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i agree with skippy


(about the "right to bear arms" law to be regulated."). one gun per household and a 9 mil.


that "right to bear arms" thing was written during a time when the US was a poor country with a small army, depended heavily on civilian-armed militia, and the frontiers were an unknown wilderness crawling with injuns, british, french, spanish, mexicans, bears, and witchcraft.

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that "right to bear arms" thing was written during a time when the US was a poor country with a small army, depended heavily on civilian-armed militia, and the frontiers were an unknown wilderness crawling with injuns, british, french, spanish, mexicans, bears, and witchcraft.


exactly. people seem to forget that what may have been relevant to a society 100+ years ago isn't necessarily relevant now.

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Re: gunman kills 21


ya its weird, i hate to hear shit like this happens - but i'm totally just zoned about by the news now a days. its like stuff like this happens everyday - so i just kind of blow it off. rip those peeps though.


Yeah, I really find it hard to care about anything liek this. Its just more sad shit that I choose not to worry about because I'd just be depressed all the time.

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Hitler would of loved me. Light hair, blue eyes, and athletic.


I'm just saying, April has a shitty history since way before what was mentioned.





" * The American Revolution (Started with Paul Revere's Ride: April 18-19 April 1775)

* The American Civil War (Started April, 1861, ended April, 1865, thus "Across Five Aprils")

* The Bosnian War began in the first days of April, 1992

* The Rwandan Genocide began in April, 1994

* The Armenian Genocide began in April 24, 1914


Other events that have occurred in the month of April include:


* President Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865)

* The Frank Slide (April 29, 1903)

* The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (April 18, 1906)

* The sinking of the RMS Titanic (April 14-15 April 1912)

* The Armenian Genocide (April 24, 1915)

* Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination (April 4, 1968)

* Super Tornado Outbreak (April 3-4, 1974)

* Chernobyl nuclear accident (April 26, 1986)

* The 1992 Los Angeles Riots after the Rodney King verdict (April 29, 1992)

* The bloody end to the Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas (April 19, 1993)

* The Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19, 1995)

* In Lebanon, at least 106 Lebanese civilians are killed when the Israel Defense Forces shell the UN compound at Qana (see Qana Massacre). (April 18, 1996)

* The Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, Australia (April 28, 1996)

* The Columbine High School massacre in Littleton, Colorado (April 20, 1999)

* The 2007 Virginia Tech shooting in Blacksburg, Virginia (April 16, 2007).


[edit] Events in April"

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why people are doing it? two of the main reasons i'd imagine would be:


a. mental illness, coupled with easy access to firearms equals dead people. considering the state of health care, and accessibility to it for the poor, mental illness is nowhere near adequately treated.


b. anger born out of frustration/stress/tragedy/whateverthefuck, coupled with easy access to firearms equals dead people.


What about violence in the media? Receding family values and or lack of family structure? Who's teaching these people what's right and what's wrong? I agree with you on automatic weapons, there is no need. Every male member of my family, excluding myself owns a firearm. Hunting rifles. A shotgun or two. Service revolvers. I see nothing wrong about this at all. Why punish people who are responsible with their firearms because of the stupidity of others? In that case, let's ban alcohol again because a few of us can't drink responsibly. Prohibition worked great the first time around after all. Millions of people are responsible gun owners in this country. You don't cut off the head because you have a headache. And constitutional rights? My family has been here from day one. I have ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War. I was taught from a very young age that the constitution is something so important, you do not compromise it. It's a matter of principle. I'm gonna stop - I actually hate discussing shit like this for real, because at the end of the day abc is still going to think he's right, I'm still going to think I'm right. Que sera. What happened is fucked though. I've been listening to the radio, apparently it was two seperate shootings two hours apart - the school was on lockdown after the first, then they lifted it? Fucked up. The shooter was a Chinese national here on a student visa? Shit's crazy...

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Haha wasup with the videos already popping up on You Tube. I like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsLVajEwlWc which says it was an asian racist after some pecker woods in Virginia. Every word of that sentence makes no sense. Asian, racist, virginia, shooting.



What does make sense is the URL that pops up at the end of that video takes you to a website with a picture of nazi germany and the caption *paradise lost.*


Yall need to chill out on that fuck the fob shit, cus youre regurgitating some shit first said by a neo nazi.

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after reading about the whole "two hour gap" in which there was a shooting on the campus, where two people got killed, and then the bulk of the killings were two hours later -- this tells me that the school's security and the university's performance was pathetic.


it amazes me that a shooting occured on campus, and kids are just told about it in an e-mail as if it were a small matter, and are going to class like nothing happened. when he started shooting the second time, students even heard gunshots in the building and didn't suspect it was gunshots -- even though people were killed 2 hours earlier.


there needs to be a lot of firings taking place.

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