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John Basegow

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most akitas are like that too.



my pops knows this dude who's got an akita that travels with him everywhere. he was sleeping in the bed of his truck one night, woke up the next morning to find a broken window, a few fingers, and blood on the dogs mouth.

dog didn't make a sound, just waited and reacted.



kick ass dogs by the way.

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A·ki·ta /əˈkitə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[uh-kee-tuh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation


1. a seaport on N Honshu, in N Japan, on the Sea of Japan. 284,830.

2. (sometimes lowercase) one of a Japanese breed of large, muscular dogs having a broad head with erect ears, a stiff coat of brown, red, black, or brindle color, and a long tail curled over its back, originally bred for hunting, now often used as a guard dog.

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On a real note, i live up on a hill and shit is wide open behind me and there are crazy coyotes always howling all night and shit scare the fuck out of my dogs. There is deer also so they usually be eating deer and dont fuck with the pets, but there fucking loud and scrawny lil fuckers, i would be more scared of the mountain lions in the hills around here.

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