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Acid really isn't that bad for you DOA.


Harmless? No, of course not.


Look at that chart above, there are reasons why LSD is near the end of the list.


Sure you could have a bad trip and kill yourself, but for the most part you'll probably just wonder around laughing hysterically. Far more people get drunk and die in a car accidents, or smoke butts and get cancer.

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Acid really isn't that bad for you DOA.


Harmless? No, of course not.


Look at that chart above, there are reasons why LSD is near the end of the list.


Sure you could have a bad trip and kill yourself, but for the most part you'll probably just wonder around laughing hysterically. Far more people get drunk and die in a car accidents, or smoke butts and get cancer.


I'm pretty sure the concensus here is that the chart posted is bullshit.

Acid is BAD for you. It might not give you cancer but it is BAD for your brain.

This is common knowede for EVERYBODY above your age group.

I don't know what retarded noncense these hippy college professors are teaching you kids but it's 100% false and 100% against what anybody who knows shit about acid knows as fact.

People who do too much acid are mentaly throwed the fuck off for YEARS after they stop taking the shit. Some times permanently.


If you don't believe me, then become an acid head and see what the fuck it does to you you fucking jackass. Don't sit here and argue with someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about, go prove me wrong. Eat mad acid. EAT A FUCKING SHEET OR TWO!



You kids these days are retards. Word the fuck up.

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Acid is ok because, like it's not really bad for you. I mean like, I never actually did acid but ummm... I took an online course on the effects of LSD and such on the body whereas ummm... it doesn't really give you cancer or AIDS so it's not that bad. My professor Mr. Leary gave me like an A+. So like, I must be pretty knowledgable on the consequences and such, of like the effects of umm... what the LSD does to a person.

LSD is just fine. It does nothing to your brain or like even your mind.

I have a degree and such.

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I'm pretty sure the concensus here is that the chart posted is bullshit.

Acid is BAD for you. It might not give you cancer but it is BAD for your brain.

This is common knowede for EVERYBODY above your age group.

I don't know what retarded noncense these hippy college professors are teaching you kids but it's 100% false and 100% against what anybody who knows shit about acid knows as fact.

People who do too much acid are mentaly throwed the fuck off for YEARS after they stop taking the shit. Some times permanently.


If you don't believe me, then become an acid head and see what the fuck it does to you you fucking jackass. Don't sit here and argue with someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about, go prove me wrong. Eat mad acid. EAT A FUCKING SHEET OR TWO!



You kids these days are retards. Word the fuck up.


I don't think the consensus is that the chart is bullshit, you just happen to be louder than most people. I've done acid before, and I'm not fucked up for life because of it. You are talking about people that do too much acid. TOO MUCH. You're talking about doing acid for life, and eating sheets or two of acid. Of course that will fuck you up psychologically.


Everyone above my age group? I'm 24. You're not automatically wise because you are older, as proven by your posts.

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Exactly. Nobody who just does it every few months and only takes like 1-2 hits at a time is going to be permanently fucked up.


I do know people who seriously eat like 6-7 hits at a time but they are usually hippy chicks who all they talk about is frying 24/7.


They don't seem fucked up but I'm guessing in like 4-5 years if they keep up what they are doing they probably will be

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BTW there are plenty of high functioning ex-hippies who dropped a shitload of acid and now run major corporations and serve as valuable educators


LSD is impossible to overdose on, there was a case study where in the early 70s some people got into this guys stash of crystalized LSD and thought it was cocane. They start doing shitloads because they think its weak. Yeah, they had to be institutionalized for about a month, but after that they were unharmed physiologically, mentally, and emotionally. They estimated the ammount of average doses they took was in the millions.


If you took a million average doses of most any drug it would kill you quick, but LSD dissapates in the body within 15 minutes, serving as a catalyst, releasing natural chemicals that lay dormant in your brain. After that your whole 8 hour trip is just your brain firing a center off repeatedly that normally lays pretty quiet.


and there are a minimal ammout of deaths even associated with acid - compare that with thousands of DUI related fatALITIES, lung cancer, crack and heroin overdoses, meth destruction -



I just wish people could offer up better arguments on here other than "Bcause I said so, really loud!"

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I don't think the consensus is that the chart is bullshit, you just happen to be louder than most people. I've done acid before, and I'm not fucked up for life because of it. You are talking about people that do too much acid. TOO MUCH. You're talking about doing acid for life, and eating sheets or two of acid. Of course that will fuck you up psychologically.


Everyone above my age group? I'm 24. You're not automatically wise because you are older, as proven by your posts.



acid WILL fuck you up ... it doesnt matter how many times you do it really. all it takes is just the one time where you lose it, and your head WILL be fucked up ... just know that. and the chart is bullshit, come on now ... is permanent psychological damage REALLY more harmless than alcohol?? like REALLY??

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youre right .... time spent in jail, losing my house and my girl, and panic attacks for the rest of my life are really no big deal. im a moron


dont blame acid for you fucking up your life, thats your own damn fault.



Plenty of people do all sorts of drugs and dont lose their lives and go to jail - how do you explain that?



and I did a shitload of acid back in the late 90s like a lot of kids I know, not one of us has panic attacks. Never had one in my life.

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I don't think the consensus is that the chart is bullshit, you just happen to be louder than most people. I've done acid before, and I'm not fucked up for life because of it. You are talking about people that do too much acid. TOO MUCH. You're talking about doing acid for life, and eating sheets or two of acid. Of course that will fuck you up psychologically.


Everyone above my age group? I'm 24. You're not automatically wise because you are older, as proven by your posts.


he's not wiser because of his age, he's wiser because he's probably had more experience. just because you're not fucked up for life right now, maybe in 10 years you will be.

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im not blaming acid ... it is my own fault, for DOING acid in the first place ... which is why im here to warn other people to not make the same mistake (no matter what idiots want to claim that its harmless ...) im glad you dont have panic attacks, thats lucky for you ... but you just never know whats going to happen, and i personally dont think that it was worth it

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acid WILL fuck you up ... it doesnt matter how many times you do it really. all it takes is just the one time where you lose it, and your head WILL be fucked up ... just know that. and the chart is bullshit, come on now ... is permanent psychological damage REALLY more harmless than alcohol?? like REALLY??



it just depends on how good your brain is at overcoming this type of shit. i had a girlfriend who went to the hospital because of how nuts she got on her last acid trip. she's perfectly normal (you know, for a woman) now.

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I might I'm not sure. Depends on the E too. Sometimes I get straight MDA OR MDMA ones and sometime they have meth and ketamine and all that fun stuff in them. Acid would be chill my boy is supposedly getting a 10 strip so I'll just buy like one paper hit and chill and drink some beers.


no such thing as straight MDA/MDMA. unless of course you're the chemist who prepared it.

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