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What have u lost while bombing.


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I haven't lost much, mostly I think I lost stuff but get it back. One time I thought I lost my car key somewhere on a long, dark, muddy in-and-out route to a highway spot. But not only was the key in the ignition, the back door was unlocked for some reason so I was all set.

Another time I was doing a highway, a wall at the top of a hill by the highway, and my can of white rolled all the fucking way (50+ ft) down into the breakdown lane in front of hella traffic. I fetched it and finished the spot, no trouble.

Another time I had 3 cans of true blue and was just going to catch stock tip tags along the highway, jumping out of the car with one can. Lost the tip on can 1 popping the top off. Ditto can 2. Ditto can 3. End of mission.

I'd love to see all the shit you fools have lost, piled on a table for the camera like those police raid stashes.

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My friend lost his tripod, i've had to ditch a bag with 5 cans, 3 mops and a few meanstreaks in it.

I've had my mom throw out near a hundred cans before, alongside 100-200 stickers that i had done and most of my mops, after i got arrested.

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on the why you would bring a wallet conversation..i have been bringing mine lately but only with the minimal lately i.e. money and id.. and theonly reason for the id is that i am on probation and i would rather not get hassled and all of a sudden i have no idea which in turn gives them more reason to fuck with me. plus im ocd so i wallet and cell phone check probably every 2 minutes so its not far if i lose either.


also lost a backpack,paint, caps, a beer, and a shirt

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Speaking of car keys. I once was leaving some freight spot in Jersey and when I went to turn the corner at the end of the trail there was a cop there.

Like 2 feet infront of me all "hi there".

I bolted back up the trail while dropping my bag of paint in the weeds he's all "wait! I'm a police officer!!!" :lol:


I hopped over the layup and went to run down this other trail which ended up being a steep ass hill and it was dark as shit so next thing you know I'm doing summersalts head over heels down this trail and about a 3rd of the way down I hear my keys hit the ground.

Mind you I'm being chased and have no time or will to stop and look for them so I just keep running and end up hidding in some weeds under some highway in Newark NJ while helicopters are flying around and cop cars are racing around.

I eventually ended up crashing out there for a few hours till the sun came up and the coast was clear.

I kept a mental note of where I heard my keys hit the ground and spent another hour or so looking for them.

Finally I'm like "fuckit, they're gone". and get ready to head up the hill when I saw them.


Surprisingly my bag of paint was also right where i dropped it.

I'll bet the fat old fuck didn't even bother to chase me in the first place.


Did I mention that my boy I worked with was passed out drunk in my car this whole time? :lol:

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I lost a $100 dollar bill painting freights once and i didn't even know it until i went and got day flicks and there it was.....chilling on the ground. It was also at a spot where bums chill, so that would have lasted a lucky bum like a year.


* oh yeah. Why are ya'll fools painting w/ ipods? that's just dumb to me.

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broken or lost glass pipes, hats, weed, cell phones and luckely always found them(phones) again, one time i was in another city painting and my boy lost the keys to the car and i thought we were completely screwed and after retrasing are steps and not finding shit i thought we were stranded in another state only for me to climb back up this billboard and find the keys on the platform

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