news this week regarding his religion and his secret agenda, i started to think about some things.

How bad does this country hate democracy? How bad does this country hate people who fight for human rights in general? even celebrities and musicians who speak up about

social injustice have been assassinated.


Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK. Even non political figures with large followings like John Lennon were all killed for trying to awaken and enlighten the people of this country

to the wrong doings and corruption of our government.


Were in a war right now thats changed objectives how many times? originally to capture Osama bin laden (which never happened). Then we took over Iraq and captured saddam hussein who we never even blamed for 911 (but his country has oil). We accused him of having nuclear weapons (that we never found). now after all these things didnt pan out, we claim we're trying to establish democracy for the benefit of the middle eastern people yet our own govt does not want a democracy here in our home land.

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Im not a huge Obama fan, but after seeing his name get smeared with lies in the news this week regarding his religion and his secret agenda, i started to think about some things.

How bad does this country hate democracy? How bad does this country hate people who fight for human rights in general? even celebrities and musicians who speak up about

social injustice have been assassinated.


Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK. Even non political figures with large followings like John Lennon were all killed for trying to awaken and enlighten the people of this country

to the wrong doings and corruption of our government.


Were in a war right now thats changed objectives how many times? originally to capture Osama bin laden (which never happened). Then we took over Iraq and captured saddam hussein who we never even blamed for 911 (but his country has oil). We accused him of having nuclear weapons (that we never found). now after all these things didnt pan out, we claim we're trying to establish democracy for the benefit of the middle eastern people yet our own govt does not want a democracy here in our home land.



want it all explained?

read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proactive_and_Preemptive_Operations_Group


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Im not a huge Obama fan, but after seeing his name get smeared with lies in the news this week regarding his religion and his secret agenda, i started to think about some things.

How bad does this country hate democracy? How bad does this country hate people who fight for human rights in general? even celebrities and musicians who speak up about

social injustice have been assassinated.


Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK. Even non political figures with large followings like John Lennon were all killed for trying to awaken and enlighten the people of this country

to the wrong doings and corruption of our government.


Were in a war right now thats changed objectives how many times? originally to capture Osama bin laden (which never happened). Then we took over Iraq and captured saddam hussein who we never even blamed for 911 (but his country has oil). We accused him of having nuclear weapons (that we never found). now after all these things didnt pan out, we claim we're trying to establish democracy for the benefit of the middle eastern people yet our own govt does not want a democracy here in our home land.


You can't compare Obama to MLK or MalcolmX. They were conservative and left-winged. Obama is liberal and right-winged, dude is on the other end. They have very different political views, they're on opposite sides of the tables.


John Lennon was against war. Obama wants to destroy Iran.

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Here is the delegate count. By the way, Obama has far outdone Hillary, he even got more delegates in Nevada despite losing the popular vote - http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/01/19/592247.aspx.


He beat her in Iowa, he tied in New Hampshire and he beat her in Nevada so what gives? Oh yeah, the Democratic machine of corporate politicians get super delegates which means of the 4,049 total delegates, 796 are politicians and party leaders, not people gathering to vote in a more democratic fashion. He still seems on a role, and many super delegates haven't committed, but the impact on todays numbers was disapointing...


Hillary 210

Obama 123

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Im not a huge Obama fan, but after seeing his name get smeared with lies in the news this week regarding his religion and his secret agenda, i started to think about some things.

How bad does this country hate democracy? How bad does this country hate people who fight for human rights in general? even celebrities and musicians who speak up about

social injustice have been assassinated.


Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK. Even non political figures with large followings like John Lennon were all killed for trying to awaken and enlighten the people of this country

to the wrong doings and corruption of our government.


Were in a war right now thats changed objectives how many times? originally to capture Osama bin laden (which never happened). Then we took over Iraq and captured saddam hussein who we never even blamed for 911 (but his country has oil). We accused him of having nuclear weapons (that we never found). now after all these things didnt pan out, we claim we're trying to establish democracy for the benefit of the middle eastern people yet our own govt does not want a democracy here in our home land.


JFK was an asshole.

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so i just started reading this thread for the first time and im going to stop at page 2. if it gets better let me know...until then ive had my fill of stupidity. no joke. there are some dense fucking people in here that need to stop talking.


also, thanks to the.crooked for the excellent, level headed rebutttal on page one. im convinced it stopped me shooting myself.

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hahahhaa juan go trawl the internet for images with a sun in them you'll have a field day exposing all of the NWO conspiracies




^foo fighters spreading disinformation in the form of music to our youth to further the agenda of the nwo


that's not how you find symbolism.

keep making fun of your enemies, they love it!

