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Tune Into Channel Zero


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Approximately fifty years ago


under the direction of President Harry Truman


and in the interest of national security


A group of twelve top military scientific personnel were established


This group's primary objective


was to desensitize us to the truth


And to suppress the material evidence that our planet is being visited


by a group of extraterrestrial biological entities called the grays

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Tune in to channel zero (8X)



Yo, sometimes the road to the truth is, so elusive it's confusin


And reality becomes illusion


If I showed the masses where we was at or where we was goin


I'd shatter the social balance of the world as we know it


I'm talkin bout the grand deception, of 1947


When our souls were sold to the heavens


for technologically advanced weapons


Crystal enhanced, brain implants, and mind control methods


MJ-12 is not majestic


And the focal point of our problems on this planet are not domestic


You can accept it or be stupid and be a skeptic


and fail to recognize the secret society's deathwish


Ninety-seven percent of our Presidents were Masons


Responsible for launderin trillions of dollars from the nation


for the construction of underground military installations


Abductions and cattle mutilations


Experiments on human patients


can take place in several subterranean bases


A hundred and fifty stories below a basement


With knowledge of genetic information, you need to fear science not Satan


Cause through the manipulation of certain biological agents


they create strange creations


Top secret special operations


Low frequency sounds and lasers, people like Carl Sagan


that didn't believe in the Drake equation


were tryin to keep Western civilization on the need-to-know basis


Well you need to know that this is a game


and we're bein betrayed and played in the worst way

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Yo, the holy script from Genesis 1-26


says, "Let us make man in our image under our likeness"


First of all who's THEY?You see if God


was truly a single entity that's not what he would say


We as the Elohim, Gods and Goddesses


posess a marvelously monsterous subconscious


Lifeforms that speak, in very high pitched sounds and squeaks


Short staccato clicks and beeps


A highly advanced form of speech


Even though to us it seems like they only chatterin they teeth


They used to swim deep in the oceans beneath


Til they fins transformed into limbs and they started to creep


Then they evolved into mammals with feet


And walked right from the shorelines onto the beach


They used gravity, cause it's actually the only force around


that could slow time and the speed of light down


The energy grid network, opened the gateway from Earth


to any point in the universe


Livin organisms and various, geomagnetic gravitational, anomaly areas


Space expedition teams in the lunar regions


reported seein, decapyramids and tetrahedrons


Liquid filled shoes, is what they used


to walk across the moon without leavin a clue


of where they been for the past twenty-three billion years


Before life on the surface even appeared


I hope you become aware what I'm spittin in your ear


was intended to stimulate your left-brain's hemisphere


I know it sounds weird, all these motherfuckin answers


and questions to the grand deception




Tune in to channel zero (16X)

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The woman makes the men all pause

And if you got a woman

She might make you forget yours

There's a 5 letter word

To describe her character

But her brains being washed by an actor

And every real man that tries to approach

Come the closer he comes

He gets dissed like a roach



I don't think I can handle

She goes channel to channel

Cold lookin' for that hero

She watch channel zero



She watch, She watch (4x)

(Flavor Ad lib)


2, 7, 5, 4, 8 she watched she said

All added up to zero

And nothing in her head

She turns and turns

And she hopes the soaps

Are for real - she learns

Is that it ain't true, nope

But she won't survive

And rather die and lie

Falls a fool - for some dude - on a tube





Trouble vision for a sister

Because I know she don't know, I quote

Her brains retrained

By a 24 inch remote

Revolution a solution

For all our children

But all her children

Don't mean as much as the show, I mean

Watch her worship the screen, and fiend

For a TV ad

And it just makes me mad

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Jay-Z once said "This is life."



Makaveli once said "It's not about east or west... it's about niggas and bitches, power and money... riders and punks. Which side are you on?"


R. Kelly once said "he looks at the closet. i pull out my berreta. he walks up to the closet. now he's at the closet. now he's opening up the closet."

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i dont know.


but the Government has some some sketchy shit.


so im pretty sure they could cover it up.






anybody ever seen videos made by Alex Jones?


i have. first heard him on coast to coast am around 2003-04. he has alot of good info but some of the shit he says in too far out there...like what happened to china invading us thru canada...?

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i got the Bong!































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