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no good deed goes unpunished (in new york)


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i'll go to work and come home, make sure i stick my nose in other peoples business, not because i care, but because it's what I think is best for them...as a whole. .


^Kinda like them wacky anti-abortion people hanging out infront of clinics screaming at pregnant women that they're going to hell. Right?

And those conservative Christian types who want to start teaching about Adam and Eve in the public shools and brainwash kids that evolution is "just a theory". Right?


Kinda like your conservative governments "Patriot act" and their push for "Real ID's". Right?

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oh, i'll also work on writing letters to my reps and make sure to tell them i want national health care so that the govt can tell me which doctors i can see....in my best interest of course...they know what's good for me.


You're an idiot. If you don't want free healthcare then pay for private doctors your damn self.

Most of this country can't afford to pay for that shit. Most of as can't afford insurance.

So WHEN our failed healthcare system catches up to the rest of western civilization and our tax dollars actually start going to help US, then I'm sure there will still be a rich folks hospital that you can go and waste your inherited rich money at when YOU get into a car accident or catch a case of cancer. Till then fuck off with trying to force your rediculously expensive and flawed insurance style healthcare system down everyone elses throats.

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More on topic....... A while back i saw a special on dateline, or 20-20. Whichever I'm not sure. It was the same guy who confronts the old men trying to hook up with the 15 year old girls. But this time he was going around with his crew leaving unopened iPods around malls, and just on street corners and shit. Right out in the open. then when the people "stole them" (his words) and then took them home to install them, register them, he would show up at their house and bust 'em. Kinda reminds me of the same thing. Who wouldn't take an iPod just left on the street. And some of the people he confronted were given the damn thing as a gift!!!!! Not even their fault.

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Guest shai_hulud

If I ever got tricked by that guy, I'd punch him right in his fucking brick chin. On TV.


Tricked with an iPod, that is.


I think kiddie fuckers are scum, but assholes like Chris Hansen are cranking up the fear level of everything in this country to unprecedented highs.

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^Kinda like them wacky anti-abortion people hanging out infront of clinics screaming at pregnant women that they're going to hell. Right?

And those conservative Christian types who want to start teaching about Adam and Eve in the public shools and brainwash kids that evolution is "just a theory". Right?


Kinda like your conservative governments "Patriot act" and their push for "Real ID's". Right?


not my conservatives and not my government. and uh, dude, how many times do i ahve to say that i am not a christian. i can just see where things started getting fucked up.


adam and even in public schools? eh, i think both sides should be taught, even though i know evolution to be true...but, there is room for god in science. you have to understand that.

if you don't, then you are no man, and no patriot.


go read a book half-wit.

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Oh yeah. I found a wallet recently about two blocks from the Mission police station in SF. Nice women's wallet...no cash, but there were a bunch of credit cards and ID in it. I did the right thing and went straight to the police station and said, Hey, I found a wallet. Here ya go.


They said, that's good. What should we do with it?


I did a double take and said, Well, returning it seems like a step in the right direction.


The cop told me that it would have to be taken into evidence, and it might take months for her to get it back.


I sat there and pondered this. I'm trying to do the right thing. The cop is saying, no, don't do that.


I thanked him and left. So, the next day, I took the wallet and put it in an envelope with no postage with her address as the sender and the recipient. Dropped it in a mail box. And forgot all about it till now.


So, now everybody knows what the SFPD's official policy is on found property. I'm surprised that the desk cop actually 'fessed up to that.




if that's true that's really gay. In australia the local cop shop is where found shit is taken, half the people i know have had wallets returned to them by the police

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Iou said it best, without decency towards one another they have more ground to stand on and say "well you need us to protect you." and you will agree because you placed yourself in a position of distrust. This is dehumanization firing on all cylinders and working hard to make you a fucking robot. we are all humans and our different experiences and backgrounds are what make us the same... it's going to get MUCH worse before it gets better.

know the real enemy.

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You tell me what to say and when to say it.

You tell me what to do and how to do it.

And if I ask you why, you'll arrest me.

And if I call you lie, you'll detest me.

You control what I'll be (on Sundays)

You control who I see (on Mondays)

And if I let you you'll control me.

You're the man who owns all the keys to the stores.

You're the man who always wants so much more.

You're the regulator.

You're the regulator.

You're the regulator.

You're the regulator.

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oh my fucking god, i am so glad that I don't live in america what a fucking joke


just as long as you don't judge us (the citizens) by what our leaders are doing.

we are aware and we are getting tired of it.


when we have had liberty for so long, it's a little hard to see it slipping away.

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This just popped into my head.


As a whole in our society we have taken a way the ability for people to make good sound decisions concerning any given situation. Like the one with the 10-year old being arrested. Now there are blanket decisions made on variations of a theme. Its fucking retarded. Why is the ability to use discretion being frowned on so much??


Rant off.

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"i make it easIER for you to break the law"


in iraq soldiers have said they left AKs laying around and snipers shoot at anyone that would pick it up.

the same with the catch a predator man.(TV filler with morbid material for morbidity accustomed minds)

now this with planting wallets and purses.


these are EXTREME levels of the method that they use in movies, TV, music, that pushes you towards committing the crime.


the more violent a society the more the reason for them to tell you that they need to increase security.

the more fear for you, the more control for them.



be careful what your mind consumes.

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