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OBAMA http://www.candidatepositions.com/2007/05/15/keyes-obama-disagree-sharply/


\\ Responding to questions about education policy, Keyes took a shot at Obama after the Democrat said he opposes vouchers for private schools, because they would undermine public schools. Asked about where he sends his two daughters to school, Obama acknowledged that they attend the private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in Hyde Park.


Obama said he sends his daughters there because both he and his wife have jobs with the university, and they get a break on tuition.


I do not see the day when every American family is going to be able to be employed by the University of Chicago so they, too, can have a choice,” Keyes countered. \\




PAUL http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst97/tst072097.htm


\\ "An American statesman once said that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next. And thanks to the federal take-over of education, that's a thought which should scare us all.


After all, the federal government has so invaded our classrooms, that daily our children are constantly bombarded with the message that everything good flows from the federal government, and that no one but the federal government has the ability to put right problems in our culture and world. On any given day, the federal government has more influence on the education of the average child than that child's parents.


An important note should be made that the fault for the lowering standards and worsening conditions in our public schools does not rest with our teachers. In fact the contrary, I am convinced our educational system would be even further in the hole were it not for the valiant efforts of our school teachers bucking the ridiculous trends and still trying to teach their students. But there is only so much they can do as the pressures mount from Washington for schools to conform to the models developed by federal bureaucrats and university professors who have never taught in a classroom.


The scary thing is that this will only get worse as the federal government creates more funding schemes to convince cash-strapped local school districts to give in and implement the latest plans of the Washington-based education bureaucrats, the so-called 'educrats'." - Paul \\

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OBAMA http://www.washingtonspectator.com/articles/20050601obama_1.cfm


\\ BARACK OBAMA: The Fifth Black Senator in U.S. History Makes F.D.R. His Icon

"The New Deal gave the laid-off worker a guarantee that he could count on unemployment insurance to put food on his family's table while he looked for a new job. It gave the young man who suffered a debilitating accident assurance that he could count on disability benefits to get him through the tough times. A widow might still raise her children without the indignity of charity. And Franklin Roosevelt's greatest legacy promised the couple who put in a lifetime of sacrifice and hard work that they could retire in comfort and dignity because of Social Security." - Obama\\




\\ Senator Obama is being hailed as the newest and freshest face on the American political scene. But he is advocating some of the oldest fallacies, just as if it was the 1960s again, or as if he has learned nothing and forgotten nothing since then.


He thinks higher teacher pay is the answer to the abysmal failures of our education system, which is already far more expensive than the education provided in countries whose students have for decades consistently outperformed ours on international tests.


Senator Obama is for making college "affordable," as if he has never considered that government subsidies push up tuition, just as government subsidies push up agricultural prices, the price of medical care and other prices.


He is also for "alternative fuels," without the slightest thought about the prices of those fuels or the implications of those prices. All this is the old liberal agenda from years past, old wine in new bottles, a new face with old ideas that have been tried and failed repeatedly over the past generation. \\




PAUL http://www.mises.org/books/paulmises.pdf


\\ "My influence, such as it is, comes only by educating others about the rightness of the free market. The majority of the voters in my district have approved, as have those familiar with free-market economics. And voters in other districts, encouraged by my speaking out for

freedom and sound money, influence their representatives in the direction of a free market. My influence comes through education, not the usual techniques of a politician. But the more usual politicians in Congress will hardly solve our problems. Americans need a better understanding of Austrian economics. Only then will politicians become more statesmanlike." - Paul \\


\\ For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be free from government coercion in any form. All my natural instincts toward freedom were inevitably challenged by the established school system, the media, and the government. These systems tried to cast doubt on my conviction that only an unhampered market is consonant with individual liberty. Although reassured that intellectual giants like Mises agreed with a laissez-faire system, I was frustrated by knowing what was right, while watching a disaster developing for our economy. The better I came to understand how the market worked, the more I saw the need to implement these ideas through political action. - Paul \\




\\ "The greatest threat facing middle and working class Americans is our depreciating paper currency. At least when the kings of old debased their coinage, by adding copper to the precious metal, there was still some objective value to the resulting money. But as economist David Ricardo observed almost two centuries ago, when money costs nothing, it will become worth nothing. "Government," said Ludwig von Mises, "is the only agency that can take a useful commodity like paper, slap some ink on it, and make it totally worthless." Today, thanks to 67 years of central bank control over the money supply, we face an economic and political crisis greater than any we have faced before. We probably will see widespread civil disorder in the 1980s, as a direct result of our faltering economic system. The dollar has been damaged by decades of interventionism, and Congress has legitimized depreciation of the dollar and forced redistribution of wealth through corporate and social welfare schemes." - Paul \\

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