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Immortality (?)

the dark horse

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What I find more interesting is that your soul or personality and achievements, were once subject to be lost unless your name went down in history. Now with the Internet and blogs, Anyone, not just the famous can have their thoughts life and achievements immortalised in binary code. Your thoughts opinions and words can now influence the decisions and actions of others from beyond the grave.

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Now with the Internet and blogs, Anyone, not just the famous can have their thoughts life and achievements immortalised in binary code.


once we can all access the internet from the hardware installed inside us, and store the information there indefinitely on an internal hard drive, think of the possibilities. the whole world will hear each other talk and be able to process the information immediately. the half-man, half-computer will be intertwined with his fellow mutants, free to exchange ideas and able to access any formulas for data conversion on a whim ..... science is going to go through the roof, because the mathematics involved (which used to be time consuming and labor intensive) will be processed and calculated in the blink of an eye. it is most likely at this point that all questions about the nature of the universe will be answered, and humans will take the next step into inter-dimensional travel and theory.

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yeah who would want to live forever


not only does the body need to rest but so does the mind.


i think people who want to live forever are some selfish, self-absorbed motherfuckers.


there was one rich couple that wanted their bodies put in freezer-vaults posthumously, and stored indefinitely until the possible event of a future technology arising which would allow their bodies/mind regenerated and brought back to life.


clearly these people are atheists.

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Nothing is immortal.


My definition of immortal is basically a life that can not end., and even though you may be able to preserve your body to lengthen your existance, it wouldn't be forever.


Everything dies. Time to deal with the fact you're not going to be here forever.


I'm also going to have to go with the consensus I wouldn't want to live forever. All you would known is death, you would eventually lose everything, over and over again. No thanks I like being sane.

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like i was saying.... we (the general public) will never end up seeing this shit. We are just going to wake up one day as full slaves living underground, wondering what the fuck happened. Later to find out that this technology was first implemented half a century ago, and the upper crust had been slowly easing the proletariat into a state of slavery since then .... mortal slaves and their immortal rulers ......


this is the real conclusion here. i dont think anyone wants to live forever except the power-mad people that already run the planet and have vicious influence over 85% of the idiot population. what im trying to say is ... if you havent considered the fact that wild shit is going on as we speak, you probably should start thinking about what the future is going to look like (because if you think our lives are going to continue to play out as they do now indefinitely, i would have to ask you to reconsider that...).

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better go for the brain...


im not sure if i want to live forever, so much as i just want to live long enough to gain the ultimate wisdom and understanding of the universe. if i can somehow do that by next year, so be it. but if its going to take me 300 years of contemplation, i may consider pursuing an avenue through which i can achieve that.

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I'd say yes.


If you talk to people who have lost limbs, I would say there personality does change. If not drastically. I'm sure some people are mentally tougher then others, so there would be some exceptions to this, but overall I don't think so.


If you want to get into Eugenics and what not. That is a pretty scary subject. You can basically create the person you want you're children to be. Not to mention the other things if you aren't capable of doing now, will be in the future. Basically creation of mutants.

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so if you lose your limbs, are you less of a human than you once were?


i mean, of course you literally are LESS, but does your personality become different or lesser than it would have been before, simply because you lost a part of your physique?


Simply stated, yes.



Your conscious perception of yourself and your involvement in the outside world is necessarily changed.


Phantom pains, re-learning how to walk, etc. All the issues that accompany limb loss are sufficient conditions for my very point.

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I'd say yes.


If you talk to people who have lost limbs, I would say there personality does change. If not drastically. I'm sure some people are mentally tougher then others, so there would be some exceptions to this, but overall I don't think so.


If you want to get into Eugenics and what not. That is a pretty scary subject. You can basically create the person you want you're children to be. Not to mention the other things if you aren't capable of doing now, will be in the future. Basically creation of mutants.



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well, im sure psychological damage occurs with any major loss to ones body. so perhaps the people surviving inside these steel structures would be completely insane, but are you saying that people who go insane do not exist anymore? because people go insane all the time, but they are still considered to be filling out their lifespan ...

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That wasn't my point at all.


I am just trying to point out that brain in a vat is only as good as the input you provide. And until we fully understand the relationship of our conscious experience to the many many processes that run in parallel in our brains and in our bodies at large, the concept is moot.



Now if you wanna start talkin about transhumanism and how we are actually start to use computer implants to replace regular sense perception, thats a whole nother story.

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