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bojangles --i'm with the last two comments, the middle one takes it. when i scrolled down, and that came up, i instantly liked it. i like the first one as well. the light blue line in the lower right, as well as the brown line that looks like a drop shadow of sorts. nice work as usual.


poesia --i'm really into the first one, and agree you should work with it on canvas. the second one i wasn't feeling at first, but when i began to look at smaller sections individually, i began to like it more.

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omg, i feel so connected to that piece now...


but seriously, bojangles, that middle one! here's the best way i can put it:


first download ANTS OF THE SKY by BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME (if you don't have it)


go to 7:45

thats where i stare at the cream line just below the green at the top of it.

just letting my peripheral take in the rest of what is happening


at about 8:00 to 8:15 i look down towards the dark swirls and the colors behind them. not necessarily focusing on anything, just letting my sight flow on the texture, in the depth, etc... (other art terms i use but don't think the real world recognizes)


at 8:15 i follow the swirl around to the right side of the piece. listen and see the way the feedback flows with the swirls


at 8:24/25 on the crescendo the whole piece kind of explodes in and out of focus and i feel like i want to cry (tears, not yell out) of sheer joy.


sleep on. fly on. in your mind you can find... sleep on. fly on...


as the crescendo dies down, around 8:40, i sort of regain focus and can look at the whole thing as one piece.


sleep on. fly on. in your mind you can find... sleep on. fly on...


then at 9:12 another build up sort of starts and it really hits again how moving the whole piece is.



then i just stare at it for a while. i like it man, very much.



i'm not "good" at art. i've never done much beyond mediocrity or a decent bite, music i'm "good" at. the reason i like "abstract" art so much is because of the movement that i feel in relation to the music i'm listening to.


sometimes music makes good art boring to me, and bad art amusing. sometimes, like in this situation, amazing music compliments something wholly beautiful and i actually feel alive.


(thats the most thought i've put into a post in my entire 8 year career with 12 oz. grats, keep it up)

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so a while back i posted a painting with fragments all over it. joker tossed me a line and i ran with it. heres the result.



plus a little something older....



ive lost sleep because this thing keeps showing up in my dreams. This thing has haunted me for years...still working on it though.




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Mark Schoening












My friend, six months of a beard upon his face, had just flown back from Georgia, the last stop after hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. I picked him up at the airport and, after the hug, the small talk, after the moments when he had my eyes to concentrate upon, the fear set in, the anxiety; I watched his head snap to attention at the slightest movement. To me, it was the usual airport motion. To him, it was as if he saw strangers firing shotguns at the ceiling. The barrage was too much, the information, the quick succession, and for the week he stayed in my apartment I would often catch him with his eyes closed dreaming far off dreams back toward desolation.

I do not have the luxury of escape. In this century, in this moment, few of us do. Information piles up: the advertisements, the mechanisms, the media, the people. I am attached to it, in the midst of it, a part of it. However, as a painter, I am also a witness and a reactionary. My paintings are manifestations of the same barrage my friend shied away from. The paintings speak of information explosions, where an entire environment can be physically contained in a seamlessly presented two-dimensional world. It is a reaction to the age of technology we find ourselves living in. The way we look at, perceive, and process ideas has changed, and because of that, because of what the viewer brings to the experience, these painting could not have been created in any other time. This is not so much a comment on myself as it is the viewer. They now have the ability to take in numerous ideas and aesthetic techniques all at once as a consequence of their everyday lives. What I am doing is letting the ideas fall in a frozen plane, allowing for further investigation.



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What are your thoughts on Diebenkorn?


My thoughts on his work aren't all that vast, as I only know of a few pieces from his Ocean Park series. (Was that what it was called?) I recall liking the work but at the same time feeling like I wanted to go into it and clean it up. I think he captured the link between crisp and sloppy at the same time wonderfully.


The funny thing about this question is my Grandmother had a framed print of his from the Ocean Park series. I want to say it was #70. Anyway, she loved this style of abstract art... so much so that she bought some original works by a cuban artists showing in DC just after I was born. I can't remember the name of the artist right now but my Mom was telling me that after my Grandmother died she had the original pieces appraised. Come to find out this Cuban artist became collectible and his work sought after in certain collectible circles. The three pieces, now in my Mothers possession are worth quite a bit. The reason I bring it up is because this guys work looks so similar to Rich's work that it's uncanny.


I wish I could paint sloppy but still have my lines be distinguished and make sense... flow even. I'm destined to start painting again but I've already told myself that going back to what I was doing wasn't part of the deal. It'll be interesting to see what I do, if I do anything at all.


Thanks for the question...

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Thats interesting, I thought you'd really like him, although now it sort of makes sense why you wouldn't be crazy about him. I really like his earlier strait abstract expressionist stuff. There's surprisingly little on the net of hi work except for the ocean park series and figurative stuff. If i find the time ill find some of his earlier work and post it up.

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The paintings speak of information explosions, where an entire environment can be physically contained in a seamlessly presented two-dimensional world. It is a reaction to the age of technology we find ourselves living in. The way we look at, perceive, and process ideas has changed, and because of that, because of what the viewer brings to the experience, these painting could not have been created in any other time.... What I am doing is letting the ideas fall in a frozen plane, allowing for further investigation.




Awesome awesome, perfect description written here

I've been thinking about communication a lot lately

To me this is a great example of it's translation to paint/art/2d form

Thanks for all your art post poesia, I hope to join in...soonish ha

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ok,im really slow but i just found this thread and i thinks it great!good to see writers feeling this stuff,i was way abstract in 2001-2003 and looking at this i regret i didnt keep working my abstrcts..i went into stained glass..i'll post pics if i can work out how...great stuff up here n thanks to all of you-inspiring stuff.

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