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this is what I did today (very graphic)


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oh yeah

eid mubarak and all that


good looks.


Crook, We slaughtered a bunch of animals today. It was some real manly stuff going on.

Until the police showed up and tried to shut us down. That was wack, but I guess we should've expected chucky to come acting stupid eventually.

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damn i dont believe i actually watched that... the second one made me a little queazy when his tongue kept moving around


ha,ha that's nothing, I've seen them get up after their head is almost dis-atached and run like 20 ft. (all from nerves) and then just drop.

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good looks.


Crook, We slaughtered a bunch of animals today. It was some real manly stuff going on.

Until the police showed up and tried to shut us down. That was wack, but I guess we should've expected chucky to come acting stupid eventually.


Yeah, the institution doesn't dig on animal sacrifice. Oh well.


That is what I figured.



What all did yall kill?

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yeah, dude. Every year. We eat it, though. It's not just some symbolic sacrifice. We eat the meat , give some to needy families, even make a sheepskin bomber if you know how..you down? Vanfullofretards...do you eat meat? if so, then what's wrong with killing it yourself?

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Yeah it was for eid al adha...




Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ‘Īd al-’Aḍḥā) is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide as a commemoration of Ibrahim's (Abraham's) willingness to sacrifice his son Ismael for Allah (even though he didn't do it, he sacrificed a sheep in his place) . It is one of two Eid festivals that Muslims celebrate Like Eid el-Fitr, Eid ul-Adha begins with a short prayer followed by a sermon (khuṭba). It is also called the bigger Eid because it lasts a day longer than Eid el-Fitr


Eid al-Adha is four days long and starts on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (ذو الحجة) of the lunar Islamic calendar. This is the day after the pilgrims in Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan.

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its your tradition and all but i hate to see an animal suffer like that....i mean its kinda fucked up that its in pain trying to breathe...i know it has to be pure or somthing but damn...


Im hindu and im a vegitarian...but back in the day ur boi use to kill 6 skewers of that Lamb kabob son!...to bring back those memories....delicious memories..

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I'll shoot an animal, I'll use a bolt gun on an animal. But sawing the head off a live goat? No thanks.




Man, I wonder why most of the larger religious holidays are all riiight around this time of the year. HMMM. HMMMMMM.


Winter solstice anyone?


in islam there is no leap years so their holidays can fall out anytime of the year.


bc just like in Judaism they follow a lunar calender.

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Man, this just reminded me when my pet goat Petunia was slaughtered and eaten by my family. What a betrayal that was.


Been in a fair share of pig slaughters myself (don't mean to ruin your appetite D) since I was a little kid. Nothing religious, just cultural tradition in PR. A lot of conflicting thoughts go through your head at the same time ("this is fucked up/this will be delicious", "I care about this animal/I want to eat it", "it doesn't have to be like this/this is how shit gets done"), it's quite a surreal experience.

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no doubt. The first time I killed one I was mixed about bringing the blade to it's neck and actually killing it, but I realized this IS, in fact how it gets done.

And, Old dirty geezer, as for the animal suffering, theres hardly no suffering. The entire nerve system connected to the brain is severed and the animal feels minimal pain (unlike shooting) The blood is all pushed out and any disease that is in the animal is most likely gone with the blood as opposed to when you shoot the animal, it's blood just gets all clotted up inside. Anyway....I've been gettin' my grub on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll shoot an animal, I'll use a bolt gun on an animal. But sawing the head off a live goat? No thanks.





Winter solstice anyone?




cutting throats is pretty much that most humane way of doing things


If anyone has a problem with the video or couldn't do it themselves they really shouldn't eat meat, because this is more or less how your mcdonaldes burgers are created and if you don't want to accept that your a homo

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i dont believe ive ever had goat...what are making dawood?


ps - ill cosign the whole "meat eaters should be able to kill an animal" argument. if you cant do it yourself and actually see firsthand what you are consuming, before an after, then youre kind of a pussy. even durng the 7 or 8 years i was a vegetarian i was down with this mindset. most any means you could think of to kill an animal would be more humane that what is done in factory farms in the name of cost cutting.

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so you don't eat meat then?

no, i do eat meat and lots of it - i eat jack n the box religiously. i was asking dawood, if asked by god, would he sacrifice his own son for him.


i dunno if i could slit an animals throat though. ive shot at animals before, but using a blade and pushing it into an animal seems a bit more personal.

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